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Stuck in a Negative Relationship

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:10 PM Relationship addiction, How do we give up what we know is bad for us. Many of you have experienced the addiction of a relationship that we cannot let go of, even though you know its not good for you, you may be having issues with a partner who is ignoring you until they are in need of some kind of contact with you that is basically only for their own benefit, you jump to their needs and give everything you have got to them, just so you can have what I will refer to as the FIX, This giving can be emotional , financial or physical, there is no thought for yourself, your needs are put totally out of our minds in order to please the source of your ADDICTION, and in the hope that we will get more of the FIXES that we require, each time you see them you get Happy, as though someone has given you a shot of Happy Juice, only to have the withdrawal symptoms and the downer that comes with them, when this person then ignores you you feel if you please them they will eventually want to spend more time with you, and return the compliment of wanting to make YOU happy. It is called by many names, one of these is Unrequited Love, or obsession. What has to be realized is that this has Nothing to do with LOVE, and I have been asked the question many time "Does He/She Love Me?" If this person truly loves you they will make a great attempt at making you happy, when you are Giving everything you have to this person they will appreciate it be Happy that you are making every attempt to make them Happy. Ignoring you and making you wait days or even weeks for some contact does not happen, they WANT to be with you as much as possible, and in this way the relationship is in balance. Everyone knows this is the way it is supposed to be, everyone wants this, but for some reason there is an acceptance of bad treatment from someone that you have an addiction for, you try really hard to walk away, but each day without them is hell. I have had many people in my 40 yrs as a Psychic who have been in this terrible situation, terrible because everything in your life suffers, Job, family, finances and friendships, many friends turn away because they are so sick of hearing how you are going to end the relationship (addiction), and they just don't want to listen anymore, because you never do!! As soon as the text message or phone call comes in you jump straight back into the same pattern of behavior. There is an answer, and I have found that I have helped many to BREAK THE HABIT, this isn't done by giving false hopes that suddenly he/she will turn around and love you with all of their heart and give you all the attention you desire, as an EMPATHIC I can look at the person and be able to tell you what this person is thinking and feeling about you, if there is ANY level of feeling or emotion towards you, and by being honest with NO SUGARCOATING hope to bring a decision from you to make changes and to make every effort to give up the addiction/obsession that if you are not careful, can destroy your life. The first thing that has to be done, as with any addiction, is to CUT ALL CONTACT, this is the hardest thing to do, and it certainly is not something that can be done overnight, it is something that you will find easier the more you stop yourself from doing all the things that the relationship addict does, ie. looking up the facebook activities of their chosen addiction/obsession, doing drive by's of the home of said addiction/obsession, or happening by chance to chat with the friends or relatives of the addiction/obsession, and all the other ways that you can BEAT YOURSELF UP, when you get any indication that they are Lying to you, or making any effort to date or see other people. The less knowledge you have of their activities OF ANY KIND the easier it will be to heal yourself of this Malady, and make no mistake, that's what it is. IT IS NOT LOVE, love is a Happy thing, this is a destructive thing that has been known to RUIN lives. It is the addicts habit to deny that they have a problem, and the sooner you admit this to yourself the sooner you can start to heal, One day at a time, each day you manage to get through without having contact or knowledge of what this person is doing is another day closer to being able to finally leave this negative relationship behind. One of the most common things that is done in an attempt to move on is to do the routine of dating as many people as you can, this sometimes can be more destructive, because if you don't go out on the first date and fall madly in love with him/her, you will be totally disappointed, and will be more likely to run in search of your FIX from contact with your Addiction/obsession, thus taking you back to square one in the process of healing. Giving up any addiction is a painful process, but it is far less painful than the years of suffering that can occur from being in a relationship that constantly brings you PAIN and suffering over and over again, because believe it or not, when you cut the Contact completely its like ripping off a Band aid quickly, hurts like hell for a while, but feels better quickly, if you do it slowly the pain of all those little hairs ripping out of your skin takes a LONG time, and the slower you do it the more it hurts, in some cases the pain goes on and on. Support in the process of this healing has become something that I have become somewhat of an expert in over the years, I can predict in many cases when new Love and Happiness will arrive, and also be able to give guidance in the right places to seek the next best step in the process, when there is hope in your life of new and better things to come it gives strength and determination to succeed, I can help to increase this strength and determination with my guidance. Many years ago I worked on a psychic line in England, I had a person call me that was going through the hell of having his lover leave him, with NO closure or explanation, we talked many times, I lived in the North West of England and he was in London, approx 300 miles away, I was going to London on some business, so told him that I would like to meet him, I took my daughter and he brought his daughter along also, as the four of us made introductions, I was totally shocked as he introduced me to his daughter as ' The Angel who saved his life" apparently he had made the call to the Psychic line, as he sat looking at a bottle of pills which he was going to use to end his life, a newspaper was on the table nearby, he saw the ad, and decided to call, he got me , and I say thank you to the universe that I was able to help this man to carry on and live his life in Happiness, I heard from him recently and was told he got Married last year and is very happy, his daughter gave Birth to a beautiful baby girl, who is the apple of his eye, and he looks to his future with the greatest of Joy, at our meeting that day my daughter cried tears of joy as his daughter gave me the biggest hug imaginable, and thanked me for saving her Fathers life. I truly believe that my gifts have been given to me to help those who are going through the hell of lost love, or unrequited love, or indeed the awful situation of being used or abused and unable to move on and heal, and be cursed with the addiction of needing the FIX of contact with someone who is not returning the attention you deserve. It is not easy to feel the pain that you feel, and as an Empath I do feel your pain, as well as the emotions and feelings of the person you want information about, but this is what I truly feel I have been put here to do, and the Universe gives me the strength to give you the power to have a Happy and contented life. I hope you will give me the opportunity to help you if you are in this awful situation.

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