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12/30 - A Novena to the Holy Angels

Hello! I will do my best to be online tonight between 8-9pm Eastern Time. I woke up with a very stiff and sore neck/back/shoulder with pain that has become worse through the day. I think I know why: I've been knitting a blanket and have been trying to watch a movie on my phone while I do it which leads to a bad posture and I noticed I become stiff when I do that. So hopefully it goes away soon! I will do my best to be online tonight, though!

I wanted to share this Novena with you all. It is something that I sent out back in October but I feel it will Bless someone who really needs to read it. It is a good idea to begin this today/tonight and make an effort to do it for 9 days straight as we enter this new year.

One of my favorite parts of studying Religions is seeing different how different Faiths praise and ask for assistance. I grew up Catholic (and am now a non-denominational Christian Minister) and there are many aspects of Catholic worship that I still admire, including special Prayers. I would like to share one with you today called the Novena to the Holy Angels. A 'Novena' is a Prayer that is said for 9 consecutive days at roughly the same time. So if you say it at night one day, say it at night for the next 8 days. (Novenas are not exclusive to Catholicism, though that is my connection to them.) Some people were asking me recently about Prayers to help, so this is for you! This is the Novena to the Holy Angels:

"Bless the Lord, all you His Angels. You who are mighty in strength and do His will, intercede for me at the throne of God. By your unceasing watchfulness protect me in every danger of Soul and body. Obtain for me the grace of final perseverance, so that after this life I may be admitted to your glorious company and with you may sing the praises of God for all eternity.

"All you Holy Angels and Archangels, Thrones and Dominations, Principalities and Powers and Virtues of Heaven, Cherubim and Seraphim, and especially you, my dear Guardian Angel, intercede for me and obtain for me the special favor I now ask.

"[Ask for your special favor, want, need, etc. I often ask, in addition, for things such as peace of mind, happiness, and for my special favor to ONLY happen if it is in God's Will and, if it is not, to help me see that it is not and move forward.]

"Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Hallelujah."

I hope that, to some, this may be beneficial. I will be Praying this the next 9 nights (including later tonight).

Blessings Always,


P.S. You can find this mail and other messages in my blog here on Keen which you can access from my listings (if you need help, let me know). If you would like to be taken off my main email list and only receive important updates, please let me know!

Corner Of Light's Angel Card Message For December 31 ,2020

Angel Card Message For December 31, 2020: "For people who are single, Archangel Uriel helps you to discover the beauty of a happy and successful relationship. He makes you aware that by following the path of love, you will find joy and fulfilment, you will experience the true riches of life. You cannot block love in yourself; you have to open your heart to this miraculous energy, and you will see that your entire life will change. For people in a relationship, Archangel Uriel’s is presence is a good time to organize the relationship you share with each other.: Happy Thursday and New Year's Eve Blessings, Sherry Corner Of Light

12/31 - Your New Journey Begins


Hello! I will be available tonight for New Year's Eve chats between 8-9pm Eastern Time. I wish I could be on more but, unfortunately, most of my day will be spent watching after my grandfather; he has dementia and requires constant care and eyes on him. Due to that, I cannot be certain of fitting in more time at any other point during the day, unfortunately.


New Year's Eve is upon us. It is a bittersweet day. On one hand, I believe many of us are eager to leave the dreaded 2020 behind and move forward with hope. On another hand, letting go of a year can sometimes be difficult as it brings about the realization that time continues to go on and sometimes we feel anxiety over the things that perhaps we didn't accomplish in the ending year. I know for me, personally, I am feeling both this year. I am glad to see 2020 go but it also is a wake-up call that there were many things I wanted to do this year that I was unable to do, or goals that I did not reach. If you are feeling in that same boat, let me reassure you that you are not alone and that you and I (and countless others) must keep this in mind: You are about to embark on a journey. A new journey. See 2021 as a fresh start in all ways.


Each year I like to pick a 'keyword' which acts as my focal point for the year. This year I think I will pick 'acceptance.' It can be hard to accept the truth or reality. I feel I have made a lot of progress on acceptance over the years, but I want 2021 to be a year where I can fully accept situations, events, myself, and others. I have been doing Readings Professionally since 2009 both online and offline and I know that acceptance is hard for many. Some have trouble accepting that a love interest isn't quite 'into' them the same way, or that their ex no longer has feelings. Some have trouble accepting that their old flame has moved on, or that the job they want is not going to be theirs. I understand the difficulty of acceptance; I, too, am human. I have had to face many instances where I had to accept that a love interest wasn't interested, that boyfriends were cheating, that I was alone, that I was struggling financially, that times were hard, etc. Once you come into acceptance, things become easier; it is my wish that we all can come into acceptance more and look forward to brighter and better days. Pick a keyword for yourself this year and keep it in the forefront of your mind.


May this journey that we are all beginning be one of learning about ourself, our life, and our choices. I will be here for you every step of the way, if needed. If you have not used the 5 free minutes I sent out a few days ago, please consider using them if even to get a short chat in on the coming year. I love to help, especially if you are ready to listen. ;) Tarot Cards can provide much guidance and insight, as can Angel Therapy Oracle Cards. A good idea is to stop by for a quick chat and ask me to pull an Angel Card for what you need to focus on for the coming year, or what 2021 will bring as a whole.


Happy New Year,



P.S. You can find this mail and other messages in my blog here on Keen which you can access from my listings (if you need help, let me know). If you would like to be taken off my main email list and only receive important updates, please let me know!

Chinese Fortune Stick Reading of the Day

~ Stick # 15 ~

The hill walker faints from the heat of the sun,
So Nature's curse will soon strike you down too.
Like a bird driven by predators from its nest,
You'll only find solace in the depths of the forest.


As a bird seeks shelter in the forest, you will encounter hardship and troubles at first, but all your troubles will eventually be over. Do not seek revenge on people who have hurt you, nor should you attempt false reconciliations; simply live and let live. Be cautious about your personal safety, as there is a chance of an accident. Existing relationships will grow stronger, but few new ones are likely to be formed soon. Your work will go well, and you may be offered a promotion.

Troubles have come upon you. Perhaps you have overstretched yourself or have been unlucky. Your ordinary, settled way of life has been turned upside down. Do not pretend this is not happening. It is. What you need to do is learn from this. Go deep within yourself, go deep within your own faith, and find at the center of your own dark forest the strength to recover, to learn, and to start again. It is there.


Each day I sit down, take up the cup of sticks and ask the same question, “What does the Keen community need to know or hear today?”  I shake the cup until a stick (or 2 or 3…) falls out.  I then post the stick number and the meanings for you to get what you can out of them.

The sticks themselves are a form of I-Ching.  There are a total of 64 sticks in the set that I use* with a poem and small interpretation/story to go along with each stick.   The poems, meanings and reflections are meant to be read and (as a good friend of mine once said) marinated in.  In our culture, we’ve grown accustomed to getting instant gratification.  In other words, we’re used to everything being given to us with little or no work on our parts.  These readings are the exact opposite of that type of attitude.

Chinese Fortune sticks are meant to make us slow down and reflect on what is being said.  As each sticks’ meaning can be profoundly personal to each person who reads them, it’s more important for you to read them rather than have someone give you a watered down version.  These readings are meant to sing to a level of your consciousness and bring you a measure of peace, or at least enlightenment.

The best way to get the most you can out of these readings is to approach them with an open mind.  Before sitting down to read that morning’s reading, make some quiet time for yourself.  Sit still for a moment and clear your mind.  Silence the chatter in your head and take a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly.  Once you feel yourself slow down a little (or a lot), read through the reading of the day.  Go over it a few times if you feel the need.  Then take a moment, sit back and think about what that reading means for you.  Some will be very straightforward; others require a bit more thinking.  Either way, let the reading from the sticks guide you that day on the decisions or experiences you have.  These aren’t meant to tell you what to think, but rather to help you look at things in a different way or to allow you to access truths you already have.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me!!

* written by Zhao Xiaomin & Martin Palmer

Arriana's Daily Tarot ! Thursday December 31st !!

Welcome to A's Daily Tarot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Strength Card Today we draw from our inner strength. This card sees that tact and diplomacy will go further than an angry word. The focus for us is not to give up, truth and light will win over tyranny and darkness if we are strong. Life gets difficult but we must preserve to attain what is rightfully ours. Strength comes from within us, our motivation and drives help us go forward. Do not give up, have faith in your beliefs to hold on to your desires. Blessings Arriana

Your Moment of Zen

Get Your BOOM Call On with Isabella Swan!! FASTEST 3 MIN CALLS on KEEN! Champagne & Fireworks 4 U! !


Drive Carefully and Love Carefully! ♥️☃️♥️ GOD BLESS AMERICA ♥️☃️♥️ .


Noon to Midnight Today NEW YEARS EVE ~ Callbacks & Appointments Taken ~ Authentic Clairvoyant, Authentic Person

The Best & the FASTEST

👒☔️👒 New Years ENTIRE LIFE PATH Reading Available.

⛅️⛵️🍊 “With the New Day Comes New Strength and New Thoughts.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


The Moon is in Gemini Today The Key Thought of the Day is Harmony in Word and Mind! Mercury is prominent today, bringing with it the Gift of Gab, and Laughter with Friends. Rely On the Laughter if You Find Yourself Too Serious Today!

ISABELLA SWAN: Expert in Career Strategy. Building, Planning, and SOCIAL STRADEGY in the OFFICE. I am an ABSOLUTE EXPERT In “WHO You Can Trust!”

🦋 “First time caller and as I write today she was right about everything. Me and my POI are doing well and working on moving forward. Thanks so much.” ~ 10/16/2020

🦋 “As always Michelle is amazingly accurate Everything she has told me has come to pass. A great reader with a true gift. No candy coating! I can recommend Michelle 100%. Thank you, Michelle.” ~7/12/2020

😈 This Halloween 🎃 2020 Witch’s Joke: Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble, Get me a Bubble Bath on the Double! 😈 It’s a Gypsy Crystal Ball Reader Costume for me this 2020! Giving Clairvoyant Readings at a small private party and then headed home for Keen and extra Candy! 🌕

🌕🍁FALL: 🔥 The Season of True Love & Commitment ~ 🍁 Warmth, 🔥 Hearth, 👘 Home & Forever ❤️

🌕🍁TUESDAY September 22 2020 (Autumn Equinox)

I am snuggled up to the fire today with my new Angelic Crystal Healing book. 🐰🌷🐰


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “She is on point and super quick and confident she knows things its scary." ~ 7/4/2020

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “She has an uncanny ability to see things. Case in point, I sent the poi a pic of me and she asked if I was wearing a bikini I was showing my bra strap. The pic only showed the top of my arm and me looking back. It blew me away. “

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “She is wonderful, she is insightful, detailed and very connected. She has been very helpful a few months ago and was so helpful again. I am so grateful I got to speak with her.” ~ September 9, 2020

🧡NOON to FOUR pm PST 🧡 SAT & SUN 💖

WEEKEND & WEEK DAY HAPPY HOUR 💖💖💖 LUNCH TIME SPECIAL, GIRLS! Get up to the Minute Updates on your Soulmate for the Price of a Ham and Cheese Sandwich! ☔️⛄️☔️


Are you his Godiva Chocolates of Women?

