Am I Reading You?
People often call me for the purpose of alleviating some crisis or pain that they believe they are suffering from being a part of a soul mate or twin flame connection. And, with this in mind, my goal and purpose for my service is to provide guidance, a listening ear and information i receive through your guides and energy imprint. This is what tells me your past, present, and future, and what informs me so that I can know your physical characteristics (hair, eye color, height, vocation) as a verification that I am reading "you" and not that other "Jenny".
In the course of what we learn on tv and in the movies about love, we often bypass the notion of Soul Mate and Twin Flame "Pain". Some even wonder if there is such a thing as pain from being in these connections. I mean, Is there such a thing described as 'the pain from being separated?' My answer to these questions are Yes and No, and I will explain….
I do believe there is telepathic connection between soul mates and twin flames - that is is a real phenomena. I believe we live in a Universe based on vibration, and vibrations carry clear signals of intentions, thoughts and emotions. We as humans are able to interpret these vibrations almost instantaneously! We taste food, hear, feel and see because we as a species have evolved into Masterful Vibrational Interpreters.
Telepathy is a also vibrational signal. As an intuitive, I tap into the vibrational of anyone that I focus or tune into. (I'll say "Please think about the situation and repeat your name three times slowly". In doing that I am "tuning in" to your vibration and then I begin to get impressions of your life and story and questions). And, in my opinion, it is no different for soul mates and twin flames who are synergistically and energetically attached to one another; their telepathic portal to one another is way more pronounced than any other random "Joe" or "Jane". So when I consult with clients and they tell me that they can feel , understand or know what their mate or twin is doing or going through, even miles away, this does not surprise or alarm me. And I am happy to validate their feelings having been through it first hand.
- You drive to his house after feeling a heaviness all day to find another girl there
- You show up at his door knowing something is wrong and another woman has just left.
- You wait all day for him to call just feeling he's upset and he calls to say he didn't get the job.
it happens all the time to each and every one of us.
(I mean, are you gonna have that kind of "pull" with the man at the gas station??)
So what do you do?
Some clients consult with me and really want to know how best to deal with these telepathic connections with their twins or mates that they are no longer in a "relationship" format with or are separated from. Although their mates and twins no longer communicate with them with PHYSICALLY, they are still feeling them and keenly aware of them TELEPATHICALLY. What is even more difficult to deal with are the separated mates with whom we have unfinished business!!! BUT, and here is the kicker, although many many other twins and soul mates are connected to each other and have a great potential to "invade" each other's energetic field, we are NOT powerless or victims to each other - whether we are with them or not.
BUT How???
I repeat - How is it possible to NOT feel victimized by your mate or twin's telepathic barrage, good or bad?
Well, quite simply, what I have learned is that it is all about YOUR OWN vibrational frequency. PERIOD.
So, lets get into it: You know how I always say "I tune in like a radio…". Well, lets take that example of a radio and its signals. If I do not turn the radio to the station I prefer, I will mostly likely listen to a station that I may or may not like. But, either way, if the radio is on, I will get some sort of frequency. Same goes for when you come to the realization that your thoughts and emotional set point is at a particular frequency that may be a bit on the negative side, and this is the set point that your mate or twin may be on, or the grief of the situation may be causing you, you will absolutely find yourself on the same vibrational wave length as your mate or twin. This can be a wonderful feeling or a not so wonderful feeling.
But not once do I see myself or my clients as powerless or victimized by these telepathic connections. The key is knowing that you can adjust your OWN vibrational set point, and thus change your vibrational frequency simply by changing your thought patterns and emotional state. (did you get that? Should I repeat???) The so called "pain" that we feel telepathically is simply the case of sloppy vibrational and emotional states, and as a guide, I want to help you become aware and become more disciplined.
Now, lets be real, situations differ: for mates who are separated and not communicating, as is my case, we're often very resistant to changing our emotional and vibrational set point and frequency because -let's be honest with ourselves- we would rather receive ANY form of communication from our twin than nothing at all. Therefore, we CHOSEto suffer for years until we CHOSE to put our happiness and well being at the helm of our life. Because ultimately we are all responsible for our OWN empowerment, happiness and joy!
But how do we stop the longing…?
How do we alleviate the pain of longing and missing a soul mate?
