” I attract those who love me as I love me”
This affirmation is a bit two fold. First its important to make sure that you have a healthy and unconditional love for self…the love that comes from inside, not on validation of another. Secondly its about affirming that you only allow those in, that you only attract those who love and respect you in the same manner. Rather than attracting those who drain you of your time, effort and energy you will find yourself bringing forth those who will love you with out condition, who will love you warts and all. They will not pick and choose those things that want to keep and consider the rest a work in progress. They will not mistreat or disrespect you. They will pick up on the fact that you already have all the love that you need and it was harnessed internally…that you will not and do not allow those to mistreat you because their presence isn’t required in your life unless they prove their worthy of being there. You will not waste your time on those who are intent on taking but rather you will find someone who is able to enhance your life and spread your life in creative directions!