Are you ready for another Pick a Card using "The Angel Tarot"? If you
are new, look at the 3 cards below. Which one is pulling you in? Which
one is giving you a tingling feeling? You may close your eyes and use
your hand across the screen. Just make sure to open them to see your
choice! ;) choose your card:
I chose the middle card...
1 The Magician
Archangel Raziel
You are ready! You have the resources or the ability to manifest them. Life is magical.
are creating magic in your life. You have everything you need to
manifest your desires whether it be career, love, friendships...wherever
you need improvement. You are the creator of your destiny that shall
flourish. Take note to make sure you use this ability wisely. Do not be
overconfident and realize that mistakes can happen, that is why you need
to put your resources into proper planning to achieve your goal. Work
your magic!
7 of Fire
Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground! Choose your battles wisely.
pick or join a fight you can't win. Approach this with intellect and
passion. Be true to yourself and others. Make sure your defense is
solid. Stand up for yourself. Be clear in what you are defending so you
may show others that there is another option or a reasonable outcome.
This card is a stand your ground card. You will be put through a
3 of Air
Great sadness. Take time to heal. The need to forgive yourself or others.
card is normally the 3 of Swords and deals with heartbreak and loss.
Maybe you have had a disagreement with someone you love or maybe they
have passed on. Perhaps you haven't stopped and allowed yourself to
grieve what ails you. Now is the time to do so. You need to let go and
allow yourself time to heal. Remember that life goes on. How the path
ended, can be a new start for your life. All is not lost. You need to
take a break and mend your soul. Take some time alone and meditate or
take a nice hot bath. The path given to you has changed and may lead you
to greater things. If it is due to a death, remind yourself that the
deceased wouldn't want you to sit around and feel sorry for yourself for
the rest of your life. They would want you to get out and live till it
is time to meet again on the other side.