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Chinese Fortune Stick Reading of the Day

~ Stick # 56 ~

The hidden dagger in water becomes a dragon,
Soaring far into the sky over thousands of miles.
A story like this can mean nothing but good.
You will rise higher as the result of an ordeal.

While a significant test is approaching in your life, you will gain enormously if you succeed in it. This is a very opportune time to put any plans into action. Although you will encounter difficulties, remember that persistence is the best solution - splendid opportunities await you, and you can persevere despite your troubles. Events may take some time to turn to your advantage, but eventual success and a happy life are most likely.

Whatever is troubling you now will (if handled well) become a source of great joy and success for you. The dagger symbolizes the danger or problems you currently face. The dragon symbolizes the ability to rise above your present circumstances and emerge triumphant.


Each day I sit down, take up the cup of sticks and ask the same question, “What does the Keen community need to know or hear today?”  I shake the cup until a stick (or 2 or 3…) falls out.  I then post the stick number and the meanings for you to get what you can out of them.

The sticks themselves are a form of I-Ching.  There are a total of 64 sticks in the set that I use* with a poem and small interpretation/story to go along with each stick.   The poems, meanings and reflections are meant to be read and (as a good friend of mine once said) marinated in.  In our culture, we’ve grown accustomed to getting instant gratification.  In other words, we’re used to everything being given to us with little or no work on our parts.  These readings are the exact opposite of that type of attitude.

Chinese Fortune sticks are meant to make us slow down and reflect on what is being said.  As each sticks’ meaning can be profoundly personal to each person who reads them, it’s more important for you to read them rather than have someone give you a watered down version.  These readings are meant to sing to a level of your consciousness and bring you a measure of peace, or at least enlightenment.

The best way to get the most you can out of these readings is to approach them with an open mind.  Before sitting down to read that morning’s reading, make some quiet time for yourself.  Sit still for a moment and clear your mind.  Silence the chatter in your head and take a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly.  Once you feel yourself slow down a little (or a lot), read through the reading of the day.  Go over it a few times if you feel the need.  Then take a moment, sit back and think about what that reading means for you.  Some will be very straightforward; others require a bit more thinking.  Either way, let the reading from the sticks guide you that day on the decisions or experiences you have.  These aren’t meant to tell you what to think, but rather to help you look at things in a different way or to allow you to access truths you already have.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me!!

* written by Zhao Xiaomin & Martin Palmer

Arriana's Daily Tarot ! Monday December 7th !!

Welcome to A's Daily Tarot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Lovers Today is a day for love, not just a relationship but all relationships within our lives. Love is all around us. A caring gesture today can fill you with the power of love. Love can walk a fine line between vice and virtue, we can try each side of this but in the end, true love will win. This card in a Tarot spread will show love coming into your life, it could be a lover, a companion or just a loving gesture to cheer your day. Today we reflect on the importance of true love within our lives. Reach out to connect with the people in your life you love, take the dog for a walk or even give the cat an extra treat! Blessings Arriana

Arriana's Daily Tarot ! Monday December 7th !!

Welcome to A's Daily Tarot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Lovers Today is a day for love, not just a relationship but all relationships within our lives. Love is all around us. A caring gesture today can fill you with the power of love. Love can walk a fine line between vice and virtue, we can try each side of this but in the end, true love will win. This card in a Tarot spread will show love coming into your life, it could be a lover, a companion or just a loving gesture to cheer your day. Today we reflect on the importance of true love within our lives. Reach out to connect with the people in your life you love, take the dog for a walk or even give the cat an extra treat! Blessings Arriana

