- Get enough sleep, your sleep will allow to balance your emotions.
- Eat well, fruits veggies and a little protein.
- Get physical activity every day.
- Pray for those who have hurt you and that you are angry at.
- Stop when agitated and doubtful.
- Treat animals with kindness.
- When presented with tasks, do the more difficult one first, it makes the others feel like a breeze.
- Treat everyone the way you want to be treated, respect them.
- Do one small act of kindness a day and tell no one. Do it for someone who needs it, but you normally would not talk to. Congratulations if you are someone who does more.
- When inclined to gossip about someone don’t, just that one time say nothing.
- Don’t give advice, but do listen and comfort. Share your experience only when asked.
- Honesty is the best policy, except when to do so would injure them. Think of how the other person feels before you act.
- Pray every day, even if it is only to say, “I am here”.
- Say ‘thank you’ at the end of the day.
- If you do these every day for 30 days, I promise whatever is bothering you will not be bothering you at the end of the period.
How to Change Your Life in 30 Days!!