Understand the way the universe works...Likes attract likes! if you do not want to be around a person all the time yet you are looking for a relationship...you will attract the same kind of person like you...someone who doesn't want to be around you all the time. You have to become what you want to attract! If you want a relationship with someone who wants and enjoys being around you then you have to be a person that someone wants to enjoy and be around. And in return you need to treat people that way. Likes attract likes!
You control the relationship all the time. If you allow someone to disrespect you then that is what they will do. People who have a high self-esteem and are confident do not allow someone to disrespect them. never give your power away or people will abuse it and you have yourself to blame not the other person. Remember you always control the relationship. A person will do what you allow them to do. And when you do not allow them to cross the boudaries you set then either they learn to respect you or they learn to go away. No one will ever do what you don't allow them to.