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Pick a Card: Angel Tarot for 02/26/14


"Pick a Card" time using "The Angel Tarot"

Using your receptive hand, the one that you use less often, guide it over these 3 cards. Close your eyes if you need to. Which one makes you tingle? Which one is telling you to pick it? That is your chosen card.


I chose the left.

Here are the results:
15 Ego aka 15 The Devil
Archangel Jophiel
A false sense of entrapment. Being overly focused on material things. Negative or fear-based thoughts.
I love this name for "The Devil" card, because it describes it well with "Ego". I don't like how my soul chose this card, but there is a reason. Here is what it could possibly mean. You may feel that you are tied down, but really there is an escape route, you just choose not to use it. You could be full of greed and ignore those around you. Almost as if you were Scrooge. You fear your situation. You are being negative or depressed about it...again entrapment. There is a way out you just have to look at the whole situation and not what you want to see. Analyze your current dilemma and ask yourself, "Is there a way out?" I bet you that there is! Get out while you are able to and put down the negatives.

Page of Air aka Page of Swords
Logical, Honest, Impulsive, Curious
Challenging information. Delays or changes to plans. Truth delievered without tact.
OK I am going to quote from the book for this deck, but it hits the nail on the head:
"You'll likely receive new information that presents a challenge or delays. The message may come from someone who speaks bluntly and without thoughtfulness, but don't take it personally. What's important is the message, not the messenger."
Especially right now, with Mercury Retrograde here for another 2 days, expect communication errors or insensitivity from others. Listen to the message clearly and ignore how it is said, but know what is said. Some may think before speaking. Being open to what the messenger is trying to say, will help dispel confusion.

16 Life Experience aka 16 The Tower
A significant life event. A powerful revelation that leads to change. Time to spread your wings.
Again, a perfect name for "The Tower" with "Life Experience". Now normally this means that a huge disruption will hit your life. Causing chaos and panic. What can be said? Let it happen...just let it go. Learn from this experience and change accordingly. I feel this is mostly suited with finances more than anything. It is just time to buckle down and let this devastation happen, learn from it and try to repair it so it doesn't happen again. Make a plan to avoid a costly failure. We all make mistakes, small and large, but we learn from them. Take a deep breath and move on with a new plan to rebuild and learn.

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