hello, it has been awhile . pray all is well with all my spiritual clients. lately I have been taking a good look at my life and evaluating what do I really want. I am in the process of writing my book which I believe will help others get through this journey call life. the summer is whining down as you can smell the coolness and the beautiful weather tampering off. I look back as it is 8 months into the year and I feel like I could have done more. my life seems like I am on a treadmill which I walk but you do not reach my destination. it seems I am in the valley of life striving to crawl out. I am unemployed with my little unemployment check I struggle to keep my house car and put food on the table. although I have so much against me I truly believe when I get rid of my imaginary boundaries that restrict me from achieving my goals I can arrive and reach my goals. this too shall pass as it says in the bible. I know I am only going through a storm but I am not stuck in the storm. a rainbow awaits me with my pot of gold if I keep focus on the lord to keep me steady and on track. when jesus was with his disciples on the boat during the storm peter walked on the water toward jesus only when he looked away from him he fell in the water. when are life is unbalance and in chaos is when we are like peter and look away. keep your eye on your supreme being know that you are not in control . the one that set the stars in the heavens, place the planets in the sky, created man and its animals see the whole picture . he will put the puzzle together . keep the faith never give up we were not born to suffer and struggle always know This too shall pass- God has a better plan. Only when we try to control our own lives we will keep circling that mountain and never rise to the top of it. may you all enjoy the rest of your summer . keep safe keep healthy god bless luv malena