★★ Astrologers Leslie Hale and Astrologernyc ★★
Chatting about ASTROLOGY on Fridays!
We astrologers have a LOT to chat about so we are launching a new TGIF
Astro Chat! Check back every Friday to read about what we
do, how astrology works, what to expect in a reading, dispelling
fallacies about the art and science of astrology, and more. If you have
any comments or suggestions, please leave them in
the comment section. If you would like to get a reading from Leslie
Hale, visit her website at http://www.keen.com/Leslie Hale and if you would like a reading with AstrologerNYC visit www.keen.com/astrologernyc. We hope that you find these chats to be interesting and
This week: Spotlight on AstrologerNYC
Stop by and join the discussions!