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Thursday, November 28th Rune of the Day Eolh Reversed


Rune of the Day: Eolh (Reversed)

Eolh reversed is a rune of ill health, of needless sacrifice, of losing communication with the Divine.  This is basically a warning rune when it is reversed, a sign that one is about to experience setbacks. 

Setbacks are a part of life, it is how we respond to them that is important.   Many setbacks can be minimized or even turned around if we look for the cause of the problem instead of just focusing on what is wrong.  

Often it is a lack of communication with the Divine, a not making time for our spiritual side that leads to these setbacks and ill health.  If we are not taking care of ourselves spiritually we are more apt to make poor decisions, these decisions have consequences.

Because Eolh is a rune of warning by paying attention to our spiritual health and really looking at everything going on around us we may be able to minimize or avert the problems headed our way.

This Week's Availability
 Thursday 10am-12pm
Friday 9am-1pm
Saturday 7am-10am & 7pm-12am
Sunday 7pm-3am
Monday 7am-12pm
Tuesday 7pm-3am
Wednesday 7am-12pm

My regular schedule is posted on my page at www.keen.com/Helpful Teresa.  If my scheduled hours do not work for you, please email me for an appointment.  I will do my best to arrange something that works for both of us.

Love and Blessings to us All!

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