I have been reading for over 30 years, many of my readings are about romance and relationships, and I find that it is harder for women to sometimes understand the thought process men have when it comes to relationships and romance. Men are very different, we are indeed very simple. Women have it over men when it comes to relationships in general. Women can think things through better. keep this in mind as you read further.
My clients call me "The Romance Psychic" They started this many years ago. I wear that name proudly. I feel that I read so well on this subject because not only can I pick up the thoughts and feelings of the men that I am asked about, but since I am a male clairvoyant I can interpret them with a unique male point of view which allows me to help my family of clients much better. It is one thing to read a man's thoughts and feelings but it is another to explain them to a woman so that she can use that information to make small changes that will improve the relationship and put them on the right path. So this will be a post on how men think differently than women. One of many that I will post.
I hope you enjoy what you read, and use it to help you and your relationship. I also hope that you take the time one day if you have not yet had a reading with me to do so. You will be amazed at the difference in my readings versus other psychics and spiritual advisors.
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I figure this is the best place to start. The first thing to understand is that while women may think about the relationship they are in or the man they are interested in quite often, very often sometimes and this causes some other issues. If your constantly thinking of him you are not thinking about the everyday things that you need to manage your life.
You are the most important part. You must do yourself first, you must be happy and ready yourself first., so remember the you part as we continue.
Men on the other hand, when they are not working, or doing the things they need to in their life think about things such as what they are going to eat for dinner, what they are going to watch on television, or what sporting event they are interested in. Not so much romanticizing the relationship. Men just don't do that as women do, we are not as good as you women are especially when it comes to making those amazing movies in our heads. We just cant seem to do that. Fantasize yes, but romanticize, not all that much.
This is not to say that men do not think about the women in their life but they do not focus on it in the way women tend to. They sometimes overlook and take for granted, just how much women really care about us, and how much they think about us. That's just how men can be. Understand us, men, and you can rule the relationship.
When a man knows a woman cares about him he tends to just file that away deep in his mind. He knows, he is content, he does not have to hear how much you care about him all the time, or have it expressed daily or as often as women may need or want to do, Sometimes women even tend to express their feelings to get a reaction from the man, or to hear those words back. This is a big mistake. Just because a man does not say it verbally to you it does not mean that he does not care. He just is not that worried. Men think a moment at a time, they focus on what is there now, and not so much on what is to come next. They live, act, and think at the moment. Not long term, we are not planning weddings in our head or even the next steps of a relationship. So take it easy on us and enjoy the moments.
This will get you the best result. I promise.
One of the most important things I tell many of my clients, and what I said above, is to "Enjoy The Moments". In other words, try not to worry about what is going to happen next, will he call the next day and when, will this lead to something more. Does he like me, and so on.
These are questions that you can ask an advisor about, that is what I do best. that's what I am for, so you don't have to hurt your relationship "Fishing" for words of romance and love from your man.
It is a shame to waste the time when you are with someone you care about and not fully enjoy being with them when in the back of your mind you are running movies as I call them. Thinking about what will happen next, is this going to go long term, or even s this going to be my husband? Thinking this is ok but not at the same time you are with that person. You should enjoy every single moment, every single action, and every single word that is spoken at that time. If you are not enjoying the moments you are with him than all the rest is for nothing.
Unfortunately, many men just do not understand that the women they care about sometimes need to hear that they are loved or cared about more than just once in a while. Please trust me when I say that men do care they just do not express the feelings they have verbally as much as women may do, or want their men to do.
Men tend to express the way they feel in different ways, that will be a topic for another post. For now, it is important to just realize that they know how you feel about them, they lock that into their minds and they go on and just accept that. When they are with you they know, and sometimes it is nice to hear from them how they feel and I can show you ways to get more of that from them, but it does not mean that they do not care about you. We, as men, just are not the same as women and we handle our feelings when it comes to love, romance, and relationships, very differently than women do. Just understanding that will help you.
It is also important to realize that everyone carries things from past relationships into new ones, and in many cases, this can be a bad thing. I find that both men and women do this but women tend to take a specific action by a new man and overlay it on an action or lack of action that happened to them in a past relationship by a completely different man. This causes women to form an opinion on the new man based on old thoughts and feelings or something that happened in the past with another. Do not let this happen. call or chat with me immediately.