Your Moment of Zen

Oracle and Tarot Reading for December 8, 2020

UNICORN CARDS BY DIANA COOPER KING OF THE UNICORNS: "You are blessed with majesty, vision and power." ~~ I am feeling a lot of masculine energy coming through today! I wasn't surprised to see it coming through today's cards as well. With the King of the Unicorns you are being reminded that your vision can be manifested. You have the power to put things into action. Tap into your divine masculine energy and get the ball rolling. You have done this before, you know you can make it happen and you have the confidence in which to do it. THE WILD UNKNOWN BY KIM KRANS SITUATION: SON OF SWORDS ~~ You can be a challenging force of nature! You are feeling the pull to set things into motion now! You feel you are ready, but take a pause to make sure who you are really doing this for. Are you fulfilling your purpose or subconsciously seeking approval from someone else? CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES: THE CHARIOT ~~ That desire to put things into motion is in motion for you. You can't stop now or even slow things down, but you still have the confidence to push through, even if your decision was a hasty one. POTENTIAL: FATHER OF CUPS ~~ There is more of a feminine vibe to this card than the other fathers of the deck (you may be more familiar with 'king' in other decks and the son is synonymous with the 'prince'). He is more in touch with his emotions, but his insecurities can make him a bit unpredictable. Are you feeling the weight of the Son of Swords energy? Has it been too much? When you begin to overwhelmed, you need to get grounded. Don't let your fears step in now. NEAR FUTURE: THE EMPRESS ~~ Now it's time to balance out with some pure goddess energy! Take a breath and nurture yourself right now. You do deserve the break. Though you may be still be pushing ahead, you can do so with more clarity and wisdom in order to get yourself to the end. DAILY LESSON: FATHER OF PENTACLES ~~ Your efforts have matured and are paying off. You step into a steady and even flow of the new ideas you have going, you're manifesting what you desired. Just remember to slow down from time to time. You can enjoy the fruits of your labors and it's ok. The Father of Pentacles is a good, solid, and steady person to be around and you will find people gravitate to you now.

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In as little as 3 Minutes, you too can......


All I need is First names and Ages this year!

Take a moment to find out where you are heading in 2019 and into 2020.

*FAST ACCURATE 100% TRUTH and VERY DIRECT* When 3 Minutes is all it will Take!


You have a lot coming ahead - Prepare for your Future now -

Be aware of the paths ahead - This allows you to Discover and Plan for Success.


*First Time Callers Use your Free 3 Mins here on Keen - As Initial Reading is Limited to 3 Minutes

WARNING READINGS* - NO TIME FRAMES as They change to Free Will and Choices, As do predictions

NO Financial, Investment, Securities, Legal or Health Questions or Answers, The Reading is Strictly for  Entertainment Only,

Welcome, I am a caring and gifted psychic advisor that specializes in love and relationship advice. I provide fast and accurate tarot readings, astrology readings and spiritual readings. Through my insight, my clients are able to find clarity around questions of love and romance, relationship, life choices, money and career. I have over 30 years of experience in Astrology, Psychic, Tarot and Horoscopes. I have been a psychic advisor on Keen for years and look forward to providing you with my unique psychic guidance. Why Choose me? - I'm an expert in astrology, tarot and psychic advice. - You'll find answers with my professional love and relationship advice. - Have gotten on KEEN your free psychic reading, a free tarot reading and a free astrology reading. - 24/7 phone psychic readings and email readings available. 2018 TRUE PREDICTIONS for all your needs!

DEALING WITH CHEATING, BAD FRIENDS OR ACQUAINTANCES, ALL THAT DEALS WITH YOUR Love and Relationships, Life Questions, Dating, Divorce, Affairs, Triangles and Drama Resolved, Career, Jobs,Promotions, Reconition, Co-Workers, Disputes or Success in Financial and Money, Fortune, Cheaters and Soulmates, Twinflames, Crisis and Resolutions, Family and Friends, Pets and Lost and Departed Loved Ones, Medium and Spiritual, LBGQT on a Direct and Sensitive Side, Multiple Circumstances and Situations, Team Members, or the Backstabber, Negotiations and Corporate Angles Insights and Direct Remote Viewing, Lost Items, Crime Victims, Matchmaking and Fixing Relationships including Inlaws, adultery, infidelity and cheating. Religious Conflicts, Muslim, Asian, India, Childhood Issues, Life Coach, Director, Finding Secrets, tens of thousands of facebook, twitter, wordpress, Tinder, Pinrest, SNAPCHAT, Whatsup, all social media, paranormal groups, addressing just about everything imaginable and many OTHER bizarre, eclectic and unusual issues. With many TWITTER Tweets and Facebook annual predictions that have come true, including presidential election, Brexit, disasters, weather, affirmations, manifestations and CRV, remote viewing, ORI, American Dowser Association, American Spiritualist and other Parapsychology, ESP, events like Trump, world politics and trends

Creative Connection in Romance - ALL or NOTHING!