Are You His 3rd Gade Valentine? You His Anti Depressants in High Heels?

Do you know it, and want to Own it?

🌹🏰🌹 Get Yout BOOM Call ON! 🌹🏰🌹

* This Year: 2020 * I HAVE CORRECTLY PREDICTED 7 Engagements, 4 Valentines Bouquets, 38 Phone Calls, and 7 Relationship Reunions!

Where, When, Why And Who?

Super Fast Psychic Predictions! Accurate! TRUSTED On Keen for 20 years. Lighting speed, Grab a pen. Details, details, details!!!

“As always Michelle is amazingly accurate. Everything she told me has come to pass. A great reader with a true gift. No candy coating! I can recommend Michelle 100%. Thank you, Michelle.”
~ 7/12/2020

🦋🦋🦋 The Universes Has Shaken You to Awaken You. ~ Unknown 🦋🦋🦋

Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Empath, Symbolist, Numerology, Astrology, Angel Communication, Spell Craft, Black Mirror Scrying, Tea Leaves, Romance Cartomancy, Runes, Mediumship, Guardian Angel Tarot, Biblomancy.

It’s Almost 2021! ~ Champagne & Fireworks! ~ I am here until Midnight!


🍯🔥🍯 Every Minute is HALF PRICE during PSYCHIC HAPPY HOUR on Keen.com with ISABELLA SWAN! 🍯🔥🍯

☃️🧸☃️ Santa Baby, Forgot to mention One little thing ☃️🧸☃️

A Ring, I don’t mean on the phone.”

☃️🧸☃️ Santa Baby Lyrics by Eathra Kitt ☃️🧸☃️

❤️🧸❤️ Liquid Incense Cinnamon Aphrodisiac 🧸❤️🧸

6 to 12 Cinnamon Sticks

Pot of Simmering Water

Simmer for 20 Minutes!


Optional, according to taste:

One whole Orange, cut into quarters.

Handful of Cloves

Metaphysical Properties:

Cinnamon: Romance. Security. Abundance. Orange:Sweet, trustworthy love. Clove: Love, romance, prosperity.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5.0 FEEDBACK

“Super I tuned and accurate!!!!”


“Thank you so much her insights have unfolded in the past. She knows things you did not ask. She does have a vision to see things. . . and, I am patiently waiting for her current insights to manifest...will be calling her back again. Simply the best.” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Wowowow! Before I finished my sentence she was calling it out on my POI and pegged it!!!! All her reviews confirm her accuracy and timelines so I am looking forward to it all coming to pass :)


1 oz vodka

1 oz Kahlua

2 oz cream

Shake! Garnish with a Butterscotch Candy.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 🎄 Christian History, the Devil and the Christmas Tree 🎄⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

The Christmas Tree was originally supposed to represent Eternal life. The decorations were meant to scare away the Devil.

Editing Your Life!


Editing Your Life

Faery Blessings:

Just wondering how many will make New Years Resolution??? For me I just choose a word for the year....this year my word is "prudent"...I am by nature a spender, on just about anything spontaneous spender, things I don't need and some I never use, so this upcoming year is going to challenge me to buy things that are prudent in my and the ones I love lives...with that being said, I want to wish you all a Faery Happy New Year and enjoy the message from dailyom .com and Be Blessed!

P.S. Chat with all Next Year lol

"You have the choice to accept your life script you've written thus far, or edit it so you can create a life that fulfills you.

Our lives can be compared to an ongoing movie script over which we have complete creative control. Within us lies the power to examine what works or isn't working in our lives and make "edits" to our life's script, accordingly. Choosing to actively edit your life can be incredibly empowering. As you evolve, you have the choice to accept the script you've written thus far or edit it so you can create a life that fulfills you. You can cut out from your life's script what is no longer working for you. Acknowledging that you are responsible for the experience you create gives you the ability to create the life you've always longed for.

Granted, editing your real life isn't always as easy as erasing a line of text. If you've carried emotional baggage or held on to an unhealthy relationship for a long time, these may be difficult to edit out. But when you do cut out what isn't working from your life, you'll feel lighter and more alive. Editing out activities that you find stressful, disassociating yourself from people that drain your energy, and letting go of your emotional baggage are all beneficial cuts you can make. In the empty spaces that are left behind, you can add in anything you like. Just as you have the power to edit out negative situations or beliefs that you no longer wish to have as part of your life, you can now include the kinds of positive experiences, people, and beliefs that you would like to fill your life with. The manifestation of these thoughts and images as realities in your life will inevitably follow. As you make changes to your life, you can also add in the bits where you choose more intimate, healthier relationships, seek out adventure over tedium, and are no longer negatively impacted by old experiences.

To begin editing your life, simply think about your positive and negative experiences. When you determine what parts of your life are no longer serving you, make the commitment to remove them -- though, it is important to remember that there is no proper timing or way to do this, and patience and compassion for yourself are always important during this process. Then, ask yourself what has brought you profound bliss and consider how you can make those experiences and beliefs part of your life now. With a little editing, you'll be able to clear out what is no longer serving you and make room in your life for more happiness, love, and wisdom."


Gods Grace, Mercy, Peace, Love & Abundance Be Upon All The Days Of Your Lives I Pray`
Faery Sprinkles

! I AM HERE! Detailed Life path & 2021 Readings ~ 10 am to Midnight Today!


LIFE PATH READINGS: Karma, Dharma, Inner Soul Desires, Talents, Expression of Self, and Advancements. Life time : Early Childhood to Old Age including Spiritual Path.

💎 “I love his dear eyes in which the vulnerability and beauty of his soul can be plainly read.” ~Alice Walker the Color Purple

💎 “The More I Wonder, the More I Love.” ~ Alice Walker the Color Purple


“She is the best hands down....her insights have come true...she is there for her when I need her and never let me down.” ~11/19/2020

“She is so kind and friendly, but she zooms in. I’ve been talking to her since Summertime and she what she told me about the poi and unfolded Thanks you will be calling back.” ~ 11/22/2020


The Moon is in Gemini. The key thought of the day is Harmony in word and mind. Your Super Power is Navigating Change with a Crisp, Clear Head.

SPONTANEITY COUNTS TODAY! ~ by 👒 Clairvoyant Isabella Swan 👒 ~

🍁 ~ NOVEMBER 1 2020 ~ 🍁

Today is Sunday, day of the Sun, Masculine and Confident are the Rules of the day. Put on your Cologne and Glow. Relax on the Couch, Talk on the Phone, Tinker in the Garage. It’s an EXCELLENT DAY For It!

🌝 🐏 The Moon is in Aries. You will be mentally clear and when it comes to building your life in a creative and uniquely YOU nurturing way. You paint with bold colors and words today. It’s YOUR Life is the message. Today’s Numerology calculates to a 16. A Day Cycle focused on Reassessing, and “Testing” and testing the security and growth of current projects underway! Including Love Security, Creative (Art) and Expressive and Growth, financial obligation, 💥 (See Moon in Aries)

🎃🌕🎃 PSYCHIC HAPPY HOUR 🎃🌕🎃 with👻🍎👻Clairvoyant ISABELLA SWAN 👻❤️👻 Bublble, Bubble, a Bath on the Double! TREAT Your❤️Self to Some of “SWEETIE”s ~LOVE PSYCHIC READINGS for HALLOWEEN.


"First time caller and as I write today she was right about everything. Me and my POI are doing well and working on moving forward. Thanks so much!" ~ 10/06/2020

"She is so wonderful, she is insightful, detailed, and very connected. She has been very helpful before a few months ago and was so helpful again. I am so grateful I got to speak with her." ~ 9/07/2020

"She told me back in May or June and it was true. I am hoping everything else will unfold the same way. She is good." ~ 8/24/2020


THURSDAY, September 10, the Moon is In Gemini.

Today is the Day to Talk on the Phone!

It’s all about YOU!

It’s what everyone is into!


Us Psychics are Looking, TOO!

Try a Crystal Ball, a Tarot Reader, or Two.

Like I said,

It’s all About YOU!

🎃 HaPpy HalloWeeN 🎃

🖤🖤🖤 BOO! 🖤🖤🖤

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🌍 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


the MOON is in Sagittarius

Spiced Cinnamon and “Girl on the Go” are the Keywords of the day. 🎴🌹🧳 Think ...Your Destiny IS your Mission. Think.....Libraries in London that have your Astrology Chart. The scratch of your pen, click of your heels, Your Future on your MIND. Smart Girls Plan.


💖💎🎭Happy Hour 12 NOON pm to 4:00 pm TODAY 💖💎🎭

......🛸.......Mon -Fri & Weekdays!.....

PLuS.....SATurdAy & SUnDay

12 NOON to 4 pm $9.95 💎💎💎 Have a Mimosa and Talk to an Angel 💎💎💎

EvEry wEEk PSYCHIC HAPPY HOUR with ISABELLA SWAN Monday-Friday Sat & Sunday NOON to 4 pm PST WEEKLY!!


Karmic Past Life Connections, Spells, Love Potions, Soulmates, Reincarnation, and Twinflames, Life Path, Prosperity, Destiny, Love, Clairvoyance, Feelings, Compatibility, the Future, and the Truth.

Universal Communicator; Mediumship, Angels, Spirit Guides, Nature Spirits.

Isabella Swan, 20 Years On Keen ~ Radio Psychic, Clairvoyant, Empath, Blogger, Animal Psychic, Ghost Hunter.

Trusted Psychic, Nonjudgmental, Compassionate, Wise, In-depth Readings.


Human beings ate the bread of angles; he sent them all the food they could eat.

Isabella Swan: Love, Soulmate, Reincarnation, Past Life, Life Cycle and Karma Expert. Studied under and Certified by Doreen Virtue 2018 in Hawaii.

Isabella Swan the BLISS PERSCRIPTION Magazine: Love potions, Romance baths, Money insence, Hex jars, The Moon Report......


A simple bath or shower to clear your Aura (Mind) of any clinging details or repetitive memories of the (Romantic) past.

One bottle Rose Water

One bottle Holy Water

Optional, 6 drops Orange, Jasmine, or Rose Oil

Mix in Used Water Bottle or Tupperware bottle. Shake. Pour Over Self in Shower, or add to Bath, or Pour into Bowl and place by bed for 4 days. (Optional: Add Fresh Red or Pink Roses)🌷

Corner Of Light's Angel Card Message For January 01 ,2021

Angel Card Message For January 01, 2021: " “Here's to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.” “May you have a prosperous New Year.” “Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year.” “May the New Year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.” Happy Friday and Happy New Year Blessings, Sherry Corner Of Light

What An Invitation

Given By A Friend And Sharing With You..What an invitation. To break the trance, To let the old ways crumble. At the beginning of every great adventure is a day unlike any other day. This is the moment. The teacher has arrived. As we set out into the unknown, as we listen to that inner call (you know the one that’s been whispering within us for a long time)...we begin to discover the deeper truth. Earth as a whole is suffering. Toxic air, poisoned water, mass extinction, deforestation, rapid climate change, refugees, domination over others, increased inequality, profit as a bottom line, disease and pandemics, and on and on... The alarms have been sounding, we just haven’t been responding. This runaway system is striving for balance, and business-as-usual cannot continue. The message is loud and clear. Can you hear it now? We have been caught up in a worldview of separation that has led us to devastation. We’ve known this, and yet we’ve continued. We knew this change was coming. This is not a surprise. It is the Great Unraveling. And we are invited to face ourselves. To see the world through new eyes. Cleansing, purging, balancing. There is clarity in the water, in the skies. We can breathe again. Through this devastation, through the fog of fear, a new picture is forming. A new possibility for the way we live our lives, a new way of connecting. A new way to thrive. The birds are singing; the people are singing. We are not alone in our isolation. We are here, together. What wants to emerge? What gift are we being given? From the dark night of the soul, we are always invited to step forth with more clarity, more resilience, more strength. As we dissolve old patterns of behavior, we get to decide who we want to be, how we show up, and how we lead our world forward from this point on. Everything is possible. And there’s one thing for certain: change. So let’s embrace this moment. Let’s embrace each other. With our hearts, with our minds, and with our actions. There is a gift in the darkness. And as we step into this New Year, may we receive it with love, compassion and vision for the Great Work to come. For Our World, Val* Know Yourself, Live Deeply, Inspire the World! Psychospiritual Institute

Coming Out of the Darkness of 2020. Celebrate a New Beginning in 2021.


Coming Out of the Darkness of 2020.
Celebrate a New Beginning in 2021.

We Are Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Now It's Time to Rebuild Our Lives to Thrive.

Frank Michel, 1-800-ASK-KEEN, Ext. 0174141, https://www.keen.com/FRANK_MICHEL
Please save to your favorites.

>Link to share poster with friends and family and on social media.

Copyright © 2020-2021 by Frank Michel, Keen advisor since February 2002.

Six written Affirmations

> Your questions answered by phone or chat.
1 (800) ASK KEEN, ext. 0174141, www.keen.com/FRANK_MICHEL

> Keen Blog contains articles, Prayer List, and spiritual posters.

Leo Monthly Horoscope for January 2021


The new moon on January 13th will fall in your 6th House of work, service and health. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. You may take care of tedious task and projects and this could be a time for you to see an increase of task and projects. You may take care of your health and well-being. Venus and Jupiter connect well with the new moon so this will bring about great opportunities for you to make more money. You may also see an increase of bonuses, commissions and sales. Uranus and Mars square off with the new moon and this could be a time of scheduled changes an unexpected opportunities. There could be greater opportunities to get ahead financially and this could mean changing jobs or relocating. It is a time to work hard and in time for you to be open to building more security for the long term. It’s also a time for you to exercise and lose weight or take care of your health by going to the doctor and getting exams or any medical attention. It could also be a time for you to go to the dentist.

The full moon on January 28th will fall in your own sign and house. The next two weeks will be all about you and your personal wants and needs. It will be a time for you too possibly gain through financial recognition and this could bring about a promotion or advancement. It is a time for you to focus on your wants and needs and what’s going to make you happy and also a time to further your career.

Mercury retrograde starting January 30th so the next three weeks can bring a time for you to have issues with electronics, transportation and travel. You may have to replace or repair a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Jupiter and Saturn has entered your partnership house last month and is continuing on throughout this month. There will be some positive days for partnerships and relationships are highlighted that includes January 1st, January  17th, January 23rd and January 28th. It is a time to collaborate and work with others and this could be to further your career. If you meet somebody new this could be someone you feel is your soulmate or someone you feel a close connection. It is a time for you to work with others and to collaborate and connect with others. It could be for marketing or to build a clientele. Financial opportunities will be there for you on January 4th, January 14th and January 28th. Expect the unexpected especially with the electronics on January 12th, January 17th and January 26th. It could relate to electronics and appliances and it may be time to repair or replace one of these items.