Continue Reading Below My Special And My Warning. I Can Help You In So Many Ways. Make your romance, relationship, or marriage better.
WARNING: Do not call unless you are looking for the truth. I am very real. My clients get help by knowing exactly what will happen. They will know what the other person is thinking and feeling about them and their relationship. It may not be what you want to hear but it will be the truth. It will be honest and accurate. No sugar coating, no fairytale stories, no crystal ball guesses. Just the real truth from a real male psychic with over 30 years of experience, amazing feedback, and reviews. I promise my clients that they will not waste their time calling me. They will, however, learn the truth, and the truth is, in the end, the only thing that will help you. Stop wasting time. Know the truth and fix your life now.
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Understanding Men Continued
Do not let overthinking get you in trouble and cause speed bumps in the relationship you are in now. Men tend not to do this as much as women, although men do think about you as well, just in a fantasizing way versus a romanticizing way. Basically, on those days where you are thinking about your man and how much you want to be with him, he is thinking about whether he is going to eat pizza or steak, what he is going to watch on television or other mundane random thoughts.
When he is lonely, or yes feeling that special feeling, if you get my drift, and not thinking about the things that are in his direct view, he thinks about you and how much he enjoys being with you. He keeps it simple.
It comes second or third instead of first, but that in no way means he thinks of you as a lesser thing than for example food. It is just the amount of time he spends on thinking about you that is maybe less than you spend thinking about him. That's the male-female gap as I call it.
With all this said let me also add this disclaimer.
Every situation, every man, every woman, every romance or relationship is different. That is why so many people call me so that I can tell them what the other person is feeling and thinking about them, this way you will know and not get frustrated because your man isn't telling you or showing you how he feels as much as he should or you may want him too.
I hope some of this helps, that is why I read, to help people, and over the next few days, I will post more on this subject. there is so much more to understand. There are many differences that men and women have when it comes to love and relationships. That a good thing.
If you take anything away from this post, it should be to enjoy the time you have when you are with your man. Remember he is a man and less emotional when it comes to relationships or romance, this is natural, it's a DNA thing also, and has no reflection on you whatsoever. It is not you, it is him. I say this so often. It Is Not You.
There are many ways to change this and to get your man to be more expressive of his feelings and I can help you obtain that as well as many other things in your life. But always remember that each man is his own man and not the guy you were with last time, or the time before.
Real quick a little about me the author,
I am a 3rd Generation Male Psychic. Reading people of all kinds for over 30 years. gentle Truth, Non-Judgmental, and I most certainly have helped so many improve their lives. get who and what they want, and yes I am very proud of that fact. If you want to know about you man, ask me, a Male Romance Psychic, Who else.
More Help Keep Reading
This post contains several of my popular articles about saving your relationship, getting it back on track, getting more communication from your man and how to enjoy the moments and take the pressure off you and the person you love. The information in this post can help you with so many situations and problems, you will be amazed. It comes from myself PsychicAndrew, from my heart, and from over 30 years of reading others on the subject of love and relationships, and life questions. and includes not only psychic and spiritual information but a male psychic's point of view and a man's perspective of many subjects in the area of romance and relationships. If after reading this you find that many things have hit a bullseye about your particular issue then take a moment and think about allowing me to give you a real reading. My reviews are amazing, I am 100% honest and my male point of view could be just what you need.
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Analyze Your Relationship
Some of the things you want to take stock of are as follows. First and foremost is the communication between you and your partner. Is he communicating more with you? In other words, is he starting to share his feelings and thoughts more with you, is he telling you how he feels about certain things in the relationship and honestly, the big question sometimes, is he talking at all. If he has become less communicative then you may have a problem, if after many months of dating he is not speaking about this at all you most certainly have a problem.
This problem can be fixed by making some changes so do not panic. Depending on what he is thinking and feeling you and your trusted psychic advisor can come up with a plan to help modify a few things that you do and a few ways you may act to get him communicating more.
Yes you have to do the changing, why you, well I can only help you, I'm not reading him, and he is not concerned enough about this to call me or anyone else, so yes the change if you want to help make things better, is on you. I know that is harsh at times, but things are the way they are, and we are hoping to make them better.