Creative Connections in relationships can come about as the "Precision-Focused" Virgo Moon partners-up with Venus in "Tenacious" Scorpio. Relationships begun now tend to be serious in nature. An Old Flame may re-emerge into your life, or at the very least, you may find yourself thinking of an X or someone from the past. Venus makes a tense aspect Chiron - The Healing Planet. You may also be able to rejuvenate an old relationship or gravitate away from a relationship that is no longer serving you. Deep and passionate connections are sought out. You may feel held back in some way or a restriction on your freedom in some way since the "Cautious" Virgo Moon Battles The Sun in "Adventurous" Sagittarius! A tug-of-war between staying or leaving regarding a relationship, job or situation may have you pondering what to do next.

Creative Connection in Romance - ALL or NOTHING!

Creative Connections in relationships can come about as the "Precision-Focused" Virgo Moon partners-up with Venus in "Tenacious" Scorpio. Relationships begun now tend to be serious in nature. An Old Flame may re-emerge into your life, or at the very least, you may find yourself thinking of an X or someone from the past. Venus makes a tense aspect Chiron - The Healing Planet. You may also be able to rejuvenate an old relationship or gravitate away from a relationship that is no longer serving you. Deep and passionate connections are sought out. You may feel held back in some way or a restriction on your freedom in some way since the "Cautious" Virgo Moon Battles The Sun in "Adventurous" Sagittarius! A tug-of-war between staying or leaving regarding a relationship, job or situation may have you pondering what to do next.

Do you Need Answers?

Want to know what is ahead? I can help. If you Need an Email Reading, CLick on the Following Link. I do need your First name, Birthdate and a Specific question. If looking at another Person then I will need their first name, birthdate or age this year. Cost $15. SImple, Sweet and Fast Answer to that Question, and more. Shocking/ Amazing/ Unbelievable results Are you Smarter than the Average person? Do you know what the Superstars have Discover? It has Always been an Mystery. Is your Boyfriend or Girlfriend Cheating? Did you know what will Blow your Mind? What makes for a Winning Team? Your Success? Saving Money is Smart. *I dont block so everyone is welcome - 3 minute readings - first names and ages for fast details direct - give me the specific issue FIND OUT WHY THOUSANDS HAVE CALLED ME THE GRANDMASTER OF FAST SPEED READINGS NO TIMEFRAMES,HEALTH,FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS/LAW so keep it specific issues thanks Good Psychic Answers to Love Dating Marriage Divorce GF EX BF Cheating Affair Ghosting Fake News and Other Adventures GO TO and SEE and SEARCH "GRANDMASTER" to get "The Real Deal" No Sugar Coated Scripts, Fast, Direct, Accurate, Truth with the eEst Reading in mind ard for you without costing you an Arm and leg, wasting your Hard earned Money. Please Contact Me Now.

Choose Your Battles!


Faery Blessings:


I have always been a fixer……wounded birds, stray animals……you get the picture…..so when I grew up as an adult instead of birds and animals I tried to “fix” people….never understanding that until they are ready to be healed(fixed) all I can do is pray and listen….so over the years God has taught me to back out of situations or with people that I have done all I can do with….He has taught me how to “choose my battles”…..just an example here….lol….My husband used to leave his clothes on the bedroom floor and it would frustrate me because he did not wear them the next day but he would say “they are not dirty” but instead of putting them up like two spaces down in the dresser, he would leave them on the floor…..it was a place of strife with us for a long time(yes small thing we know now lol) and it was in this small thing that God  began to show me how to “pick my battles”…..save my strength for the battles that would matter….lol…I get it now and so today when I was in my Bible, I saw what Joyce Meyer had written about “Choose Your Battles” so today I wanted to share that with you….enjoy today’s message and Be Blessed!




Acts 6:2-4 teaches us that it is not wise to be involved in everything that is going on around us.  Instead, we should select our activities cautiously so we can remain calm, cool and steady in life.  I often refer to this as “choosing your battles carefully.”


There are many things I could do at my office that I have learned to stay out of and let another qualified person handle.  Previously, I wanted to be part of everything that happened, especially the problems.  I learned the hard way that I simply cannot be involved in everything;  too much is going on for me to do that.  I pick my battles now, and that has greatly increased my level of peace.


I firmly believe that God provides for whatever He assigns to us.  He will make sure we have all the people we need to help us, but it is not their fault if we will not rely on them.


If you find yourself trying to do something and you do not have the help you need, you might need to ask yourself if you are doing the right thing.  Why would God ask you to do something, then sit by and watch you be frustrated and miserable because the burden is too much?  God meets all of our needs, including the people we need to work alongside us.


