Although we have a waning Moon, the atmosphere is anything but uneventful. The "Disciplined" Capricorn Moon collaborates with "Outer-world" Neptune in "Dreamy" Pisces
allowing you to combine realistic pursuits with creative endeavors.
Words convey a bit more emotional meaning than usual and under-the-radar
communication makes inner messages clear. Your intuition and
imagination is enhanced under this influence. Music and the arts are a
good way to make the best of this planetary influence. It can help you
cope with any doubts, fears or obstacles that you may experiencing. The "Serious" Capricorn Moon is Opposing Jupiter, and although the Moon seemingly teams-up with Venus in "Goal-Orientated" Capricorn; Venus
is still in retrograde, thus putting a damper on your love-life and
your finances. You may feel restrictions of sorts especially regarding
career, educational aspirations, or an overall hold-up on your plans
for expansion. Tomorrow morning, (Wednesday) may be a
rough start as the Moon goes up against Saturn in "Headstrong" Aries
and Mars in "Inquisitive"
Libra. Indecision and misunderstandings may lurk about. Don't try to swim against the current. The good new is that Venus enters "Visionary" Aquarius on Wednesday night, just in time for the New Moon on Thursday, January 29th! Therefore, it's best to envision what you want for the future rather than try to fix everything in the here and now. Use your imagination to create vivid images & pictures and utilize the hobbies you love. Creative ventures can be the gateway to the garden of prosperity.
Libra. Indecision and misunderstandings may lurk about. Don't try to swim against the current. The good new is that Venus enters "Visionary" Aquarius on Wednesday night, just in time for the New Moon on Thursday, January 29th! Therefore, it's best to envision what you want for the future rather than try to fix everything in the here and now. Use your imagination to create vivid images & pictures and utilize the hobbies you love. Creative ventures can be the gateway to the garden of prosperity.