When I work with clients, this topic seems to be the most difficult for mates and twins to come to some sense of peace with.
I have clients who suffer prolonged sadness and even depression when they are no longer in a relationship format with their mates or twin. Many refuse to begin dating again, they are allowing their work life to suffer and they are no longer adding the appropriate energy it takes to move towards their dreams and personal goals. They refuse to move one muscle UNLESS they fulfill their dream of reuniting with (what they think is) their ONE soul mate or twin flame.
But, my loves, (any some hate to hear me say this) we all have FREE CHOICE to choose who we want to be in relationship with or not. Even if your twin or soul mate says that they want to be with you forever, they still have the freedom and right to chose NOT to honor their promise. Actually, some mates and twins enter our lives to lovingly (and at times not so lovingly) teach us that TRUE Unconditional Love cannot be regulated, threatened or demanded to fit in a particular format such as a marriage. But, if you are not living in the present moment and holding on to past promises and your own wishes and desires for the connection, you will not only miss out on the happiness, you will also miss out on the gift that your soul mate or twin flame has brought to you.
You must realize that the emotional pain or longing or missing your mate or twin is essentially self induced. In truth it is your way of not allowing yourself to accept the reality of your situation. Now I did not say LIKE, I said ACCEPT what is actually happening. You have chosen to not move forward due to fear, or an idea or promise that no longer applies to you and your mate NOW.
I'm not judging!!! I'm sharing what I myself struggle with!! I took almost a year to even bring my mind to dating other people, even casually, and this is very sad to me. What I realized is as long we are in a place of REALLY noticing that we are not in relationship with our mate or twin , we keep them away energetically from stepping forward back into your life, if they choose. The Law of Paradox works in the way, that once you have a desire and embody or live out that desire as though it is already given, that desire must be fulfilled. BUT, if it is love, marriage and children that you desire, and it's with a specific person, such as your twin, and they are not currently in the emotional, physical or spiritual vibration to fulfill your desires, but you keeping yourself shut down and pining for one specific man/woman, you are shutting down other potentials partners that can most certainly fulfill your desires.
When I am consulting with a client and they go on endlessly about how much they miss their soul mate or twin flame, I find that is what is really underneath it all is that they desire answers! They are trying to figure out exactly what went wrong so that they can finally make it right, and then they can live happily ever-after. But what they do not understand is that if their mates and twins wanted to work it out, they would! In order to move through the hurt and to the other side, you have to stop looking for someone to blame. Most often, the people I consult feel that they are doing an innocent and loving thing by "figuring it out" and "trying to make it work", but in truth, it's selfish! It is really all about the client not accepting the desires of their twin or soul mate to not continue in the relationship, and they are making their mates and twins responsible for the hurt they feel, responsible for the reason why their lives are a mess.
It is no one's responsibility to make you feel better, that's our own individual journey. It is COMPLETELY self-centered to expect someone else to go against what they want to make another happy. The end result always ends in incredible resentment and seething hatred. This deeply ingrained belief does not fly when you are walking the spiritual path. We must come to a place where we depend on no thing or no one to keep us in a place of security and happiness. Empowerment and unconditional love is all about living your life with courage, truth, passion and no strings attached!
All I'm saying is that it is our own job to soothe our own feelings of betrayal, abandonment, depression, rejection or anger.
When I came to the realization that my twin refused to join me in this beautiful connection that we had, I had to first, let go of the ideas, promises and fantasies that I had to make a life with him. Then I had to give up the almost laughable sense of ENTITLEMENT that I believed I had over what he should be doing with his life. When I realize that the whole point of him coming into my life is to first open my heart, set me on this wonderful spiritual path and to learn what True Love really is, without conditions, I felt a deep sadness for ever placing such emotional demands on my twin. I was able to manage my telepathic "pain" from my twin and let go of the emotional pain from not being with him, by finally facing the truth that he was no longer an active participant in my life and to learn to gradually learn to take responsibility for my own happiness and well being. And these are the two things one must learn in order to truly move through your separation. After all, this is all about our individual evolution of our soul, and being FREE to experience Unconditional Love, the love God intended for us!
Easier said then done? Perhaps.
Get to know Abraham Hicks… And get on the path of changing your vibration:
I got noth'in but love for ya baby,
Hope Beyondkarma
Ext. 05009592