I wanted to share this Novena with you all. It is something that I sent out back in October but I feel it will Bless someone who really needs to read it. It is a good idea to begin this today/tonight and make an effort to do it for 9 days straight as we enter this new year.
One of my favorite parts of studying Religions is seeing different how different Faiths praise and ask for assistance. I grew up Catholic (and am now a non-denominational Christian Minister) and there are many aspects of Catholic worship that I still admire, including special Prayers. I would like to share one with you today called the Novena to the Holy Angels. A 'Novena' is a Prayer that is said for 9 consecutive days at roughly the same time. So if you say it at night one day, say it at night for the next 8 days. (Novenas are not exclusive to Catholicism, though that is my connection to them.) Some people were asking me recently about Prayers to help, so this is for you! This is the Novena to the Holy Angels:
"Bless the Lord, all you His Angels. You who are mighty in strength and do His will, intercede for me at the throne of God. By your unceasing watchfulness protect me in every danger of Soul and body. Obtain for me the grace of final perseverance, so that after this life I may be admitted to your glorious company and with you may sing the praises of God for all eternity.
"All you Holy Angels and Archangels, Thrones and Dominations, Principalities and Powers and Virtues of Heaven, Cherubim and Seraphim, and especially you, my dear Guardian Angel, intercede for me and obtain for me the special favor I now ask.
"[Ask for your special favor, want, need, etc. I often ask, in addition, for things such as peace of mind, happiness, and for my special favor to ONLY happen if it is in God's Will and, if it is not, to help me see that it is not and move forward.]
"Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Hallelujah."
I hope that, to some, this may be beneficial. I will be Praying this the next 9 nights (including later tonight).
Blessings Always,
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