The Tarot as a tool with professional Psychic readings
The Tarot is far more than a deck of cards with elaborate pictures in the hands of a professional Psychic reader. A professional Psychic will use the Tarot as a very insightful and helpful tool. The images and sense a Psychic gets from using the Tarot cards can be amazing in accuracy. It is amazing as it is a wonder how this can actually be so. Its called a 'gift' and many regard as simply that and dont question much more about its source. The ability to be able to use the Tarot in this way to connect with another person or situation and for so much to be revealed truly is a 'gift' as I see it!
There are many Psychic abilities and there are many tools. The Tarot is simply one tool. There is no judgment and there should not be I believe as regards what tool a Psychic uses or what their ability is. Some Psychics for example simply can not do phone readings. This actually isnt about ability. They are clairaudient you see! They 'hear' information coming to them. So phone readings are a no go for certain Psychics and their abilities. Others need to use other tools for example a photo. Many Psychics who read from the Tarot also need a date of birth to help connect.
I dont need date of birth in my work as a reader. I am a reader on Keen and my name is Anandas Word. A full time professional Psychic using the Tarot as a tool and have been since 2008. Though I had been reading Tarot for about 10 years prior to that! It wasnt until 2008 that this became my full time professional activity. I love what I do and continue to be delighted and fascinated by how the information a person needs comes to me time and again in readings. I appreciate the ability I have. It is wonderful to be able to help others in this way. Psychic ability is truly a gift when it is used to help others.
There is a different level a Psychic is at when reading professionally. There is a responsibility and there are ethics. Also quite simply a person you are reading for expects value for money! Its not like when performing a Psychic reading for your friends. Your friend is far more likely to be happy with a fluffier or vague response. Or a general answer.
A professional Psychic like I am who uses the Tarot benefits from having good communication skills in order to be successful. It also helps to be a fast typist! Especially with live chat readings where 'time is money'! I happen to be a touch typist. Which means I dont need to look at the keyboard and this certainly picks up my speed. Clients appreciate getting their answers and insights faster! To be mindful of a clients purse strings helps to grow trust I believe. A client wont appreciate a reader who keeps them hanging on while the clock ticks their money away! This is not a key to building trust between Psychic and client.
There is more to being a succesful professional Psychic than ability to connect. There are also ethics and standards. What was mentioned just now is to do with respect. Respecting the clients time and money. Another aspect of respect in a reading is to tell the truth in a clear but supportive way. Not to give 'false hope' or 'sugar coated' too much.
One thing which I feel separates a good Psychic from a great one is to do with personal empowerment. Its not helpful I believe to remove the fact of free will and personal responsibility from a reading. A great Psychic will help a person to feel empowered. Stronger, clearer with greater insight and direction. I certainly always aim to do this in my readings. My client Feedback is a testament to that effort.
One thing which I feel separates a good Psychic from a great one is to do with personal empowerment. Its not helpful I believe to remove the fact of free will and personal responsibility from a reading. A great Psychic will help a person to feel empowered. Stronger, clearer with greater insight and direction. I certainly always aim to do this in my readings. My client Feedback is a testament to that effort.
A good Psychic may use the Tarot in a reading and see someones path. What or who is around the person. This Psychic can then go on to discuss this path in a session with a client. Discuss and predict what they see highly likely to happen next. How people involved are thinking and feeling. What the other people are highly likely to do next. This is a good reading. The client is getting a lot of information. Though it is not a great Psychic reading. Free will and personal responsibility is missing.
The client can sign out of this reading mentioned above and think that this path the Psychic discussed is pretty much certain to happen.......regardless. What is missing here is not accuracy necessarily. Its what separates a great professional level reader from simply a good one. That is, the communication of the sense that, 'regardless what you do the same result will happen.' Free will and personal responsibility is missing here. False hope can be given that this result will happen regardless of what actions take place. The reading is too 'sugar coated.'
The clients own behaviours and attitudes arent addressed in this reading example discussed. As if the clients actions wont affect the outcome. As if how a person handles a situation, how they speak and think doesnt affect outcome. It does. This is personal responsibility. We all have the free will to act as we choose. Having a reading doesnt alter free will. A great Psychic in a reading will do the same as a good Psychic but will remind a person that they need to help, not hinder their situation and themselves. The reminder that we are in fact in the drivers seat as regards outcomes quite often.
This increases personal empowerment. A sense of being in the driving seat in our own lives. A professional Psychic who is of a high standard will have the ethics to not want to encourage dependency on Psychic readings. Rather to encourage personal development with a client. This is where ethics play a part. The ethics in being a professional Psychic at a high standard. The Tarot is a tool and the Psychic offers guidance using this tool. When used responsibly, this gift is truly a wonderful thing!
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