Most people agree that dreams are the mind's way of relieving stress and resolving career, family and love issues. However, there are many people worldwide who believe dreams transcend this world. They believe dreams are but a doorway to another human experience, some even say they've been to another spiritually-charged world neighboring our own 3-D one here on earth! There's a 'silver chord' theory in many North American & Eastern mythologies that appears to bind us to our worldly realm when we dream walk-- a spiritual safety line if you will.
I believe we can also program ourselves for success by harnessing the power of the sleeping mind directly through meditation, music and positive imagery. I believe in deja vu and have had experiences with pre-knowing on several occasions.
I also believe all these things can co-exist and through dreams we can change the course of our life for the better. Find out if it's deja vu or just a really weird dream! Email me here @ Keen or have a reading with me live Monday-Friday mornings, PST!
I love reading for client-friends and take the truth to heart with every unique situation! GET 5 FREE MINUTES WITH EVERY READING OF 10-MINUTES OR MORE!