The second thing you want to look at is the time he spends with you. I am not talking about telephone time or virtual time, such as phone, text, chat, all the other forms than what truly counts. I am talking about the real one on one in person together time. IRL In Real Life. To men, and for us men to grow our feelings past a certain point, we need the IRL, we need to be with you In Real life in person, in range of a hug, a kiss, and anything more.
The other virtual stuff to a man, well it does not count. That is one thing that many women take issue with when I do my readings because apparently, someway women can grow amazing feelings without the IRL, the in Real Life. Women are better that way, women can love a man that they have not even met many times, and can grow to that level of feelings from long periods of virtual contact but men just can't, so please remember this as it is coming up more and more often in my readings. I also want you to make sure that if this seems like your situation that you check also your real feelings for him as well because, In Real Life, it is very important in building a solid foundation for a relationship that lasts and that is good, steady, even, and everyone is happy. That is a real relationship.
Quality Time Spent Together
I am talking about quality real-time such as dates, dinners, and events. Sometimes family gatherings, holidays, things like that are so important to grow a relationship, that's how you get to know a human being.
You want to take a look and notice if they have declined or increased in the time spent together with you, but again you also want to look at the quality of the time you spend together. If this has decreased or become a lesser quality time then this needs to be addressed, but again don’t panic this can also be fixed. Just get to me before anything crazy happens. I am here to help you, think of me in that way, please.
The third thing you want to look at is progress, this is how the relationship has grown and is the framework being built for a longer better and more permanent relationship. I am assuming that's what you want but everyone is different as I always say so maybe you want something less or different from the usual relationship. that is ok, and I can help you as well, but most people that have me read for them, they are looking for more of a long term committed relationship and that's good for them.
The framework is something that you have to be very careful about and not jump to conclusions regarding the framework. Men need time, men generally run at a slower pace relationship-wise than women and this is a very big issue with many of my clients. They get freaked out if things do not seem to be moving toward name branding such as what the man refers to you as, such as girlfriend, or other half and so on. This is not as important as many of my clients think it is. Just because the name branding is not there, does not mean that his feelings are not there, and does not mean that your relationship is not improving or growing. It is something to look, yes, at but in many cases, not something you need to get super worked up about. Enjoy The Moments. But keep your eyes on the prize and don't wait for problems.
The point I want to make is this. I get many calls from clients who wait until things are completely broken, or they have broken up with their man, or are in a huge fight that will eventually lead to a breakup. Sometimes things can be put back together but in many cases, it is too late and I am very honest, if I feel it is over and can't be fixed I will tell you this so you can, move on and start healing. The truth is the truth and sometimes it is not what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear. The truth is what always helps. You can not ever go wrong that way, and my reading is based on that motto. The truth.
It is always much easier for me to help you fix something before it is broken. By reading his thoughts and feelings, reading and analyzing the situation before a problem I can give you predictions and advice that will keep the bad from happening. I so wish clients would call me before something happens when they start to feel something is wrong or going in the other direction. Even when you feel like your so happy and you also realize that you are running fast and maybe way past him, so you may just need me to help you with the pace.
When you call me first then I can help you with a huge success rate.
I will be able to tell you why he is acting a certain way and how he is feeling and thinking about you and the relationship or situation.
I can then tell you what you must do to get things back on track or keep your relationship from going bad, getting worse, or exploding and in most cases, I can help you to make the relationship better and improve the pace of the relationship or romance so that you can relax and enjoy the moments.
So do yourself a favor, take stock in your relationship from time to time and if something is off, or feels not right, call me before the big bang not after. Being a great advisor, psychic, spiritual hand, and also a man myself can give you the advantage you need, the information and help that you want or eventually will need to make things great. Better safe than sorry, better sooner than later. Relationships are not supposed to be perfect, but they always need work, like a garden they are always growing or are supposed to be, so water, a little food, and some tender loving care can do magic or what seems like magic anyway. Things get better, things grow stronger and flourish.
All relationships are different. This does not mean you are not already doing some of the things written above. Many of you probably are but are you doing these things in the right way. The right way is the way where it improves your relationship with a man. How do you know if you are doing things in the way your man can get? Ask me of course. That is why my clients have the success that they do. if you want to know about your man, ask a male, and even better a male psychic. I just wanted to remind all my clients about this because I am getting more and more calls that I wish called me before the problems became unmanageable or un-fixable. You would be surprised at how much I can help. So take stock in your relationship now and remember that it is always worth the cost of a call to save the most important thing in your life.
