Saturn retrograde from your second house of earned income on March 2nd. The next four months may bring challenges or difficulties with finances. You do well budgeting and saving for the future that you may also be working harder for the money. Jupiter goes direct on March 6 and this seems to be a positive time for you to advancing your career and make long-term plans for the future. You may receive a promotion or advancement in the next five months.
Mars retrogrades in your own sign and house so the next 7 weeks could bring a time of challenges with your personal wants and needs. You need to reevaluate what you want for yourself. It could take a lot out of you so time to seek solitude and focus what you want for yourself. You may feel a bit aggressive or pushy with someone close to you on March 2nd.
Financial obligations come on March 10, 13, 26th and 29th. You work hard and this can be a time to pay debts and financial obligations. You do well budgeting and saving for the future.
Venus will enter your fifth house of love and children on March 6th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You also enjoy creative and artistic projects including music, dancing, singing, movies, theater and other creative arts. You also enjoy spending time with children and possibly even enjoying sports and hobbies with them. It is a time when you will enjoy the company of friends and family. You may attend a concert or even find yourself near a bar or club.
The Sun enters your partnership house on March 20th The next four weeks will bring a time for you to build a partnership with someone close including a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may work closely with someone else to further your career or your own personal wants and needs. You may meet someone special at this time could be your future long-term committed partner including business partners. It would be a wonderful time for you to work out any issues or problems.
The new moon on March 1st falls in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks may bring an increase of tasks and project. You may start a exercise program or start eating healthier. The following is supported by the sun and Jupiter which could bring great opportunities your way. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money. I feel this is a positive time for you to advancing your career and even receive a promotion or great connection to make more money. Keep your eyes and ears open as an opportunity may present itself at this time.
The full moon on March 16th falls in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to rest and relax. It's time to get rid of what is unhealthy in your life including bad people and habits. Saturn supports the full moon from your 2nd house of earned income so you seek time for yourself to deal with your finances. You may start a venture to make money in solitude. You may seek financial advice to further your financial security for the future. A business venture may occur on March 18th or you find a new way to make money.
The new moon on March 30th falls in your partnership so the next 2 weeks may bring a time to build a partnership. You could meet someone new or collaborate to further your career and finances. It's ok to ask for help and work with others to move further in life. You may experience some challenges or difficulties in connection to a partner and this could be a time to take care of obligations or work out any issues or problems with the partner. The partner may be someone personnel or profession out that can help you further your career. You seem to do well by making a positive connection and making the right impression to others.
Finances seems to be standing out on March 10 and March 13 and this is a time when you may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money. You work hard for the money and this could be the positive time to budget and save for the future. It's also positive time to discuss financial obligations for the future.
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