For those of you who like to read your own cards from time to time, here's a great spread. It's especially useful when you have reached a crossroad and need insight into all of the factors affecting your decisions or future course.Although I rarely read for myself, this is the spread I turn to when I need to figure something out.
There are 10 cards in this spread and they are (loosely) laid out in the shape of an anchor. Card 1 is the first card in the lay-out and card 10 is the last. Cards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 form the base of the anchor, and cards 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 form the upright portion of the anchor. See the diagram just below:
9 10
2 3 4
The meaning of each position in this spread are listed below:
1. General circumstances in my life. What is happening now?
2. What is my current direction?
3. How am I preventing the free flow of my life?
4. What opportunities are currently available to me?
5. Home/family factors.
6. Job/vocational factors.
7. Relationship factors.
8. What should I be more self-aware of?
9. The past
10. The future/possible outcome.