Acts 6: 2-4 gives an example of this act of wisdom.  Had the apostles not recognized their need for help, their priorities would have remained out of line and their true assignment unfulfilled.  They  would have ended up frustrated, and just like the people they were trying to serve, they could have lost their peace, and therefore, their power.  It is quite possible that the loss of peace was what triggered their decision to ask for help.  This is an excellent example for us to follow.”

 Choose your battles wisely | Choose your battles, Battle quotes, Fighting  quotes


Gods Grace, Peace, Mercy, Love & Abundance Be Upon All Your Days I Pray!

Faery Sprinkles


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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others!


Stop Comparing Yourself To Others!

Faery Blessings:

I wish I had a model's body like so and so...I wish I was happy like so and so...I wish I had myself together like so and so...I wish I was rich like so and so...I wish I had the home like so and so....when we compare ourselves to others it means we are not grateful for what we have already...I have learned that when I thank God and angels for what I do have that they begin to build(albeit slowly sometimes) on what I am grateful for...with that being said, enjoy today's message from dailyom .com and Be Blessed!


"There is nobody else like you in the world and this is worth celebrating, rather than searching for faults.

You are unique. There is no one else like you in the entire universe. In honor of your unique self, it is good to acknowledge and embrace the special qualities that make you the person that you are. One way to do this is to not compare yourself with other people.

It is human nature to want to see how we measure up in comparison to others -- especially if we think that they are better than us or have more of something that we want. Yet the truth is that it is not a good use of time to compare ourselves with others because there is no one like us and this makes us incomparable. It is sometimes almost easier to look outside of ourselves and feel like we are deficient in comparison to other people rather than taking responsibility for our own progress in relation to the fulfillment of our life purpose. It actually takes more courage to be self-referential and look at ourselves to see whether we are measuring up to our standards or meeting our full potential. Each of us has very special gifts, and we are here for very specific reasons. We each have a life purpose to fulfill and with this come the lessons that we must learn and the circumstances that we must go through in order to evolve as spiritual beings. To compare our lives to other people's lives when we have no idea of what they are here to learn or fulfill doesn't benefit anyone -- especially you.

Instead, if we can accept ourselves, appreciate the special talents and qualities that we alone possess, and realize that each of us is going through certain kinds of experiences for a reason, we are less likely focus so much on what other people have or are doing. Realizing and valuing our uniqueness enables us to bring out the best in ourselves so we can get on with living rather than preoccupying ourselves with meaningless comparisons. Try to not compare yourself to others, and you will see how much you have and how special you are."

 How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others | GirlTalkwithFo | Comparing  yourself to others, Self confidence tips, Comparison quotes


Gods Grace, Peace, Mercy, Love & Abundance Be Upon All Your Days I Pray!
Faery Sprinkles

Weekly Horoscopes December 9, 2020-December 15, 2020



The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your 9th long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 6 months will bring a  time to travel mentally or physically .  It can be a time for you to study and learn a new topic of interest. You may enter college or University. It seems to be a time for you to expand your horizons and learn something new. It's a positive time for you to venture out to greater opportunities and expand your horizons. You may also decide to take on a new business venture or new opportunity to make more money. You are open to greater opportunities that can build long term success for you. The next 6 months can bring about great opportunities for you for the long term in this could involve great financial side ventures in opportunities. Venus enters your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places on December 15th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel with someone special or you may travel to visit them. It could also be that you will be open to learning something new including music and the arts. You will enjoy spending time with the in-laws and they may come to visit you. It would also be a very positive time for you to expand your horizons and learn something new.


 The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources and assets. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to focus on possibly building more money through bonuses and commissions or joint ventures and resources. You may gain through sales, taxes, credit cards and loans. It seems to bring about greater opportunities for the future. You may gain through other resources like bonuses and commissions, child support and alimony. It could be a time to pay off some debts of bills. Venus enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on December 15th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically through other sources. It could be through gifts or rewards. It could be that someone lends you money or you gain through a loan or credit card. It could be that you just receive a special discount or free gift. Also, your sex life will improve at this time. Starting December 9th finances are highlighted and this could bring something long term. You want to make sure you know exactly what you will be getting before making any final agreements.


