Magical Cleansing Moonwash
This is best done when the moon is at it's apex. Preferably when it is full.
Prepare the Moonwash by steeping the following ingredients in 1 quart of rubbing alcohol or witch hazel:
1/2 oz. Jasmine flowers
1/2 oz. Eucalyptus Bark
1/2 oz. Mugwort
Fast for at least 6 hours, then retire to a quiet and private place.
Apply the Moonwash from the feet up - work on cleansing your mind as you cleanse and purify your body.
Magical Cleansing Sunwash
Prepare your Sunwash in advance by adding the following ingredients to 1 quart rubbing alcohol or witch hazel:
1/2 oz. Chamomile Flowers
1/2 oz.Cinnamon Bark
1/2 oz. Oak Leaves or Bark
Fast for 6 hours before beginning your magickal cleansing - preferably while the sun is high.
Begin at the feet and work your way upwards
Meditate to cleanse your mind as you cleanse your body.