The week starts off a bit emotional for most of you, though perhaps in some instances that's a good thing. This is the week where closure happens for the remaining cob webs of annoyance/pain/anger/negativity in your past. This week will be "REFRESHING" for you. <3 Aries (sun/moon & rising) are likely to feel that they're reputation is either gaining better or worse reknown, the GOOD news is this should be over tonight (the 29th). Thursday and Friday it's likely you'll be dealing with people from your past, or roots to your past and even "in-laws" in some cases. This weekend you may feel "BLESSED" or...."guilty"-it will depend upon your feelings of "karma" and how good yours IS. Aries are kind people, albeit sometimes very blunt (they're truth seekers), most of you should be feeling "blessed" this weekend in other words. Monday and Tuesday everyone wants a piece of you and your time, looking good will happen without any effort, so will sounding good! The 5th your mind will turn to financial matters, earning, spending or winning are likely. So IS your mental focus being on money $$$. Single Aries fares MORE than well this week, even if it's not reciprocal it sure feels good to meet or know someone that's so.....attractive! (; Coupled Aries will feel a revival of their connection to their partner this week as well. Love is good for the Aries this week, temper your anxiousness to accomplish much this week, you can't make everyone GO when you want, let alone where you want. ): This week gets 4 BIG STARS for Aries! The worst part of the week is the start (the 29th) and the potential to feel that you're dealing with another person that just won't "BACK UP" or off, that will be side stepped with finesse by you Thursday and Friday. I suggest listening to the band Sublime's song "What I Got" this week, keep things in perspective. This week will be good, YOU WILL DO WELL. Be well friends! <3