Exam coming up? Got a case of brain fog? Writer's block?
Use EFT, also known as the emotional freedom technique or "Tapping", to increase your critical thinking and mental focus. Read about EFT by browsing articles and videos to learn how it works if you don't know already.
My method for EFT is a little unorthodox but it works very well for me. I will state aloud my intentions, such as,"I DO have increased mental focus! My critical thinking skills are at their best! I feel positive! I think positive! etc..."
As I state these affirmations, I tap the hollow of my chest with my finger tips lightly to the rate of one mississipi. Although the heart is to the left, that area between your breasts(the little hollow), is where the heart chakra is. You could also tap the center of your forehead where the third eye chakra is.
I will just continue to tap and state these affirmations til I feel a "click". It's just a sense of feeling better and knowing that the desired change has taken place. I will also roll my eyes in clockwise and counter clockwise motion slowly as I state the affirmations. This helps the brain record the statements you are making and also to distract you from negative emotion.
You will find your mental focus will sharpen dramatically if you continue to practice the EFT sessions. Old ways of thinking and processing information will fall away and be replaced with new, positive pathways in the mind and spirit.
Use EFT, also known as the emotional freedom technique or "Tapping", to increase your critical thinking and mental focus. Read about EFT by browsing articles and videos to learn how it works if you don't know already.
My method for EFT is a little unorthodox but it works very well for me. I will state aloud my intentions, such as,"I DO have increased mental focus! My critical thinking skills are at their best! I feel positive! I think positive! etc..."
As I state these affirmations, I tap the hollow of my chest with my finger tips lightly to the rate of one mississipi. Although the heart is to the left, that area between your breasts(the little hollow), is where the heart chakra is. You could also tap the center of your forehead where the third eye chakra is.
I will just continue to tap and state these affirmations til I feel a "click". It's just a sense of feeling better and knowing that the desired change has taken place. I will also roll my eyes in clockwise and counter clockwise motion slowly as I state the affirmations. This helps the brain record the statements you are making and also to distract you from negative emotion.
You will find your mental focus will sharpen dramatically if you continue to practice the EFT sessions. Old ways of thinking and processing information will fall away and be replaced with new, positive pathways in the mind and spirit.