 The new moon Solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your partnership house. The next 6 months can be a great time to collaborate and partner with others to further your career. You could also get engaged or get married or meet someone special that could bring about a long term committed relationship. Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury all support the new moon eclipse in the next 6 months can bring about great opportunities for the long term. It could also bring about someone that you collaborate or work with to further your career and make more money. It is also time for you to venture out and make new discoveries that can be great for your future career. You may get engaged or get married in this could be a time for you to really focus on where you want to be at in the future. It's great time that could bring about great financial opportunities for you. Venus will enter your partnership house on December 15th  The next four weeks will bring a time for you to feel compassion and consideration towards a partner. The partner can be business related including a business partner, coworker or employee. It could also be a friend or lover. You show great consideration towards others and are willing to compromise with them in order to build a stronger relationship or partnership.


 The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to take on tedious tasks and projects. It could be that you take on more work and more work opportunities to make more money. You may see an increase of sales, bonuses and commissions. It could be that you take on another job or it could just be a transfer or relocation to another city or state but you may not see that much an increase of income. There can be great opportunities presented to you in the next 6 months and it can't bring about great opportunities for great success for the long term. Venus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on December 15th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulge in fatty foods and sweets. If you have been doing your best to lose weight than the next four weeks from Venus may bring difficulties for you to keep the weight down. You will also connect well with female coworkers and employees. You also connect well with female clients and customers. You will enjoy your work environment. You also enjoy the company of pets.


The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to find love or fall in love. It could also be a time for you to spend quality time with children in a creative project or hobby or even as a sport or hobby. It is also creative time for you to build music and movies and videos. You will show your artistic and creative side. There could be the possibility of you to hear news of a baby on the way. You may surround yourself with children in the next 6 months. It is a positive social time for you in this is a great time for you to do well for yourself and build great opportunities for the long term. Venus will enter your fifth house of love and children on December 15th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You also enjoy creative and artistic projects including music, dancing, singing, movies, theater and other creative arts. You also enjoy spending time with children and possibly even enjoying sports and hobbies with them. It is a time when you will enjoy the company of friends and family. Expect to work hard for the money on December 9th but this could bring great financial opportunity and financial growth and security. If you are looking for a new job this can work out well for you.


 The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next 6 months can bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone moves in or moves out of the home.  You could purchase a home  or furniture or home accessories. It is a time when you make decide to make some changes around the home. It is a great time to repair or upgrade around the home including making some changes that could add value to your home. Venus enters your 4th house of home on December 15th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to decorate, paint or design a home. You may also be looking for a new place to live including a new apartment or new home. You also find yourself entertaining and hosting a party or special event whether it’s a big or small event or small group of people. Love and relationships are highlighted for you on December 9th. There may be a new love or you could meet someone new. It may be a soul mate or reconciliation. Its also a time to work out any issues or problems with someone close to you including children and family members.


The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 6 months is a positive social time for you. You may connect with family and friends even if it is online. It's a great social time for you to take quick short trips out of town or someplace nearby. It's also a great time to build connections that can help you financially. It is also a great time for you to start a business online or build great connections to further your career especially if it's related through the Internet or even a delivery. It's a great time to also just do the research to see what opportunities can be there for you online or through other connections. On December 15th Venus enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors and you will have four weeks to take frequent short trips out of town or nearby town possibly to visit a partner or lover. You will also enjoy communication with someone close to you and this could be through emails and text messages.


The new moon Solar eclipse on December 14th fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next 6 months will bring a time when it could bring you more money and more financial opportunities for the long term. There could be great opportunities for you to build great financial success. It could bring about a new job or a raise or a promotion. It's a very positive valuable time for you and this is also a great time to go to school to further your education and to help further your career. The full moon on December 29th falls in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 2 weeks will bring a time for you to possibly travel long distance or others from afar come to visit you. It could be the you enter college or your University or take on classes and courses to further your career. It could also be a time for you to take on studies to learn a new language or culture. It's a great time to broaden your horizons and learn something new. Venus enters your 2nd house of earned income on December 15th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you also spend it lavishly. You may invest your money and material items that you think will bring you a long-term value or investment. You may signing a contract or making some financial agreement around December 9th. It could bring about something long term for you and provide greater opportunity for growth and security. It could be investing in a home, vehicle or other long term financial project or investment.


