You begin to notice that the things that you are lightly contemplating are flowing easily into your experience.
Because in the light feeling, in the absence of effort feeling, in the light, so light -- maybe because it's unimportant...I haven't been beating the drum of it so I don't have a lot of Momentum going in opposition to it -- but in the lightness of it, the Universe demonstrates it in some obvious way.
In the realization that you're trying, you might wanna stop and say: This trying could be counter-productive.
I'm efforting which means I'm not engaging the energy that creates worlds which means I think I'll just give this another run tomorrow.
And as you do that, and do that, and do that, you're gonna find that effort is not a factor in your experience, and that trying and struggle are not a factor in your experience.
You're going to begin to discover that things that you want lightly come easily.
You say, How can I feel light about something that I've been so intense about for so long?
And we say, By giving it a rest. By giving it a rest. By focusing on some other things for a while. Or by getting as general about it as you can. And things just work out. They just work out.
Funny thing to hear from someone whose teaching you about Deliberate Creation.
Deliberate Creation is about tuning your frequency.
Deliberate Creation is about feeling your emotions and knowing what they're telling you.
Deliberate Creation is about understanding the relationship between Who-You-Really-Are, and what you really want, and what your doing right here and now.
Deliberate Creation is about chilling out so that there's no resistance and THEN focusing. It's about tending to the frequency first and THEN applying the thought.
And you say, but Abraham, you said I think and then I feel.
So, are you actually taking thought back to the element of frequency.
Can you find a frequency without a thought? Can you feel the frequency of love? Now don't get carried away about who you love, or who you loved, or anything like that. Just feel the frequency of love. Can you feel the frequency of love? Can you feel the frequency of enthusiasm? Can you feel the frequency of fun?
So, it's possible to feel a frequency by interpreting through emotion in a sort of thoughtless place. That's all we're asking you to do.
That's the thing to do first thing in the morning. Wake up and enjoy the non-thought. Don't be too quick to try and figure out what this day means and where you have to go and what you have to do.
Just give yourself 68 seconds, if you can, of just basking in the energy.-- in the non-action, non-verbal, even non-thought Vibrational frequency. Just give it a chance and see what happens. And then watch how the thoughts begin to follow suit.
It's our promise to you. Get that Momentum going and you'll be off on the right foot. And as soon as tomorrow, you'll have a day unlike any other day that you've ever had.
We're not kidding you. Give it a month. Give it a month and you'll feel absolute control of your experience.
When people see the difference in the way you feel, they'll say, What are you doing?
And you'll say, It's kind of hard to describe. I'm doing a lot less than I've ever done before.
Well, what do you mean?
Well, I'm focused upon the way that I feel.
Well, what does that mean?
It means I don't wanna talk about this with you anymore. There's a really good chance you're gonna talk me off my high-flying Disc.
What are you smoking?
Well, it's not like that. This is a non-drug high. It's a non-drug Alignment. It's Alignment that has always been there for me that now I'm consciously tapping into. It's Alignment that I've been stumbling on all my life, but I just didn't know how to maintain it, didn't know how to create it to begin with, and didn't know how to maintain it. Now I do, so I'm doing a more consistent job of it. I've got more Momentum going. So, I've got more airtime happening, more Vibrational airtime, more airtime, more attention, more verbal stuff for me about those pipes that I wanna keep open.
What pipes are you talking about?
Well, you see, there's this path of least resistance between me and everything else. And it's a path of least resistance between me and what I want and a path of least resistance between me and what I don't want. And I'm just keeping the pathway open on the things that I care about.
Well, how do you know the difference?
The things I care about, that I really want, feel good to me when I think about them. When I focus upon what I want, it always feels good. When I'm focused in opposition, it never feels good.
Part 2 Continues on next blog: