There are some key aspects to winning back certain Zodiac signs that work on some but not on others...Keep in mind, if someone is DONE with you, not much can be done to win them back. But, if there is residual feelings there, or the relationship ended due to a heated battle or mistakes made on your part, there is hope....
Aquarius Males: They love to be pampered. But they also like gifts. And if you are trying to get the attention of your ex then review things he's told you about his hobbies, likes, dislikes etc....For instance if he loves campy movies, find one and send it to him with a short (yes, SHORT) note saying, "Found this DVD, "Return of the Killer Tomatoes" at a garage sale and thought of you. Not only will you appeal to his ecclectic taste but you'll put a smile on his face. When you understand him for who he is, it's always appealing to this man. He WILL call you. When he does, don't jump right in and suggest coffee or dinner. Give it a minute. For this man will extend an invite to you now that you've opened the door. He's not that shy.
Aquarius Females; They are ladies and if you are trying to win her heart back then cater to her femininity. Sending flowers, candy or a beautiful trinket will always get her attention. If you messed up make sure the note acknowledges that. It may take more than one offering to get her to listen as she is a bit cautious and isn't easy to win back. She moves slow and will prefer, probably, to talk a bit before extending or accepting an invite. Be sincere. Honesty and truth are the two main qualities she looks for.
PISCES MALE: This one is hard because we have the upstream Pisces and the downstream Pisces. The upstream Pisces can stay angry for a very long time, and yes, he holds a grudge. They will sometimes make you grovel and it can be humiliating. But, if they still feel for you, two or three apologies (not sloppy ones...keep your pride for Goddess sake) should get him to at least listen to you. And when you extend an apology you better have a solution to the issue because he will want to avoid the same things from happening again. He's a bit difficult to deal with because he can be explosive and prone to blurting out "It's over!" when he's angry. If he's done this, and you are tired of waiting for his call, extend a white flag, but don't take responsibility for things you didn't do, he has a way of making people do that lol.
The downstream Pisces, boy is he a lot easier than his counterpart. His heart is always beating and he can be stubborn if he's been wounded. He comes across as proud and arrogant, a bit ego based, at times, but he'll listen to a sincere apology and if tears are involved he'll probably buckle. He doesn't like anyone he cares about to hurt. Writing him a soft, tender email would be best so he may read and reread it. Do not be passive aggressive in this letter, he'll sniff it out in a heartbeat and it will discount all the loving things you said. His keen eye will read between the lines, so I advise you to speak from the heart and let it flow. Don't play games. It will turn him off.
PISCES FEMALE: See the above, as they are extremely similar to their male counterparts with the exception of they are really soft and gushy on the inside and can become quite anxious when there is chaos. They strive for peace and harmony, so don't yell, scream or insult them. They will mirror you, but they really loathe any kind of disharmony. If you are a person riddled with chaos and drama they may enjoy watching you and laugh at the antics, but they really do not like having this in their lives with their partner. For them, this stuff is for entertainment, not for their lovers.
ARIES MALE: He's a worker. He's passionate and firey and he can be a bit of a control freak. He's direct and to the point. He hates long winded people sucking up his time. So if you want to get to him just lay it out on the line. Don't over do it. To open the door you must be confident, sensual and brief. Sending him a note, hand delivered with the words, "I want you..." or "Meet me at....." will most certainly do the trick. Don't ASK this man...TELL him. If it's done in a sexy, delectable way, he won't be able to resist. Droning on and on about how you messed up or how you miss him, won't impress him. He'll listen, but you'll lose him halfway through.
ARIES FEMALE: Gifts, gifts and more gifts. But they need not be expensive. And please nothing sappy like a teddy bear. You can appeal to her sense of humor by sending her one of those dancing daisies that sings "You are my sunshine" or cater to her sweet tooth with a box of truffles. Whatever you send make sure it's something she has mentioned she likes, or something that makes her laugh. Also, do not embarrass her by sending it to work. This is best for private. She likes to be in control, but not when it comes to reconciliation. YOU will have to send the gift, and YOU will have to follow up with a phone call and a verbal apology and invitation to "talk". She may send you a thank you email but it won't say much. So make sure you follow up!