Many times, while you are allowing time the chance to make things better, or maybe you are waiting for time to change circumstances, to allow circumstances to change, and yes time does allow for change, that is one component, but you may find yourself also thinking about what comes next, what will happen, will things work out and when.
Will we be together always, when will he come closer, communicate more, lose that “Other Person” in his life holding him from you, when will his finances get better, when will he move closer to me.
All those questions in your head, those constant thoughts, those things that can be holding back your relationship and so many other things that only time can fix get caught up in your brain and you start making those movies I talk about. You start thinking about it not working or things not going well, in other words, your always looking at the glass as being half empty rather than half full. Your hurting things rather than helping things. Careful of those movies.
Those movies that we make up in our head need to be positive movies with good endings. Not negative movies with bad endings. What we think and those movies we make can and will change what is ahead of us in many ways not just karmic or spiritual but in the way you act and react to things. These movies are real ways to help manifest things in your life. It is so simple, but the truth is that when you focus on positive thoughts you get positive results, when you focus on negative thoughts you get negative results. That is a bit simplified but in general, that is how the universe works. We will talk more about those movies that I call Spiritual Focusing later but for now back to enjoying the moments.
You are in a relationship, what part of the relationship are you in? It could be the start of a new one, the middle of one, the fresh start of an old relationship gone bad, it does not matter when it comes to this subject. No matter what stage you are in, how long you have been in it, or even if you're in it all the way yet. Time is not infinite for us, every day you waste is a day you lost. When you are with your special man or women it is important to savor that moment, to enjoy the time that you are together, the time you spend talking or communicating, the time you both share. So many times you will find yourself with the person you care about but all you are doing is thinking about what will happen after, what will come next, what change will this meeting bring.
This is such a waste and in so many cases it is destructive as well, especially if you are thinking negatively. You need to at those moments just not think. You need to embrace the moment in a positive manner, enjoy the time you are together, savor the sounds of his voice, his smell, his looks and actions that you are drawn to.
Do not worry if you are going to see him the next day, speak to him tomorrow, or even worry if this will be the last time you do see him. Don’t think about what the time together is going to do for the relationship, enjoy that time now. Enjoy The Moments
I mean take it all in, live in that moment. Notice the small things, the positive things, and actions. If you feel something negative or feel something is off please ignore those feelings at least for that moment.
When you are with the other person, you want to immerse yourself in that point in time. You want to covet that time you spend as if it was the last time you will be together but in a good way, not the bad way, where all you can do is think about whether it will be or not. So much great time together and amazing fun, love, and feelings can be lost because we are not thinking and living in the moment, we are preoccupied thinking about things that are not in our control, or things that are, but should be dealt with at a different time. Timing and position in life are everything. When you are together all you should be doing is enjoying yourself, realizing the entire time all the great things you feel about that person and never start thinking about the things you want to change, or the things that are not perfect yet. When together be, just be, that's all.
Remember all you can do is you, so if he is not enjoying the moments we can deal with that but you shouldn't be thinking of that, during the moments your with him. You can only fix and help you, not anyone else
Nobody is perfect ever. That is a fact, worrying about things does not help. That is a fact, but that great feeling you have when you are with him is real and that too is a fact. So enjoy the moments.
The most important fact is that when you are with the person you want to be with you should make that moment the most important time in your life. Live in that moment, enjoy the conversation, the touch of his hand in yours, the way he makes you laugh, the feelings that rush through your body, everything that makes up the reason you want to be with this person in the first place.
Why waste that time, why not enjoy it, why would you want to take even one minute of happiness away from yourself. There are times to fix things, there are times to change things and focus on what needs to change in a relationship but those times are not when you are with that person or enjoying that person.
If you just relax and enjoy the time you are together without thinking negatively about "stuff", without wondering what will happen or what comes the next day then you have accomplished many things.
