When all the walls fall down , and the love of your life is gone
When no one can fill that deep cavern of loneliness, and tears just fall like so much rain ......and you think how could I ever have become so broken, when just a short time ago you wondered how could you ever be so very happy.......
Remember one thing you do matter........there is a tiny person inside your skin.......and it is your very best friend.....has always been there with you.
When you fell and cried all the way home as a child that person got you there. When you were embarrassed by the class it was that person who held your head up and maybe even made a joke and made it all okay.
When that first love broke your heart ......it was that person who put on the songs that saved you and held you when you cried......
and now all grown up life sometimes can be more than overwhelming.......but your never alone......You never have been........
Remember the child in you.........sure you have grown and your body is not that small.......but that pure love and innocence is with in you now........
You played and ran thru tall grass, watched the clouds turn into shapes, and discovered many secrets that you still keep with in you today.......Your not alone.......
Love that inner self, and let your outer self be at PEACE .....and CONTINUE on....as we the lovelorn, the ones who have held our hearts in our own hands, have for centuries .....When you give your heart away .....Remember to save a little love for yourself..........
Peace & Love, Helga of Ask Helga