On December 1st it seems to be a time when you may feel a little vulnerable or embarrassed. It could be that you are sensitive to other people's comments and judgments and you may take it the wrong way. It is a time to heal and let go. On December 3rd you are social, active and ready to work hard for the money. It seems to be a time for you to put yourself out there and get work done at home too. The home is highlighted on December 6, 13, 24th and 26th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes at home. It also seems to be a time when you may feel a little drained or depressed and find yourself taking on alcohol or drugs but that's only if you see these substance as a relief. You know its unhealthy for you and you should stay away from it.
Mercury enters your own sign and house on December 4th. The next 3 weeks will make you active and mobile. You are social and outgoing and will get around more. There will be an increase of communication through emails, text messages and phone calls.
Mars will enter your 11th house of friends on December 7th . The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to enjoy the company of friends, groups and organizations. It may also bring arguments with friends. You may have a disagreement with a friend that can create a breakup or disruption. If you can discuss these issues or problems with them then a resolution may occur and everyone can move on. You will also see an increase of invites to special events and parties. It could be that you are putting together your own special event or party. You are more social and outgoing at this time and will do well connected with others. It is not a time for you to be at home but a time for you to be out and about with family and friends. You never know who you may meet.
Venus retrogrades on December 20th from your 2nd house of earned income. Obviously, when Venus is in the 2nd house of income it bring you more money but having it go retrograde can bring some downsides. You may spend more money than expected. You may do it impulsively with not much in return. There may be purchases you later regret. It could be that you are making more money but you are se=pending it as quickly as you make it. Try to converse if possible even though it may be difficult at this time.
The Sun enters your 2nd house of earned income on December 20th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money and to find new ways to build financial security. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you gain through a side venture and bring in more money. It is time for you to plan for your financial future and budget and save for the future. The new moon on December 2nd falls in your own sign and house. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to focus on your wants and needs. People come to you but you may also need to rely on others for help. Uranus supports the new moon from your 5th house of love, children sports, hobbies and recreational activities. It seems to be a time when you may find love or fall in love. You could enjoy the company of children or get involved in a sport or hobby. Neptune square the new moon from your 4th house of home. It seems to be an artistic and creative time for you to decorate around the home. You want to be careful that you do not meet someone new who you are seeing them in rose-colored glasses. You could be too caught up in the cloud of love and romance that you don't see them any other way. Children are also highlighted and this could be a time for you to spend time with children. You may teach music or even dancing or singing lessons. You are social and outgoing and this will be a time to get out and meet people. The full moon on December 17th will fall in your partnership house. The next 2 weeks may end a partnership or relationship. It could be you are working with 2 partners and one of them has to leave or move away. You may be collaborating with a partner to further your career, education, finances or relationships. Communication increases with a partner through emails, text messages and phone calls. I feel this is a great time to look deep into what a partner means to you and start the new year with a fresh outlook on relationships and partnerships. Love and relationships dates for you come on December 10, 25th and 29th. You may find love, fall in love or enjoy a sport or hobby. On December 25th and 29th you may have an argument or disagreement with a partner, lover or child. Finances look great on December 30th and 31st. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money. It's going to be an adventurous month for you to work hard and work with others to get ahead financially. You also seem to be doing well focusing on future plans and they may involved a lover or children. It is a time for you to plan and organize and start the new year focusing on money and success. Psychic Readings $1.89/min 800-275-5336 ext 0234