It will never be possible by pure reason to arrive at some absolute truth. ~Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy
Truth is rarely writ in ink; it lives in nature. ~Martin H. Fischer
The internet pictures showed the scene. The couple, movie stars, were yelling each other’s face, he had slept with other people, she had problems, so 13 million dollar divorce on the way is splashed across the screen, on the news. Yet this couple lives not far from me. Oh yes, like all couples, everyone has arguments. So some ambitious photographer caught this argument, built up a moment in time, to on paper damage years of hard work in a marriage. This particular couple has no intention of divorcing, or cheating. Reasonably we should be able to believe what is clearly there in that picture, clearly on paper. Even when spirit has told us something different, reason is right there in our face. The job we interviewed at, writes us clearly a letter that someone else was hired for the job. I often tell people how the last “real” job ( my family’s words) I had for a major hospital, the company hired 3 other people before I got the job. Spirit worked. Another client I talked to once, spirit told her she would get the job, but she got a rejection letter anyway. Devastated, she was highly upset. A week later ( this is an absolute true story) she got a call. The assistant had put the wrong address label on the wrong letter. She actually was being offered the position. When we talk to spirit, we can’t always see what spirit sees around that corner, what spirit knows the universe is working on, rather than what we already know. It will never be possible by pure reason to arrive at truth, as it rarely is written in ink, it just lives in nature.
Animal totems; Mockingbird: This totem copies every animal including us! Bro mockingbird never has his own call, own voice, the female lays her eggs in other bird’s old nests. Mockingbird is aggressive, not shy at all. This totem tells us to find our own voice , our own way to live. His medicine tells us to be ourselves, be who we are in truth without giving it to others pushiness
I am here my normal hours today. Remember I am usually off between 1-5. I will try to get to all emails this am so we love each person. May the fairies dace around each of us ya, Me Cherokee, Cidro, Frankiecapone, Sugar Fortune Cookie, T and the sweet spirit of bob and Bets.