The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your own sign and house. The next 6 months will be all about you and your personal wants and need. It's going to be a time when you could decide to enter college or University. There could also be some significant changes within yourself in this could be getting married or changing your name or even becoming a parent. It is a time for you to focus on what's going to make a difference in your life and it would bring about long term results. It could be that you change careers or pursue a new career path. You may also decide to pursue a new job or a side venture. It can bring about great long term results that can bring you more stability and security for the long term. Venus enters your own sign on December 15th.  The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of attention and even be the center of attention. You will also focus on your own appearance. You may change your hair color or hairstyle. You may also get a new wardrobe or a new tattoo. You seem to be focusing on your own self and what will make you happy. You will receive plenty of praise and attention.  There will be some great financial opportunity around December 9th and into next week. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money. Keep open to the opportunity for success as more going on as you get closer into the new year.


 The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your 12th houses secrets and solitude. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to rest and relax and catch up on sleep. It is the time when you may find yourself more at home or doing things more behind the scenes. It could be that you are working more privately than working more with the public. It is also a time for you to get rid of unhealthy habits or people from your life. It is also a time to discard or get rid of bad habits and this could be the start of a healthier person in you. Venus enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude December 15th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may also keep secrets to yourself. It is also a time for you to give selflessly to others. You want to be careful that you do not give more than what you can afford emotionally and financially or else others will take advantage of you. It may also be a time for you to keep secret love affairs. I hope you are not pursuing a love affair because you’re feeling neglected. If you are involved in another relationship like a marriage then you first want to see what can be fixed in the marriage before opening the door to someone else as you may later regret it.


The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your 11th house of friendships, groups and organizations. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to be social and outgoing. You can make new friends and build new connections even online through social media and networks. It could be a great positive time to work with others to further your career. It’s a great time to expand your opportunities and this could bring about great connections. You may attend events or parties or could be you putting together an event or party. Venus enters your 11th house of friendships on December 15th making the next four weeks a time for you to socialize and connect and communicate with family and friends. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to spend time with friends and enjoy the company of friends. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. You are social and outgoing and will connect with people around you. You will find yourself outdoors meeting new people and making new friends. You may find yourself attending parties and special events or it could be you that is putting together a special event or party.


The new moon solar eclipse on December 14th will fall in your career house. The next 6 months can be a great time for your career and this could bring about promotions or advancements or even the ability to start a business or business venture. The next 6 months can be a very positive time for you to do well for yourself financially and great opportunities for your career. It could also be a time for you to focus on building greater long term opportunities This could bring about a new job or new job offer.   Venus enters your 10th house of career on December 15th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It is your time to advance in your career and to receive recognition for the hard work that you have done in the past. You may also find love at work or you are social and friendly.  Financial opportunities may present itself starting on December 9th. There can be opportunities for financial growth. the week seems full of career and financial opportunity for the long term.



Psychic Readings

Help Through a Crisis

Today's Message. Dealing with a crisis!
If it will benefit you, do it! If not, just say "NO"..
Take care of yourself first, before anyone else!
Take 5 minutes before making ANY decisions...
Seek support through family, friends, Keen advisors or colleagues.
Have a back up plan!
Recognize that this is NOT working anymore and find an alternative to the situation.
Think before you share info about the situation on social media, ect.. this can cause unneeded drama!
Give yourself space... you need time to figure out the best move..
Call your favorite Keen advisor and talk it out!

Be sure to give me a call today, I can help you stay calm!

Arriana's Daily Tarot ! Tuesday December 8th !!

Welcome to A's Daily Tarot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Justice card Today we look at a balanced day. Justice brings fairness, if you are awaiting decisions they will be fair to your actions. If owed an apology you can expect to receive it today, though if you are the one in the wrong be prepared to eat humble pie and apologize. Any legal aspects will be ruled justly and fairly for you today. Balance in our lives is important, if it is a legal case or just a fair outcome of an argument it is important to put things in perspective for a fair outcome. Look to what is right, and fair in all your choices, every choice has two outcomes, always make the fair choice. Blessings Arriana

Chinese Fortune Stick Reading of the Day

~ Stick # 25 ~

Emperor Ming slew his one true love,
But a shaman took pity and eased his heart,
With dreams of roaming upon the moon,
His beloved mistress forever at his side.


While you seem to have suffered a great loss at the moment, some kind of reconciliation will occur, although it may only be a partial and unfulfilling one. Things will set themselves right but not for a while. Your professional prospects are better than your personal ones, so it may be a good idea to take some time off work to attend to your private life. Maybe you have been neglecting the spiritual side of your personality.