Venus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on January 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulge in fatty foods and sweets. If you have been doing your best to lose weight than the next four weeks from Venus may bring difficulties for you to keep the weight down. You will also connect well with female coworkers and employees. You also connect well with female clients and customers. You will enjoy your work environment. You also enjoy the company of pets.

The Sun enters your partnership house on January 19th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to build a partnership with someone close including a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may work closely with someone else to further your career or your own personal wants and needs. You may meet someone special at this time could be your future long-term committed partner including business partners. It would be a wonderful time for you to work out any issues or problems

Mars wall enter your 10th house of career on January 6th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to advance in your career through a promotion or advancement. It could be that you decide to start a business venture. You are very headstrong and wanting to further your career. You want to be careful that you are not aggressive towards others including employees, coworkers, clients and customers. They may not appreciate your behavior and how you approach them. It is a great time for you to get projects done especially if they require a lot of time and dedication. You seem to be very motivated and energized to get the work done. If you’re beginning a business venture then you will have great motivation, drive and energy to get business moving forward. You would do well putting yourself out there to others whether it’s a regular job for a new business. It is your time to show others who you are and what you can accomplish by putting yourself out there to them. You will be amazed at the approval that you will receive from others including coworkers, employees and employers.


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Cancer Monthly Horoscope for January 2021


The new moon on January 13th will fall in your partnership house. The next 2 weeks is all about collaboration and partnerships. You could get engaged or get married or you could build a career or financial partnership. It could be that you work closely with others to further your career. You could meet somebody new or you could be in a committed relationship that could lead to marriage. It is the time to focus on the long term in this could be the time where you meet someone online or through friends. It could also be that a friend connect you to someone that can help you with your career goals and to accomplish more for your career . I feel these next 2 weeks can bring about great connection and opportunities for you to do well and connect well with someone that can be there for you for the long term. It's a great positive social time for you in a great time to take greater chances and risk. If you want to accomplish more in the future you want to be open to taking chances.

 The full moon on January 28th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next 2 weeks can bring about opportunities for you to make more money and this could be a time for you to also receive a job offer or an opportunity to make more money. It could involve you changing and relocating to a new place or even moving to another state. There could be a great opportunity for the long term in this could be a time for you to enjoy growth for the future that could bring about more money and more financial security.

 Mercury retrograde starting January 30th and will go direct February 21st. You may have issues with electronics, transportation, communication and possibly even with siblings and neighbors. It is the opportunity to resolve these issues during this time. Partnerships are highlighted for you on January 4th, January 13th, January 14th, January 23rd and January 28th. The month is looking very positive to build a relationship in commitment and this could be a great time for you to collaborate and work with others to further your career and financial secure future. If you are meeting somebody new for relationship it can lead to something long term. It is a greater time for you to focus on what you want for your financial and career future but also what you want for love and relationships.

Venus will enter your partnership house on January 8th  The next four weeks will bring a time for you to feel compassion and consideration towards a partner. The partner can be business related including a business partner, coworker or employee. It could also be a friend or lover. You show great consideration towards others and are willing to compromise with them in order to build a stronger relationship or partnership.

The Sun will also enter your eighth house on January 19th giving you four weeks to focus on financial and material matters relating to taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony, bonuses, commission, settlement and any other financial obligations to others or to yourself. You may have to focus on taking care of any duties and obligations relating to a divorce or partnership. It could be used in connection to taxes, credit cards and loans.

Mars will enter your 11th house of friends on January 6th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to enjoy the company of friends, groups and organizations. It may also bring arguments with friends. You may have a disagreement with a friend that can create a breakup or disruption. If you can discuss these issues or problems with them then a resolution may occur and everyone can move on. You will also see an increase of invites to special events and parties. It could be that you are putting together your own special event or party. You are more social and outgoing at this time and will do well connected with others. It is not a time for you to be at home but a time for you to be out and about with family and friends. You never know who you may meet.


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Gemini Horoscope for January 2021


The new moon on January 13th falls in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans. The next 2 weeks bring a time were you may gain through bonuses, commissions, credit cards and loans. It can also be a time for you to gain through opportunities to make money through investments and other financial opportunities. Venus and Jupiter connect well during this new moon so this could be a time of great financial opportunities for you. The only minor challenge will be a square from Mars and Uranus and this could be a time of disruptions and unexpected predictability in opportunities. It could be that an opportunity comes for you in an unexpected way. I feel there is great opportunity for you to gain through others or even build greater opportunities. There could be opportunities for you to gain through bonuses and commissions or even child support and alimony. You may gain through capital gains from the sale of a home or maybe even a vehicle.

The full moon on January 28th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips come up communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 2 weeks can bring a time for you to possibly take a quick short trip out of town or someplace nearby. It could also be that you see an increase of communication through emails, text messages and phone calls. You may decide to repair or replace a vehicle, computer, cellphone or telephone. Mercury retrogrades starting January 30th so this can bring about 3 weeks where there could be some issues with electronics, transportation and communication.

Mercury goes direct February 21st. At the time of financial opportunities that could bring you more money including bonuses and commissions on January 1st, January 4th, January 14th, January 17th and January 23rd. You also want to keep an eye on January 28th and this could be a great month for you to gain financially as you may run into some great financial opportunities.

Venus enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on January 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically through other sources. It could be through gifts or rewards. It could be that someone lends you money or you gain through a loan or credit card. It could be that you just receive a special discount or free gift. Also, your sex life will improve at this time.

