The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy. ~Jim Rohn We build protective walls around us. This is our nature. We don’t want to be hurt, stomped on so we throw up our walls rather quickly. The problem is that when we block emotions, we numb ourselves to the joy, the peace. Each time something goes awry, we put another brick on the fences. When good feelings start to come, then we have to tear away the bricks again. This is like the Jenga game where we pull out this wooden emotion from another to finally break the whole wall down. When both people, both lovers, have strong walls built it is hard to get to the good stuff. There is always sadness, disappointment , hurt when we deal with other people, even our kids, our parents. The key here is to not hold the grudges, forgive as no one is perfect. Open our heart chakras, both portals. The front portal gives us what we need to think about, the back portal helps us take action. So give ourselves open hearts, open arms to joy. Animal totems: Around these parts, no matter where one looks Bro Possum comes out to get in our trash bins, out trees, run in front of our cars. Possum is a very passive animal. He will use diversion to trick enemies. He rolls up in a ball or plays dead rather than fight. Yet when really provoked he does know how to turn around, fight like a Trojan. I have seen one very angry possum once. He did some great damage. My mother used to tell me to watch the quiet ones, they are the most dangerous. Possum people think before they act, and choose their battles well. Use our brains, intelligence rather than fighting. Be careful to watch what APPEARS to be. Even if we are hearing it with our own ears, or seeing it with our own eyes, possum diverts the situation
Week 4:
You're never too old to do goofy stuff. ~From the television show Leave it to Beaver, spoken by the character Ward Cleaver So, like a forgotten fire, a childhood can always flare up again within us. ~Gaston Bachelarday Okay, we all have an inner child. We all find ourselves playing tit for tat. But Deb, he/she said this, did that, so we just…. We’re just going to let him/her believe that that man over there staring at us really WANTS us, not looking at the fact that we accidently put on one brown sock, one blue this morning. The good news is that we all have this wonderful mischievous child that rears his/her head not only when we are in playful time, but quite truthfully comes out in the moment of crisis. We, who are spiritual, think we need to be perfect, serene, constantly in our peaceful bubble, always floating through life without issues. So we get a little childish sometimes. It’s okay. The good thing is that that same mischievous, free spirited inner child that creates our impromptu tantrums is the same inner child that helps us believe, helps us to have faith, no preconceived notions. The inner child helps us believe that the impossible can be possible, anything can happen. Like a fire left with the embers glowing slightly still warm, our own child gets fuel, ready to fire up again. So with joy, faith, fun, and hope, we’re are never too old to do goofy stuff, believe goofy stuff, keep faith alive.
Animal totems: Every year I try to build one of my flower beds to draw in the hummingbirds , the butterflies. Filling one rock garden bed with Phlox, goldenrod, zinnias, sunflowers, Vervain, Allowing the Queen’s Ann Lace weeds to take over a few places here and there. Petunias, Coneflowers, Asters are part of this as well. Then the Butterflies, beloved by Native Amerians, bring the joy , the peace of long hot summer days. Because of the stages of a butterfly’s life, this beauty symbolizes transformation, shape shifting. Need to be invisible or blend in the crowd. Shapeshift into butterfly. Butterflies remind us to play, to not be so serious, high minded all the time. They spread beauty from one garden to the next. Butterflies flit together, touching, then playing using fun flight to make us feel light of our burdens, free to run with our dreams whenever we see them come. Fairies love them in their gardens.
i so love sharing with each person spirit allows me to share with. This work is a privilege not a chore, the ministry is one of hope, something to make time to do, not just do because we have to. There are so many ways in the world to make our living, to manifest what we need, but this work is a gift we are allowed to do. My son is getting married at 9 arizona time sunday June 30th, I will not be starting calls until later in the evening,b ut i will be on more than i have in the last 2 days. i set aside, 5:30 pm - 11 pm tomorrow night to be allowed to share with you. lately i was starting to wonder if this was the wrong path for me, for as my parents both have had near death crisises lately, and things have been so hectic i ask the Great spirit is this the right path. Yet then i helped a woman find her child who was in distress, i had another so deep in despair that she thought she couldn't come out of it, and spirit told me all life including deborahmills has problems. We rise above them to still share , care for others, we will receive back. Sprit also said, i am reminding you this work, is a gift to share, so I see that the dark would like to convince me to find another path, but still i come right back to this path. may the fairies dance around each of us today, love ya Me, Cherokee, Cidro, Frankiecapone, sugar Fortune cookie, T and the sweet precious spirits of my bob and bets. lvoe ya