My experience with Spirits and other paranormal activity
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Name: tarawyn
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My First Spirit
The first time I saw a spirit I was ten years old. Since I was a small child I had experienced a great deal of paranormal activity such as vivid psychic dreams, premonitions and a sense of "knowing". It was summer, a hot muggy night in the Midwest, my parents and sisters asleep when I was awakened by the sound of wind chimes........This was back in the day when there was no air conditioning and people slept with their windows open in the summertime, a soft humid breeze fluttered the curtain at my window and on the air came the sound of tinkling wind chimes somewhere from outside the house or was it inside? I couldn't quite tell. This happened for several nights in a row. And, then one night upon being awakened again by the same melodic yet slightly disturbing sound of the chimes I sensed that something was very different, I felt a frisson of fear transcend my small body and knew that someone was in the room with me, someone not of this physical earth but someone I could see as plain as day and in great detail....... I sat up in bed, I did not cry out nor did I whimper in fear as I saw the outline of a man in the shadows of my bedroom doorway. As my eyes began to adjust to the darkness of my small room, the figure of the man became more clear and yet even more mysterious to me. It was the uniform that he was wearing that so distinguished him, something in my young mind I associated with the army, a dress uniform complete with cap, medals and brass buttons. He also wore, of all things, a pair of mirrored sun glasses as if he was used to spending a lot of time outdoors where the sun shone hot and bright......and something kept repeating in my mind "Viet Nam, Viet Nam". He looked at me with an impassive yet what I felt was an "I'm in charge expression" and then turned and walked down the hallway, down the stairs, through the living room and finally out the front door where he had entered originally. Somehow I knew that he was a Sargent although as a child nothing would have indicated that to me. My Viet Nam ghost continued to come to me for many, many nights after that, actually months, always preceded by the sound of the wind chimes. As a child I did not know I was psychic and did not have a clue what paranormal activity was. I never told my parents or my sisters what was happening, even though on some level I was afraid and it disturbed me. It wasn't until I was an adult that I began to open up about some of the experiences I have had with Spirits visiting me and to begin to understand why they visit me, and I am no longer afraid. I know now that some people have a higher frequency that acts like a beacon of light and in turn this attracts Spirits who in some way need help or are trying to communicate something to you. When I look back now to my first spirit, my "Viet Nam" ghost, I know he was killed in Viet Nam. He didn't understand he was dead, was looking in the neighborhood where he grew up, and found me, the only light he saw. He wandered around in circles every night in my house trying to find his way home, toward the light...........and eventually he did, with a lot of encouragement from me
ShareThis posted Friday, February 08, 2013 12:49 PM by tarawyn | 0 Comments [Edit] | Report this