What is gone is gone and you must now learn to live with that. Recall and enjoy the best of what was, but also move on. You will never get over what has happened because it is now part of you, but this can strengthen and guide you rather than hang around your neck like some sort of curse.


Each day I sit down, take up the cup of sticks and ask the same question, “What does the Keen community need to know or hear today?”  I shake the cup until a stick (or 2 or 3…) falls out.  I then post the stick number and the meanings for you to get what you can out of them.

The sticks themselves are a form of I-Ching.  There are a total of 64 sticks in the set that I use* with a poem and small interpretation/story to go along with each stick.   The poems, meanings and reflections are meant to be read and (as a good friend of mine once said) marinated in.  In our culture, we’ve grown accustomed to getting instant gratification.  In other words, we’re used to everything being given to us with little or no work on our parts.  These readings are the exact opposite of that type of attitude.

Chinese Fortune sticks are meant to make us slow down and reflect on what is being said.  As each sticks’ meaning can be profoundly personal to each person who reads them, it’s more important for you to read them rather than have someone give you a watered down version.  These readings are meant to sing to a level of your consciousness and bring you a measure of peace, or at least enlightenment.

The best way to get the most you can out of these readings is to approach them with an open mind.  Before sitting down to read that morning’s reading, make some quiet time for yourself.  Sit still for a moment and clear your mind.  Silence the chatter in your head and take a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly.  Once you feel yourself slow down a little (or a lot), read through the reading of the day.  Go over it a few times if you feel the need.  Then take a moment, sit back and think about what that reading means for you.  Some will be very straightforward; others require a bit more thinking.  Either way, let the reading from the sticks guide you that day on the decisions or experiences you have.  These aren’t meant to tell you what to think, but rather to help you look at things in a different way or to allow you to access truths you already have.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me!!

* written by Zhao Xiaomin & Martin Palmer

Corner Of Light's Angel Card Message For December 08 ,2020

Angel Card Message For December 08, 2020: "Stop for a moment and take a break from all your thoughts and problems. Look around you - see that the world and the place where you are have a hidden charm. The angel of beauty is trying to encourage you to notice the beauty present in every moment of your life. Even small things can bring joy and contentment, but not everyone can see the beauty in everything. Understand that it is up to you whether you want to see the world in dark or bright colors. Start now, and find happiness every day, and you will soon see that life is beautiful!" Happy Tuesday Blessings, Sherry Corner Of Light

Your Moment of Zen

violet views

If you are having trouble finding me : my est is our Ext. 0138325 Personal URL: https://www.keen.com/Deborah-mills add $5 to this call or chat today and get free minutes. For your next call Our task is to live, fully, kindly and to give, not only others hope and dreams but to ourselves for things to mean, its important that we love all, including ourselves and so we don’t fall, into fear and doubt, worry and drought and bring the peace and love – deborahmills © 2020 Our lives are important. To know where our destiny lies, even when the times seem hard and the dreams don’t seem to be showing up properly we are still very important to the universe. To be prepared and ready to open up to possibilities and to yes even miracles, we will find a way to love our dreams. Dream on Dream big Dream Healthy hippie hints: Flower Power: Violet: little “violet” purple flowers sometimes white, but the violet is a fuzzy leaf tropical plant. She loves the hotter weather . She is a symbolism of all being right in the world and will remind us there is always hope for tomorrow I am here my usual hours today. I will return this evening as usual May the fairies dance around each of us today.Love ya Me

Relationships & Career - Seeds for Growth!

Relationships that offer stability and room to grow are favored as the "Practical" Virgo Moon befriends Venus in "Tenacious" Scorpio. Both signs carry a strong sense of determination. You may feel a strong sense to get your career, love-life and overall affairs in an orderly fashion. Time to reboot your career sector as Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto - All in "Career-Savvy" Capricorn To boot, The Moon tag-teams with "Innovative" Uranus in "Fruit-of-the-Earth" Taurus, giving you hope, optimism and new promise in career and public image. Unique solutions may come about. Planting the seed is food for thought. Ideas, Ideas, Ideas...The focus now is building a solid future in love, relationships, career and longevity in your long term planning. Housing and living situations may be changing. If you keep things realistic and down-to-earth; you can set out to achieve what you set out to do! Love & Light, Aquarian Psychic
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