The Sun will enter your ninth house of long-distance trips and foreign people and places on January 19th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel long-distance or to have others come to visit you. You may also study and learn law, religion, music, art or foreign cultures and languages.

Mars enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on January 6th. The next 7 weeks brings a time for you to take care of your health and well-being. It is a time to get rid of what you don't need in your life including bad people and unhealthy habits. You may seek solitude for medical purposes. You may go to the hospital or visit others in the hospital. It is a time to catch up on sleep and to rest and relax. It's a great time for you to seek therapy or to get a massage. You want to make sure that you are taking care of your body and to do your best to receive the medical attention you deserve. You may focus on others health including a parent or relative. It's time to get rid of or discard from your life. It may be time to let go of your past

Taurus Monthly Horoscopes for January 2021


The new moon on January 13th falls in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 2 weeks can bring about opportunities for travel mentally or physically. You may decide to take on some classes or courses to further your career in this could be online. It could be a time for you to broaden your horizons and learn something new including a new language or new culture. It is also a time for you to broaden your horizons for taking some short trips or travel. It could be that other from afar come to visit you. It is the time for you to be open to exploring new opportunities and possibilities for the long term future.

  The full moon on January 28th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next 2 weeks will bring a time when you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. There could be some last minute changes or challenges in relation to the home especially if you have to relocate for a new job. There could be some disruptions in the home that could lead to disagreements and arguments. It could be someone you are living with or there could be neighbors or roommates that can create these disruptions. I feel this is also a time for you to re-evaluate where you want to live and be living in the future and this could be a time for you to be purchasing a home or getting a new apartment. It is also time to design and decorate around the home and this could bring about great opportunities for financial growth . It is the time for you to invest into the home and if you want to make any changes relating to the home.

Mercury retrograde starting January 30th so the next 3 weeks can bring about some opportunities where you may find yourself having issues with electronics, vehicles and computers. It may be time to repair or replace one of these items. Mercury goes direct on February 21st. There could be some disruptions with electronics on January 12, January 17th January 26th. Expect the expected with electronics so this could be a time to repair or replace one of these items. You may also find yourself taking last minute trips or last minute schedule changes. Finances and financial opportunities will be there for you on January 1st, January 20th, January 28th in January 29th. It could bring about great opportunities to build greater financial success for the long term.

The Sun enters your 10th house of career on January 19th giving you 4 weeks to receive a promotion or advancement. You may focus on educate by attending classes and courses to further your career. It could be that you begin a business venture. If you are unemployed then you may attend interviews and meetings. If you are a student then this could be a wonderful time to focus on the future of your career and education.

Venus enters your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places on January 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel with someone special or you may travel to visit them. It could also be that you will be open to learning something new including music and the arts. You will enjoy spending time with the in-laws and they may come to visit you. It would also be a very positive time for you to expand your horizons and learn something new.

Mars enters your own sign on January 6th. The next seven weeks is still all about you. You will be highly motivated and active to get projects done. It’s a great time for you to focus on your health by exercising. You seem to have the vitality and energy to exercise on a daily basis. It is a great time to complete work projects and tasks. Your tone it may be a bit aggressive so be careful not to come out to pushy towards others. You can accomplish plenty at this time so I suggest use the energy to get work done


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Aries Monthly Horosscope for January 2021


 The new moon on January 13th will fall in your career house. It's a very significant positive new moon so the next 2 weeks can bring about great opportunities for financial and career growth. Jupiter and Venus and Uranus really connect well with this new moon and that can bring about great opportunities and financial stability security. The only concern that I have is that the new moon will square off with Mars and Uranus. The concern with is that it could create the ability to change jobs or even to relocate for a job. There might be a small possibility of a quick changing of a job and this could bring about some challenges but it's not anything that you can't handle. It's the opportunity to make a change that could open up the doors for you in the long term future so be open to see what is out there for you.

 The full moon on January 28th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next 2 weeks will be all about finding love or falling in love. It could also be spending time with children especially in a sport or hobby. If you are in a relationship or committed relationship this could be a great new way to get out and socialize and connect with others. It is a fun social time for you in the next 2 weeks can be a great time to build new connections and meet new people. Mercury retrograde starting January 30th and this could bring about 3 weeks are there could be issues with electronics, transportation, communication and travel. I would say expect the unexpected and if you are traveling or taking on any meetings to make sure you get there well ahead of time.

Mercury goes direct February 21st. Expect the unexpected especially with electronics on January 12 and January 17th but also keep an eye on January 26th. There could be issues with computers, cellphones and telephones. You may have to repair or replace a vehicle, computer, cellphone or telephone. There could be unexpected schedule changes in this could bring about unexpected obligations with others. Hopefully there are not any breakups in a relationship but if it comes to that point it’s only because there have been issues in the past. It is the time for you to focus on your career on January 1st, January 4th, January 13th, January 14th January 23rd. It seems to be a time of opportunities in this could bring about opportunities that could bring you a promotion or advancement or a new job. It could also be a time to build more financial security for the long term.

The Sun enters your 11th house of friendships on January 19th The next four weeks will bring a time for you to connect with friends and make new friends. You are social and outgoing and may find yourself attending an event or party. It could be that you are hosting an event or party. You will find yourself associating with groups and organizations.