TAURUS MALE: If he still has even a hint of feeling left for you then it's a great possibility an invitation for dinner will do the trick. He likes comfort so make sure it's either his fave restaurant, or your home where he can relax. Stress is not good for this man and neither are long discussions. So if a talk is in order keep it brief, be sincere, speak softly, and make him comfortable. Coming at him with guns blazing won't work. He'll fall silent. He's a flirt, and a lot of people think flirting is what gets you in, but I warn you, he flirts a lot, so flirting won't really work if you're attempting a reconciliation as he is so good with the flirting you won't know if he is playing or seducing you. Just be direct and tell him things got heated, or that he's missed, and you would love to talk, "how about I make you dinner and chill and relax...?" That should do the trick.
TAURUS FEMALE: See above, she enjoys the same things, but she is also very feminine and wants to be treated like a princess. Invite her to dinner to her favorite already on the table when you arrive....a beautiful bottle of wine...and a cozy table away from onlookers. One major tip....if you messed up this relationship you better act fast. If you keep her waiting you'll be rejected pretty quick. She doesn't waste time and if she's kept waiting she may suffer in silence but she won't believe much of what you say to her after 2 weeks time passes. She's probably already looking for the next guy.
GEMINI MALE: Compliments, flirting, enticing him and making him jealous seems to work. But...keep in mind, he's a tit for tat guy and if you make him jealous, then back at ya! He isn't going to allow anyone to play him. But, if you get in the door and you can get his attention with compliments and flirting, then you can get him to pretty much listen to anything you say. He'll make you suffer though and make you wait for his final decision. If you're expecting to sit, talk and reconcile...shakes my head...ain't happening, even if he wants it...He'll make you wait a few days, and while he does, be patient. Don't contact him. If you do he'll make you wait longer. Why? Cuz he can!!!! If his feelings for you are still there, he'll take you back after making you suffer a bit.
GEMINI FEMALE: She loves to be chased. If you messed up, do everything..send flowers, call her and apologize...list what you did wrong...and expect her to outline a few more things you need to change while you're at it lol. She's forgiving, but this woman never forgets and she'll throw in everything you did in 1904. Be prepared to listen to her cut at you in a passive aggressive manner. If, when she finishes, you are still standing and not buckled over, also be prepared to wait for her final decision. But, one thing with this woman, once you stop chasing, and you throw your hands up and move on, she'll turn on her heels and chase you now...just sayin!
CANCER MEN: They are actually big softies and they respond to anything heartfelt. They too, if they still want you, buckle when a woman cries. But don't use this tactic too often or it will be seen as manipulative by him. He likes comfort as well, so homecooked meals, or a midnight walk on the beach can do the trick with this male. He likes to feel appreciated, needed and wanted. Desire is high on his list and he has to feel/believe he is #1. His feelings get hurt easily so if you are going to outline his flaws forget it. You won't win this with him. He'll walk away, wounded and in huff. You need not outline all your flaws either, he isn't interested in making you grovel. He just doesn't want to fight. Make him feel important, and missed and you're in like Flynn.
CANCER FEMALE: Praise, compliments, special treats and gifts, your sole attention focused on her is what wins. She loves love letters. Anything that tells her she's special, appreciated and not taken for granted will work. Don't grovel, but cater to her super fragile ego and you will have her listening to you. She loves being "in love" so it's important to understand she needs "butterflies" in her tummy. She also likes an audience. Sending flowers to her work, or leaving love letters on her windshield will make her swoon. If you can afford sky writing, then do it! lol
LEO MALE: Cater to his ego. Let him know no one, but NO ONE, can take his place. No one can fix your car like he does. No one can BBQ chicken like he does. No one can make love like he does and stroke his vanity. He is masculine in every sense of the word so make him feel like a man and make sure he knows you mean it. Any insincerity will be balked at. He will hate it that you're lying and he will hate it if he feels you're full of it. It will literally tick him off even more. DO NOT INSULT THIS MAN'S INTELLIGENCE. What will happen is he'll smile in your face, then toy with you. And it will turn him off. Seduce him by looking your best, but make sure it's his fave dress on you, his fave perfume you're wearing, and his favorite meal you're carrying to him at work. Otherwise he'll feel you weren't paying attention. His heart is big, so a few passionate kisses, sensual glances and that doe eyed, "I'm sorry" look should get him to listen to you.
