This is my "depressed stance." When you're depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you'll start to feel better. If you're going to get any joy out of being depressed, you've got to stand like this. ~Charles M. Schulz There is power in how we dress, how we stand, how we set our face. Many times when we are to walk into a situation where we may have butterflies in our stomach, our throat parched, it seems no words will come out, we decide to wear red, the power color. We lift our head high, we remain standing. These are all tools we are taught to give us the appearance of confidence even if we don’t really feel it. We can do these things every day as truthfully the world can be quite daunting if we really think about things before we jump into the day. We get up, think about everything that is happening in our lives. We go over in our head the he said/she said confrontations of yesterday that we have no clue how to fix. We agonize over the love relationship that doesn’t seem to communicate the way we would like to communicate. So before we even really finish our tea, our coffee , our cocoa, we go into depressed stance. We wonder why people, our love, our boss, our co workers shy away from us. We don’t understand that perhaps our very aura, our energy is pushing them away. It is difficult. Much as we stage ourselves to go in an interview, we can lift our own thoughts. Meditation, power affirmations, then wearing our favorite outfit, holding our head high, we can find our way back to taking back our own power of our new day. Charlie Brown had it right, just stand up, convince ourselves that we are ready to face the world, how we stand.
Animal totems: Toucan: This is the power of standing up for ourselves. His bright colors bring attention right away. His loud call sounds out over the jungle bringing attention. He is confident as he stands up, lets others know he is alive, he is confident, he is well. Take the medicine of Toucan with us when we feel insecure , feel discouraged
I was off this am as usual. This week is going to be kinda wild for me. Sometimes spirit takes us away from things we love to do, want to do. This week, I will be off on Thursday, Frid and sat during the day but will be on and avaialble in the evenings as usual. may the fairies dance each of us today. love ya , Me, Cherokee, Cidro , Frankie Capone, sugar Fortune cookie T and the sweet Spirit of bob, and bets .