Venus enters your 10th house of career on January 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It is your time to advance in your career and to receive recognition for the hard work that you have done in the past. You may also find love at work or you are social and friendly.

Mars enters your second house of earned income on January 6th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to make more money and find new ways to make money. You may argue over money because you are not receiving the pay that you deserve. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to make more money and to find new ways to build financial security. You may have an aggressive or pushy approach to bringing in more money. It’s great news if you are in sales and need to build greater productivity so you can gain bonuses and commissions. I feel that this would be a great time for you to find new ways to make more money including starting a business venture. You may also argue over money especially if this is connected to a divorce are pay check. If you can find a way to come to a resolution regarding the financial issues then you will make great progress in the next seven weeks.


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Libra Monthly Horoscope for January 2021


The new moon on January 13th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next 2 weeks will bring a time when you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It's a very positive new moon but there could be some disruptions. Uranus and Mars square off in this new moon so this could bring about last minute changes . There could be a relocation due to a job or opportunity that could bring about more money for you. It is the time of fun and excitement but this could bring about last minute changes and schedule changes. Expect the unexpected but it could also be something you will enjoy.

The full moon on January 28th fall in your 11th house of friendship's, groups and organizations. The next 2 weeks can be a social time for you. It could be online or through social media or video events. It could be a time for you to socialize and entertain or attend events or parties. It is the time when you may also build connections a network to further your career. It could also be a time for you to want to just get out and travel and just make some new discoveries.

 Mercury retrograde starting January 30th and will go direct February 21st so you may have 3 weeks of disruptions with electronics and transportation. The home will be highlighted for you on January 4th, January 12, January 23rd in January 26th. It may be time to relocate or make changes around the home. It could be a time when you are relocating for a job and this could also bring about changes in the home. You may also start to work from home and this could bring about more flexibility and more freedom in your daily work schedule.

The Sun enters your fifth house of love and children on January 19th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It may be a time for you to enjoy music, theater, movies, dancing and singing. You may attend a concert or theater. It is your time to shine and get out and socialize. You will meet new people who could become long time friends or even a new lover or partner. You will enjoy the company of children especially in sports, hobbies and recreational activities. You may also join a sport, hobby or recreational activity.

Venus enters your 4th house of home on January 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to decorate, paint or design a home. You may also be looking for a new place to live including a new apartment or new home. You also find yourself entertaining and hosting a party or special event whether it’s a big or small event or small group of people.

Mars will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on January 6th. The next seven weeks will bring a time when you have to focus on issues relating to credit cards, taxes, loans, child support, alimony, settlement and retirement. There may be arguments over joint resources and assets. If you’re in the middle of a divorce then you can expect to have arguments over money and material items. There may be problems with your credit cards or you have to rack up the credit cards because you are paying a hefty debt or bill. Financial obligations and duties will come during this time. It may be positive or it may be negative is just will depend on the word the financial obligations are going and how they are being utilized. Your sex life will improve then you may also be a bit aggressive towards others.


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Virgo Monthly Horoscope for January 2021


The new moon on January 13th fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next 2 weeks will bring a time for you to find love or fall in love. You may be thinking more seriously about committed relationships are looking to commit into a relationship. You may also find yourself spending time with children in a sport or hobby. There could be news of a baby on the way . It could also be a time when you may find yourself crafting and creating a project including movies and music. Venus, Uranus and Jupiter all connect well with the new moon and this could bring about great opportunities and connections. You could meet someone on the Internet or through friends. It could also be that friends connect you to a great creative opportunity that could make you more money. It's a positive social time for you and this could be a time for you to build new connections.

The full moon on January 28th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 2 weeks can bring a time for you to rest and relax and catch up on sleep. You may decide to take a vacation or seek solitude. It's a great time to create and craft including writing a book or novel. Uranus and Mars square the full moon so you may see an increase of anxiety and possibly even stress but this could relate to unpredictable and unstable situations that could relate to career and finances. It could also be in a positive way where this could bring about opportunities last minute and you have to be prepared for the unexpected. There are additional times to expect an expected during this month especially on January 12, January 17th and January 26th. Mercury retrogrades starting January 30th and will go direct February 21st so during the 3 weeks can bring unexpected opportunities and possibly even issues with electronics, transportation and schedules. Work opportunities may come for you on January 1st, January 4th, January 14th, January 17th and January 23rd. There could be great opportunities for you to make more money in this could be a new job, promotion or advancement.

The Sun will also enter your 6th house of work, service and health on January 19th giving you 4 weeks to focus on work projects, tasks and duties. You can expect to work hard for the money. You will also spend the next 4 weeks exercising and eating healthy. It will be the right time for you to take care of a pet and receive any health checkups and exams.

Venus will enter your fifth house of love and children on January 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You also enjoy creative and artistic projects including music, dancing, singing, movies, theater and other creative arts. You also enjoy spending time with children and possibly even enjoying sports and hobbies with them. It is a time when you will enjoy the company of friends and family.

Mars enters your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places on January 6th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to travel long-distance and to visit others from afar. It could also be that others come to visit you from other countries another state. It is a time for you to broaden your horizons mentally and physically. It is a time for you to learn a new topic of interest and possibly to enter a college or University. You may learn a new language or culture. It will also be a time for you to fight for your beliefs and your rights. You want to be careful that you are not forceful on to others as everyone has a right to their own personal opinions.


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