How do we know that the sky is not green and we are all colour-blind? ~Author Unknown
There are no facts, only interpretations. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
The young girl’s eyes looked me right in the eyes. The bright blue eyes were clear, bright, alert, not the sleepy eyes of one that used, or dull with lack of sleep or smarts. She spoke brightly, crisply, quick with her words, so no one would doubt that she spoke the truth. Yet her spirit guides behind her were shaking their heads, mouthing to me not to believe the very words she said to me. The worst part is much of what she said she truly believed to be reality. She had told the stories so long, so much that she had learned in her mind to listen to these words. Yet, the mind is a complicated thing. Our mind adjusts, to fit the situation, can be tricked, this is why we have to learn to listen to spirit, to the heart instead. In fact, we know, even logically , we know that the sky does have green in it. It has yellow, pink, white, even the grey,the black that we hope not to see. So is our lives, the situation we are in. What he/she, the boss, the neighbor might be saying looking right into our face, isn’t always the blue sky we think we see, we hear. These words are not always facts, just interpretations of his/her feelings, thoughts, ideas which may not always be right. This is why we listen to spirit. It may seem impossible, it may be seemingly crazy, wild, but yet there are no facts, just interpretations of life as the one speaking sees it. See the green in the sky, it is there.
Animal totems; Birds: our Bird friends are air element animals. Of course many of them live in or near water, on the ground with earth but most feel most comfortable in the air. Most birds fly high rising with freedom above the storms remembering that from there their sharp eyes can see the green in the sky. Flying above the issues, this totem reminds us to see the problem from all sides even the other person’s not sticking to our own thoughts where we have let our minds wander off to negativity to intrepretations that don’t hold all the facts. Fly like the birds to higher heights of consciousness to see truth.
I am here today from 10 – 11:45 this am. I do so look forward to sharing with each person spirit sends during this time. May the fairies dance around each of us today. love ya, Me, Cherokee, Cidro, Frankiecapone, Sugar Fortune Cookie, T and the sweet spirit of bob and bets.