LEO WOMAN: She's probably getting over you within the first day of the break up. Only because she HATES to suffer. This is not a woman that listens to compliments as much as everyone thinks. She wants solutions. Like the Aries male, be brief, not long winded. Tell her what you did, apologize for it, give her some space and let her ponder it. Do not raise your voice or you'll hear the dial tone. Make your apology either by inviting her to dinner out at her fave restaurant, OR by telephone. DO NOT TEXT HER, IT'LL PISS HER OFF. She is also prone to love letters where you tell her why she's important and what it is you miss about her. Be original. She too, has a sense of humor, so in the course of your groveling (as she does like others to grovel) make a joke or two. It will shorten your grovel time by half. Give her a gift a week after you got back together. This way your apology continues and she'll believe you're serious.
VIRGO MALE: Hmmmm, what works today, won't work tomorrow. He's constantly changing as he likes different things at different times. Being honest is key with him. But don't be too vulnerable for his critical nature and critique of your apology may leave you a bit raw and you'll find yourself wondering why you ever tried if he was going to kick you when you're down. So have a thick skin if you attempt this. My advice for anyone trying to reconcile with a Virgo male is to extend a heartfelt apology through email (your calls, if he's angry, may go to voice mail and leaving a vm when you're nervous will give him pleasure as your voice quakes: BUT...if you DO call him, and he answers....oh then you know he wants you back lol...). Send him the email (not a text), let him mull it over. And then...WAIT...and WAIT...and WAIT some more. When he's ready to talk, he'll call you. Don't keep trying, it will also delay his response. He'll contact you when he's ready. If he wants you back, you won't wait long. If you find it's over a month of waiting, then let it go. He's not anxious to get back together and now he's toying with you. But don't be surprised if he resurfaces in 6 mths to discuss your email. Yeah, I'm not kidding!
VIRGO FEMALE: She's mostly made up of water and heart lol. Calling her, emailing her, texting all works if she still cares. She doesn't like to fight. She hates chaos and she wants to know you care. Tell her how much you do care and how much she's missed. She won't torture you for long. Normally, you won't have to call her. If you two broke up due to a fight, she will take some time to calm down, and probably call you first because she doesn't like limbo. If she isn't calling then it means she's very hurt. If two weeks has gone by you better act fast, because any more time than that and pride sets in and she works on healing. But if she loves you, she'll probably always love you. Don't make the mistake of stepping on her heart too many times because she can walk away when it becomes too much and she won't look back either. This woman is BIG on giving you time limits then only she knows the date. She won't tell them to you but keep in mind you're on her calendar. Also, if she's giving you an ultimatum, "Marry me or we're done!" she's deadly serious. Don't call her bluff.
LIBRA MALE: He ponders and weighs everything. He's one of the hardest to reconcile with because he doesn't commit quickly and if he's ended it, he's pretty sure he wants out. He's very fair and will listen to reason. You need not grovel. State your point clearly. Outline the pro's and con's, and be very warm. He has a tendency of being a bit analytical and cerebral, so cracking into his heart will take a bit of time. But once you do, he's soft, tender and appreciative. Be respectful and don't insult his intelligence. Make your apology and then let him ponder. He won't keep you waiting as long as the Virgo male, but he will make you wait only because he wants to be sure and doesn't want to waste his time or yours with a reconciliation that may not work.
