For Aries (sun/moon & rising) today and tomorrow continue to be about home, hearth, children and the domestic front in genera, as well as completing and beginning things on your to-do list. This weekend is by far the best part of the week for you, both Saturday and Sunday, some of you will feel this more Sunday and Monday, so if Saturdays not great then hang on for Sunday. <3 This weekend is about you have a "goodtime"-this doesn't mean you'll be accepting all of your invites (people WILL be calling this weekend), but it means that whatever you personally consider to be the "goodtime" is exactly what you'll opt to do and you will enjoy yourself, thoroughly. This is the point in the month where things brighten for those Aries out there, into next month (which, is a sparkling point of the year for Aries (sun/moon & rising). Next year is going to be alot more pleasurable than this one, you've just got to finish up with the finance waves over the next 4-6 weeks and offically kick the d-bag out of your life (if they're still there, most of you have already kicked the soul-sucking person out of your life). This person will be purged by 99.9% of you by New Years, and I'd say more than 3/4ths of you have already cut the ties, those of you that are married/happily, won't be doing this with an ex, but rather a selfish person in your life(could be an adult child for some of you, or someone that like a child). Either way, all Aries (sun/moons & rising) have been exploited by one person throughout the year and that's ending(or already has). Money is en-route in the coming weeks, don't over spend, but be aware that money is coming in early December. This week gets 3 stars, things start to lighten up this weekend and the week doesn't have any red flags, you'll survive and nothing major or terrible will happen. Romance wise, you're looking h-o-t this weekend! <3 Song of the Week for Rams (sun/moon & rising):