The first thing you have accomplished and the best thing is that you enjoyed him at the highest level possible. You had fun, you felt great, you laughed, you shared, you got the most from that person and that moment. The second thing that you accomplished was creating all those positive feelings that lead to better times ahead. The third thing you have accomplished is the remembrance of the great time you had when you were together so you can use those memories to create positive movies later that will lead to good endings and great changes. It is a win-win situation. It also ensures that while you are spending that time together that you are not fighting, disagreeing, or creating negative vibrations and feelings that will cause harm and create problems. It is easy I assure you. We want to enjoy the moments, so now just do that. Throw the thoughts about your relationship away for now and just enjoy the moments.
So now that you have read this please put this to good use. The next time you are with your man, the next time you communicate, make it glorious. and do yourself the favor, you will not regret this ever I promise. It may sound simple because it is, but when you put it to use you will find that enjoying the moment changes things without even trying.
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Should you be waiting for him to call you or should you call first
I have heard from many of my female clients that they have either heard from friends or other advisors that it is always best to wait for your man to call you, that after a fight or disagreement, or after a date even.
I have been told that so many times, that I felt the need to write this, so that not only can you understand the myth but understand this whole who calls who mystery from a male point of view. Good stuff here.
Before I begin I want to make it clear that there are many instances when you must go silent. This should not be confused with waiting for him to call. There are times when you can't call because a man may feel threatened or a man may feel too pressured or overwhelmed by your call, but these times are not what I am talking about.
I’m talking about that theory or advice given so many times that says he needs to come toward you, or that he needs to make the first move. Most of this is about footing, who has the upper hand in the relationship, who bends first. This is ridiculous. This in most cases, not all, but in most, is the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Men do not always realize that you have feelings for them despite things you have said or done. Men are not as smart as you women, remember, think idiots and you would have us down. It is important to build them, us men, up, to reassure them that you do like them and one of the best ways to do this is by calling them. So in that instance call him.
There are times, however, as I mentioned before, when you may not want to call a man, but this is usually for different reasons, long term goals, and every situation is different from another, I can not stress that enough, in this area consult an advisor first. I am speaking of that general information and thought that many females, even some advisors, that you want to wait for the man to call you first, and as a general rule this causes more problems for relationships than anything else. Do not in the contact area think that anything general will work. Each situation can be very different, and they usually are very different from one to another, from one client or one situation to another.
You need to think about your man thinking the same thing as you, thinking that you might not have the level of feelings you do and he sits and waits for your call. Sometimes when following the rule of not calling first you destroy any hope of ever speaking with him again. Now I also do realize that sometimes you don’t want to call first because you don’t want to be rejected, or rejected again, or feel that you're going to get a negative response, and this I can understand but think for a moment if you have not spoken to your man in a few days and it seems as though he is not going to call you, then what in the world do you have to lose by calling him. He is already not with you, he has already gone silent, so what is the worst that can happen, you can put yourself in the same situation your in now, no contact. But and this is the big part of this information, if you do take the plunge and make that call you might and will in many cases be very surprised at the response you get and the truth is you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Here is the part that I am very compelled to explain. Every situation is different, every reading, every man, every relationship so before you decide what to do I suggest you give me a call or another psychic and maybe even a male or new to you psychic. if you have been getting the "don't call him"advise too often say that it is not the right move to wait but I can say for the most part that you need to think very hard about not calling. It is not an automatic thing. You must consult your advisor and ask why shouldn’t I call. You need a third party perspective so that your feelings do not block your normal thought process. Sometimes you don’t call because it is part of a long term plan to get your man back or your relationship going again but I just keep hearing too many of my new clients and some of my existing family of clients saying that they feel that he should make the first move and I tell you this as an advisor and a man this is not always the right path so make sure that not calling him has a real reason behind it, and your not just playing a game that you are not understanding completely.
Men think, act, and respond so much differently than women do and that is one of the reasons that I believe that everyone who consults an advisor should consult a male advisor at least once to get the male perspective, the feeling from your man interpreted by a man and see the real difference between readings. My main point here is that I know that throughout many years I have always heard the wait for him to call you after your date, or a fight, or maybe a trip he took, or in many other circumstances.
Don’t feel that not making that call first is a standard response. It can hurt your relationship more than help it. If you are unsure of this or what you should do then please take 5 minutes and allow me to read for you and allow me to give you the male point of view after reading him and the situation. Yes maybe you should be waiting for him to call, but the truth is most of the time you should not be waiting, not if you want that man that makes your heart sing.
Love and Light PsychicAndrew