This week gets 3.49 stars for Cancer (sun/moon & rising) may be having a rough 22nd, BUT only if the 21st was not rough. Either way that's your lone bad day this week, thank goodness! It's over or will be by tomorrow depending on you! <3 Cancers who are having a bad day, are likely encountering the stress by dissecting the issue down to the bones, just remember worrying does nothing, you end up no more prepared for the future than to not worry, you ride yourself of the joys of the present by theorizing over the pitfalls of tomorrow. This week continues to be about work, loads of incoming and out going communications, weeding someone (a specific person) out of your life and your shared resources or assets (this can be children). Those of you feeling pains in your romantic/relationship life will find a solution to your present problem(s) but it appears that's not going to complete itself until the end of the month (i.e.-after this week). Thursday & Friday OR Friday & Saturday you'll be getting what you say you want, so hopefully you've thought this thru! (; Romance is also sparked on those days, which should ease those of you who are currently in disagreement with their partners today (the 22nd) minds. Cancers are also concerned over money and how to make more or stabilize what you have, the month of February should be more beneficial for your finances. Don't throw in the towel in your longest and strongest relationships, this year is about you learning to cultivate your relationships and to control from behind the scenes using patience as your divine weapon. Cancers song of the week: