The spring equinox chart set for April 20, clearly showed volatile/potentially deadly events involving children, as discussed on blog talk radio with Astrologernyc, and needless to say this event is one of many that will occur this month as the Grand Cross becomes exact.
The ascendant of the chart for this event is 27 degrees of Aries, ruled by Mars the planet that governs steel, guns and knives and is a male influence. The perpetrator is a 16 year old male Sophomore according to reports.
Mars is retrograde at 18 degrees of Libra in the 6th house, having just crossed the Sun in the 12th house, and Mars opposing the Sun shows a violent event (s) will occur.
Two other planets along with the Sun: Mercury and Uranus, lie in the twelfth house of situations that are secret and hidden and the twelfth house is considered the house of subversive activities.
Mercury rules young people and in Aries shows an angry, determined young man, acting impulsively, and the Sun opposes Mars and Uranus at 18-19 degrees of Aries/Libra.
The four planets in involved in the grand cross: Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter lie in the twelfth, ninth house of education and third house (ruling the mind, neighborhoods), and Mars is now within orb to set off events of the grand cross.
The moon lies at twelve degrees of Leo in the fifth house showing us children, square Saturn in Scorpio revealing a grim event involving children with eighth house connotations of death.
Venus and Neptune are conjunct within three degrees of Pisces in the eleventh house of groups/institutions (school) and Neptune shows the possibility of drug involvement of some type and/or a confused, unstable individual. He may have had a convaluted emotional-romantic entanglement.
The school was reported to not have metal detectors.