Spiritual meditation is the pathway to Divinity. It is a mystic ladder which reaches from earth to heaven, from error to Truth, from pain to peace. ~James Allen
The old gypsy closed her eyes, her head bowed as she turned away from the petitioner in sadness. The situation the seeker found herself in was very sad, the petitioner did not think any good would ever come of the problems, could not see any positive outcome. The gypsy wise woman told the young girl to come back the next day. So the ancient grandmother sat down to meditate to find answers. We all have things in our lives that sometimes we cannot see clearly. All the outside noise around us, all the people, tv, radio, we as people can’t stand the silence. We are afraid of the silence as we are worried about what we will hear. Yet, only in complete silence, in the calming of our mind, in the breath, listening to our breathe our heartbeat, can we reach the gods, find the truth, find peace in our hearts. We fill our lives with so much noise, so many people, we do not like solitude, or aloneness so we keep on talking, yelling, screaming, feeling we have to battle our way through the problems, we have to talk, talk talk, argue, discuss, when in reality we just have to let our mind clear to ease the pain.
Animal totems: chickadee: Pretty little lady chickadee sings in the trees. She reminds us to be cheerful even when the storms come. He medicine , makes us smile as her color is bright. Prety little chickadee grows guiet in the night. She loves the sunshine, so at night she is softly gently quiet so she can hear from the nature what she needs to know. This is the medicine of her totem.
I am off Monday morning as usual. I look forward to sharing with each person who comes to us. May the fairies dance around each of us today.Love ya, Me, Cherokee, Cidro, Frankiecapome, Sugar Fortune Cookie, T and the sweet spirits of bob and bEts.