I’m going to explain something important about the intuitive process, at least from a male perspective. I firmly believe that this dynamic I am going to mention in a minute operates the same between both men and women. However, it is a proven fact that women are bettermultitaskers and think more holistically.
I have many, many customers here on Keen. Many of my customers have the same first name. I will often ask you to refresh my memory about what I told you last time and what I said was going to happen. This is not because I want to make sure to say the thing. The situation could have, and many times has, changed. However, I don’t want to be fighting my memory while trying to be intuitive.
One of the things that can pull me out of intuitive mode very quickly,is trying to access my memory. Memory, is a left brain, logical function. If I'm accessing that part of my neurology and it is very difficult to ‘switch gears’ to the more creative, intuitive right brain function.
The best way to get a good reading from me is to have your questions written down before hand and literally give them to me in rapid succession.
Here are a few things to keep in mind: the intuitive mind is very literal; if you ask an nonsense question, you’ll get a nonsense answer.So if you ask a question like, what color is Mickey Mouse’s underwear, you’ll get a nonsense answer. Micky Mouse is an abstract, imaginary character who exists only in mental form.
Don’t make any assumptions. If you’re first question is: “why doesn’t so-and-so love me anymore?” you’re assuming he doesn’t. He could be deeply in love with you but just unable to communicate it effectively. Better questions would be: “how does he feel about me?” and “how can I improve our relationship/draw him closer/motivate him to commit?”
My specialty is helping you understand your man better and I’m very good at it; because I am a man and a psychic with good communication skills. However, I need you, the customer to point me in the right direction during the reading. My top priority is accuracy, not sensationalism. I think we can do without the glamor and hype of how good a psychic I am. I will be much happier if you’re relationship sincerely improves and you get the love and understanding you need. That’s what gives me personal satisfaction as a psychic.
For the female psychics out there who can juggle both memory and intuition simultaneously, my hat is off to you! I can’t and work within more narrow parameters.
So please don’t be offended if I ask you to refresh my memory when we get on the phone. I’m asking you to do that so I can stay in intuitive mode and really help you!