Tarot: The 6 of Swords. This energy says that the challenges, obstacles and restrictions you’ve been dealing with are now breaking down and being resolved.
Life’s been tough, but you’ve prevailed. There were times when you thought you wouldn’t make it, but you did.
There may have been health challenges or injuries; emotional issues, restrictions, heavy responsibilities, and lots of overwhelming events. But through it all, you remained strong and resilient. That’s what got you through all of this.
Now, it’s time to move forward, start over and rebuild. You may be feeling a bit drained, exhausted and confused. But your mind is clearing and you’re beginning to understand what you need to do next.
As things begin to settle down, so will you. As you do, you’ll feel the winds of change shifting in your favor. It’s time to stop resisting and go with the flow; it is taking you and your loved ones to a better, happier place.
This energy can also mean that emotional issues, injuries and health concerns are healing. Conflicts and legal concerns are being resolved in your favor.
As you move forward into more peaceful waters, leave all of the stress, worry and fear behind you. The worst is over and you can look forward to the future. This energy also represents flow and motion, so travel, moving and changing jobs are also possible.
Once you decide what you want and formulate your plans things could happen quickly. No more waiting, no more delays, so grab on…and hold on tight, you could be in for quite a ride!
Ascended One Melchizedek says ‘Spiritual Law of Attraction’. This situation has come to you via the spiritual Law of Attraction. You’ve attracted certain people or situations because they mirror your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. In the same way, people and situations that you once found desirable are now moving out of your life as you’ve shifted your energy through your spiritual path.
‘Like attracts like’ means that everything, and everyone that you draw into your life is similar to your thought patterns. If you want to change what or who you attract, hold more positive, loving, and joyful thoughts. The ascended ones and angels can help you with this shift.
This situation isn’t a reward or punishment; you have attracted it, which means that you can also repel or magnify it as you choose.
You can change or heal this situation by elevating your thoughts to a more positive level. Your prayers and affirmations have attracted a wonderful new person or situation into your life.
Ascended One Aengus says ‘Twin Flame’. There’s a kindred spirit around you. It could be your soul mate. The ‘twin-flame’ relationship is the deepest form of romantic love. To form such a partnership, you must follow your inner guidance, learn personal growth lessons, and have patience with Divine timing.
Once twin flames find each other, everything in their life reaches new heights of love and light. Keep your heart open, stay positive, and follow your guidance to manifest your prayers about your love life.
Aengus once said: ‘Never become a slave or captive to any person, substance, or situation. Be a willing servant. Give freely from a willing heart. In this way, you ensure freedom from the ensnarement of resentment, which builds up like plaque around the fond heart and extinguishes rapture. Give freely to your love, without regard for reward or consequences, but simply motivated by the pure pleasure that comes from giving … and that is its own reward.’
Ascended One Lugh says ‘Persistence’. Through persistent action and positive thinking, your dreams are manifesting into form. This is a time for you to stay persistent.
Give any discouragement to Lugh and the angels, who will strengthen your faith and give you signs of your progress.
You’re almost there, so keep going. It may help to break large projects into smaller steps so that you’ll feel the thrill of accomplishment with each step you take. Persistency pays off. Stick with it!
Overcome procrastination tendencies and take action today. Chip away at your dreams and desires with daily action steps. Stay positive and visualize your dreams as already manifested. Commit to your dreams for the long haul.♥
Certified Angel Card Reader™ (CACR™)