is for us to decide as individuals. Relationships, jobs, friendships, even family. Are there too many obstacles in the way of happiness? Are you trying to change them? Are they trying to change you? Is it a healthy change or a wanting? Staying in anything not working for too long is detrimental to us as powerful and loving beings. It slows our growth, allows old energies no longer serving us to hang on. Is anything more important than our path and how we feel? Is the other person really good for us? Are you really valued at your job?? Do we dread getting up in the morning??? Are the people around us good for us?? Are we our best selves when in their presence? Is there an equal exchange of energy?? Are we more giving, are they more giving??? These are great questions we can ask ourselves, be honest in answering, get to the depth of what's not working, and begin the change. A lot of things are changing universally. Are the people around you flowing with that change? You clearly are, or you wouldn't still be reading this! It's assessment time. Reevaluate what's around you and embrace the change. It's going to happen whether we go with flow or go kicking and screaming. It can be really exciting if we let it. All this happening right now is for us, a bigger love on all levels, and opening to receive more. Close those doors no longer serving, so the new ones can open.