Choosing a deck.
My first deck, like most of us, was the rider waite deck. I used that deck for almost 8 years and then disaster hit and I lost the deck. If I told you that my dog ate my deck, I wouldn’t be lying. So I started looking for a new deck. I had been told that the best way to get a new deck it that someone else should pick it for you, but all the decks that were given to me just didn’t feel right. I just couldn’t connect with them. I felt like goldie locks. Some felt to heavy, some were to soft, I just couldn’t connect, so I started putting it out into the universe for a new deck. A few weeks went by and then I was in a book store a saw a deck. It was in a locked windowed case so I couldn’t touch it. I stared at it for a few minutes and then walked away to look at books. I kept going back to the deck to look at it. Thinking that I wanted to touch it, but didn’t. After I left the store, I couldn’t get that deck out of my head. After awhile and after window shopping, I went back to the book store and stared at the deck again. While I was standing there a clerk came up and asked if I wanted to look at it and so I finally held the deck. I fell in love. It felt so right in my hands that I immediately bought it. I’ve been using this deck ever since and haven’t thought about ever getting another deck.
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