This week gets 3 stars for Sagittarius (sun/moon & rising), physical energy and a desire to keep occupied fuel Sagittarius to complete their to-do list this week, particularly from the start up until the 13th when Sagittarius "mellows out". <3 The month has been about home, where it is, and what you need to keep safe that stays there. This trend is present all month for Sagittarius, some of you may be moving out, or unpacking from moving in somewhere new. Like Gemini, the zodiac opposite of Sagittarius, this week is also about releasing things in your past that are holding you back, it's a great week to move forward as it appears we'll all be doing (I'm a Sagittarius Sun). Going to see a sibling or a best friend that ought to be a sibling or a cousin that should be a sibling, are all something that's going to happen this week, so is travel, likely short distance but in some cases further (think 3rd house). Since Mercury went retrograde on the 6th and Mercury rules Sagittarius 7th house, the house of soul mates/partners it is equally possible that you may want to travel to see a romantic partner who has family connection that you met through, this is because the retrograde effects Sag's 4th house (think family/home/re-location). Valentine's Day brings happiness to the Sagittarius, as the 9th house will then be effected (long distance travel/foreign land/law/spirituality/academia), which further leads me to think that many of us will be experiencing a long distance relationship, perhaps with a Gemini? <3 Love is not as exciting this week as last, but Sagittarius is definitely thinking about partnerships this week, in every sense(business/romance/creative). I suggest Sagittarius listen to The Dandy Warhols-Bohemian Like You. Warning, if you opt to watch their music video there are nude Vegans!