I have a fun reading that can be done in as little as five minutes but can take longer the deeper you want to go.
This is one in which we ask your Higher Self for Wisdom on your Path.
Your Higher Self Knows everything and is willing to talk if you are willing to listen.
When you call me, after we introduce ourselves with a Spirit to Spirit Hello, please let me know that you would like to know "What does my soul need me to hear today".
With that, I will joyfully connect with your Higher Self in Love and see what if any messages there are for you and we will explore the energy of the information for your Growth and Enjoyment as a Spirit here in Human Form having a Joyful Journey.
I can, if you want expand the reading and see if there are any Spirits such as ghosts, guides, angels, ascended masters, or alien intelligence in your presence that may have a message for you.
If you would like this or any other type of reading and energy session please contact me!
Sending you laughter, love, light, and divine blessings bright!
Psychic Healer Bonnie Jean
If I am on a call, please arrange a call. If I am on arrange a call, please do so and I will call you back as soon as I have cleared my energy between clients.