Having to talk to so and so will be on the agenda today, so will getting ahead at work, go get them! Today you'll have natural mental energy flowing, it'll be easy to complete all of the task waiting for your special "fortitude". You're also able to keep up with the office "chatter"-being able to bump into others and blend beautifully with the "right words" is what the middle and end of the business week is about. <3 Many of you will have a longer commute then normal, or a lot of errands that require you to travel. That expletive of an ex is still around for some of you, though I've been wishing him away through my horoscopes, for weeks (months really). Anyway, an ex is still present and hoping you'll make everyone you know "like" them again, so that they can carry on with you and "get back together". I advise not doing this, coupled Aries are happy trying new things with their partner this week. To the few of you (only about a 1/3rd) that have a potential new partner and the ex, that you're "juggling" in some manner then this will be the week that gives you the clarity to determine whom you'll be "moving" forward with, if anyone at all. Thursday & Friday women will be on your "level" (if you're a man or a woman). Next Tuesday & Wednesday everyone wants to hang out with you, Mr. Big Stuff (or Misses). This week gets 4 stars, there are no bad days this week my friend! Aries song of the week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOuu88OwdK8