Most Libra's (sun/moon & rising) are thinking in "worst case scenario's" this week, I believe this is because so many of you are in the process of moving homes, so, that's causing extra/undue stress in addition to what you've already got going on, in a LOT of cases. Exes continue to think about you, they may even reach out on Christmas, or the New Year. Even though you may not want the attention, you're getting more than your fair share of it on Christmas and the day after. Friday thru the weekend money matters are on your mind, you're either banking it, needing it or brain storming how to get it! Some of you may be embroiled in matters tied to your family, dealing with a loved one that's past on, or missing that certain someone that wasn't there for the holidays. This week you start the "new" phase of the "new" year with a "new" mind set. The 30th OR the 31st WATCH your mouth, you like many signs are prone to diarrhea of the mouth to someone, who MAY or may NOT deserve it, either way, you're typically the "nicest" of signs, keep that reputation. <3 Matter tied to the house, property, family and romantic relationships being "offically" over-to the point of "no-return" manifest this week-heavily OR you reconcile this week. Even the single Libra's do well in the romance fort this week, you're attractive, even when you're not "feeling" it. The New Year see's you in love on day one, someone's getting a New Years kiss and chances are they're Y-O-U! Libra song of the week: