3.88 stars for Sagittarius (sun/moon & rising) this week, with one bad day (give or take 24 hours) that is slated for Monday the 14th. The week begins with Sagittarius 9th house (it's own house) being effected, this is the house of law/academia/religion and travel, in some way one or more of these words is tied to the Thursday the 10th. Friday, Saturday & 1/2 of Sunday are all about tenth house issues, this is the house of reputation, groups, organization (work if you're in a team) and friends as well. It's crucial during this period to think about how you're coming across to others because you ARE being judged by people that matter to you whether or not you are told so. 1/2 of Sunday, Monday & Tuesday will be about eleventh house issues, since the bad day I'm projecting falls in to this house effecting your sign it's likely the bad day will be tied to an eleventh house issue, this is the house of exes, in-laws and VIPS. The eclipse of the 15th, will effect Sagittarius eleventh house as well as Sagittarius fifth house (the house of romance, easy love & flirtation). So in some way an ex, or an in law, may some how adversely OR PLEASANTLY effect your current romantic life on these days. For some this is good news, but for most Sagittarius getting back with an ex is not something that's wanted or desired. They're an "ex" for a reason!!! Let's hope most of you avoid the all to common likelihood of an ex creating a confrontation or divide between Sag and their new love. Sagittarius is MOST in love on Tuesday and Thursday (the 17th), though with the 5th house effect and the eclipse feeling romantic and totally enamored is likely ALL WEEK. 1/2 of Sunday, Monday & Tuesday will be when Sagittarius feels emotionally most sensitive this week as well as when Sagittarius will relate best to the women in their lives. I suggest the Archers listen to a song about love, in this case I'm choosing a song that talks about Tweedle Dum & Dee making my life a "fantasy"- check out Neil Sedaka's "Alice in Wonderland", male Sag's can think of Alice, females can think of those adorable Twins of Wonderland. <3