In these tough times why pay more for the advice that you want and need.
Money these days is tight for a lot of people and yet people stil need
help and answers to what is taking place. I charge 1.89 per minute
because I actually care about helping people. If I could do it cheaper I
would. I give you the information that you are looking for as quick as I
You have questions about love, relationship or career. Call now to get the answers. I just offer the truth nothing more or less.
With it being Sunday I will be harder to find. The best places to look for me is under Life Questions or Financial Outlook. It doesn't matter which one you want to use. The price is the same 1.89 per minute.
Call now
800 275 5336 ext 04198712
MBR Psychic
2-9 working now until 1 am if not later
You have questions about love, relationship or career. Call now to get the answers. I just offer the truth nothing more or less.
With it being Sunday I will be harder to find. The best places to look for me is under Life Questions or Financial Outlook. It doesn't matter which one you want to use. The price is the same 1.89 per minute.
Call now
800 275 5336 ext 04198712
MBR Psychic
2-9 working now until 1 am if not later