LIBRA FEMALE: She's not interested in you groveling. She wants to hear solutions to problems and how you can work as a team to fix them. She doesn't point blame at others, instead she views everything from an equal and fair measure. She, too, wants to be heard. So she will outline the issues she see's in the relationship and she does want resolution. She is forgiving and she does forget. Once you apologize she is willing to wipe the slate clean. She is very sensitive to others feelings and has no need to embarrass or humiliate you. A small offering of your appreciation (flowers; teddy bears; a car lol) will move things forward as well. She loves sweetness and kindness.
SCORPIO MALE & FEMALE: They are one in the same. They both like sensuality and sexuality. Passion is high on their list. Seduce them, make them feel desired, and cater to their appetite (i.e. sex, food, drink, luxury, whatever it is). They do make you grovel and they do so because they don't trust to readily. Once you've hurt them, they stay a bit wounded and they never forget. But their hearts are big and they can be won over. They don't like limbo either and they are very impatient when there is a problem. They like it cleaned up quickly because usually drama and chaos surround them, so the faster you move to fix it the better. They have many fires to put out, so move quickly. If you don't there is more than one suitor who is smitten with your mate and they move rather quickly. You will have to compete, and don't be surprised if they have a date 10 mins after you've split up. It doesn't mean you are replaced, it means they need to forget (for now). They want to hear you are wrong. They want to hear you are sorry. And they want to hear they own you. They can be very possessive!
SAGGIE MALE: He's a comedian and he loves anything that's fun. If you got this man to commit, you're lucky, as they aren't fond of being tied down. So if he still has feelings for you it will be very easy to get him back as he likes resolution. He's very laid back and won't make you grovel. Won't make you wait. He'll be warm, gracious and fun. Extend invitations to him of something fun and then pepper the day with small talks about the issue. Don't bombard him with anything too heavy, it'll give him a headache. He just wants a drama free life filled with adventure, socializing and peace.
SAGGIE FEMALE: She's a lot like the above referenced, however, she's more cerebral, though she can suffer from A.D.D. She likes apologies that are very, very sincere, warm, and charming. She's not one who's ego you must stroke. Not in the least but you do have to be genuine. She likes things relaxed. Inviting her for coffee or a lunch date is best. Don't have long winded analysis of the situation, just be authentic and genuine. She can sniff out a player and she can also sense someone who is felonious. If you lie to her once she'll never forget it, and you'll be under her watchful eye. Even though her attention span is equal to that of a gnat, she's an excellent researcher, so be on guard, for she probably will dig up any falsehood you may lay on her. She won't berate you, but she will laugh at you.
CAPRICORN MALE: He can be stubborn, and he can be quite cautious. He may wear a stoic face, and it may be icy waters trying to get to him. He will say little and listen much. I advise approaching him much like his earth element counterpart, Virgo. State your case, apologize, extend an invitation to discuss the matter and wait for his response. He is easier to penetrate than the Virgo male that is holding a grudge, and he won't make you wait as long either. In fact, he may meet with you rather quickly, hear you out face to face (he's big on body language), but he may not say much. Afterall, you invited him to this discussion, sooooo discuss. Be very sincere, and be short in your apology, but it MUST come from your heart. He has huge respect for those who take the responsibility when they are wrong. Stay away from emotional outbursts, they make him uncomfortable. Tears won't affect him either. He may feel compassion for your pain, but they won't illicit a response either way.
CAPRICORN FEMALES: They have little if any time to mince words, and they like this direct and to the point. They do like to watch you squirm and will stare at you blankly, giving no indication to how they are feelings, as they are observing you and they probably will question you much like a mother does a child. They can be very firm in what they say and usually the MEAN IT! They, too, listen and may become exasperated if you make excuses. They don't like it when someone is less than forthright, and they may accept a gift or two but it won't sway them. Groveling is what does it. Telling them how much you regret it and how sorry you are, more than one time in more than one encounter with them will make them soften...over time. They are NOT quick to forgive if you've lied, or wounded them. And if you cheated on them....just pack it up. They have zero tolerance for that!
Hope this gives a bit of insight into some of the zodiac signs. But as I said, for something much more in depth, you may want to consult an astrologer on keen with the full name, time of birth, place of birth, and date of birth to get something much more pin point for your love interest.
Blessings, MsLisaM
Aquarius Males: They love to be pampered. But they also like gifts. And if you are trying to get the attention of your ex then review things he's told you about his hobbies, likes, dislikes etc....For instance if he loves campy movies, find one and send it to him with a short (yes, SHORT) note saying, "Found this DVD, "Return of the Killer Tomatoes" at a garage sale and thought of you. Not only will you appeal to his ecclectic taste but you'll put a smile on his face. When you understand him for who he is, it's always appealing to this man. He WILL call you. When he does, don't jump right in and suggest coffee or dinner. Give it a minute. For this man will extend an invite to you now that you've opened the door. He's not that shy.
Aquarius Females; They are ladies and if you are trying to win her heart back then cater to her femininity. Sending flowers, candy or a beautiful trinket will always get her attention. If you messed up make sure the note acknowledges that. It may take more than one offering to get her to listen as she is a bit cautious and isn't easy to win back. She moves slow and will prefer, probably, to talk a bit before extending or accepting an invite. Be sincere. Honesty and truth are the two main qualities she looks for.
PISCES MALE: This one is hard because we have the upstream Pisces and the downstream Pisces. The upstream Pisces can stay angry for a very long time, and yes, he holds a grudge. They will sometimes make you grovel and it can be humiliating. But, if they still feel for you, two or three apologies (not sloppy ones...keep your pride for Goddess sake) should get him to at least listen to you. And when you extend an apology you better have a solution to the issue because he will want to avoid the same things from happening again. He's a bit difficult to deal with because he can be explosive and prone to blurting out "It's over!" when he's angry. If he's done this, and you are tired of waiting for his call, extend a white flag, but don't take responsibility for things you didn't do, he has a way of making people do that lol.
The downstream Pisces, boy is he a lot easier than his counterpart. His heart is always beating and he can be stubborn if he's been wounded. He comes across as proud and arrogant, a bit ego based, at times, but he'll listen to a sincere apology and if tears are involved he'll probably buckle. He doesn't like anyone he cares about to hurt. Writing him a soft, tender email would be best so he may read and reread it. Do not be passive aggressive in this letter, he'll sniff it out in a heartbeat and it will discount all the loving things you said. His keen eye will read between the lines, so I advise you to speak from the heart and let it flow. Don't play games. It will turn him off.
PISCES FEMALE: See the above, as they are extremely similar to their male counterparts with the exception of they are really soft and gushy on the inside and can become quite anxious when there is chaos. They strive for peace and harmony, so don't yell, scream or insult them. They will mirror you, but they really loathe any kind of disharmony. If you are a person riddled with chaos and drama they may enjoy watching you and laugh at the antics, but they really do not like having this in their lives with their partner. For them, this stuff is for entertainment, not for their lovers.
ARIES MALE: He's a worker. He's passionate and firey and he can be a bit of a control freak. He's direct and to the point. He hates long winded people sucking up his time. So if you want to get to him just lay it out on the line. Don't over do it. To open the door you must be confident, sensual and brief. Sending him a note, hand delivered with the words, "I want you..." or "Meet me at....." will most certainly do the trick. Don't ASK this man...TELL him. If it's done in a sexy, delectable way, he won't be able to resist. Droning on and on about how you messed up or how you miss him, won't impress him. He'll listen, but you'll lose him halfway through.
ARIES FEMALE: Gifts, gifts and more gifts. But they need not be expensive. And please nothing sappy like a teddy bear. You can appeal to her sense of humor by sending her one of those dancing daisies that sings "You are my sunshine" or cater to her sweet tooth with a box of truffles. Whatever you send make sure it's something she has mentioned she likes, or something that makes her laugh. Also, do not embarrass her by sending it to work. This is best for private. She likes to be in control, but not when it comes to reconciliation. YOU will have to send the gift, and YOU will have to follow up with a phone call and a verbal apology and invitation to "talk". She may send you a thank you email but it won't say much. So make sure you follow up!
TAURUS MALE: If he still has even a hint of feeling left for you then it's a great possibility an invitation for dinner will do the trick. He likes comfort so make sure it's either his fave restaurant, or your home where he can relax. Stress is not good for this man and neither are long discussions. So if a talk is in order keep it brief, be sincere, speak softly, and make him comfortable. Coming at him with guns blazing won't work. He'll fall silent. He's a flirt, and a lot of people think flirting is what gets you in, but I warn you, he flirts a lot, so flirting won't really work if you're attempting a reconciliation as he is so good with the flirting you won't know if he is playing or seducing you. Just be direct and tell him things got heated, or that he's missed, and you would love to talk, "how about I make you dinner and chill and relax...?" That should do the trick.
TAURUS FEMALE: See above, she enjoys the same things, but she is also very feminine and wants to be treated like a princess. Invite her to dinner to her favorite already on the table when you arrive....a beautiful bottle of wine...and a cozy table away from onlookers. One major tip....if you messed up this relationship you better act fast. If you keep her waiting you'll be rejected pretty quick. She doesn't waste time and if she's kept waiting she may suffer in silence but she won't believe much of what you say to her after 2 weeks time passes. She's probably already looking for the next guy.
GEMINI MALE: Compliments, flirting, enticing him and making him jealous seems to work. But...keep in mind, he's a tit for tat guy and if you make him jealous, then back at ya! He isn't going to allow anyone to play him. But, if you get in the door and you can get his attention with compliments and flirting, then you can get him to pretty much listen to anything you say. He'll make you suffer though and make you wait for his final decision. If you're expecting to sit, talk and reconcile...shakes my head...ain't happening, even if he wants it...He'll make you wait a few days, and while he does, be patient. Don't contact him. If you do he'll make you wait longer. Why? Cuz he can!!!! If his feelings for you are still there, he'll take you back after making you suffer a bit.
GEMINI FEMALE: She loves to be chased. If you messed up, do everything..send flowers, call her and apologize...list what you did wrong...and expect her to outline a few more things you need to change while you're at it lol. She's forgiving, but this woman never forgets and she'll throw in everything you did in 1904. Be prepared to listen to her cut at you in a passive aggressive manner. If, when she finishes, you are still standing and not buckled over, also be prepared to wait for her final decision. But, one thing with this woman, once you stop chasing, and you throw your hands up and move on, she'll turn on her heels and chase you now...just sayin!
CANCER MEN: They are actually big softies and they respond to anything heartfelt. They too, if they still want you, buckle when a woman cries. But don't use this tactic too often or it will be seen as manipulative by him. He likes comfort as well, so homecooked meals, or a midnight walk on the beach can do the trick with this male. He likes to feel appreciated, needed and wanted. Desire is high on his list and he has to feel/believe he is #1. His feelings get hurt easily so if you are going to outline his flaws forget it. You won't win this with him. He'll walk away, wounded and in huff. You need not outline all your flaws either, he isn't interested in making you grovel. He just doesn't want to fight. Make him feel important, and missed and you're in like Flynn.
CANCER FEMALE: Praise, compliments, special treats and gifts, your sole attention focused on her is what wins. She loves love letters. Anything that tells her she's special, appreciated and not taken for granted will work. Don't grovel, but cater to her super fragile ego and you will have her listening to you. She loves being "in love" so it's important to understand she needs "butterflies" in her tummy. She also likes an audience. Sending flowers to her work, or leaving love letters on her windshield will make her swoon. If you can afford sky writing, then do it! lol
LEO MALE: Cater to his ego. Let him know no one, but NO ONE, can take his place. No one can fix your car like he does. No one can BBQ chicken like he does. No one can make love like he does and stroke his vanity. He is masculine in every sense of the word so make him feel like a man and make sure he knows you mean it. Any insincerity will be balked at. He will hate it that you're lying and he will hate it if he feels you're full of it. It will literally tick him off even more. DO NOT INSULT THIS MAN'S INTELLIGENCE. What will happen is he'll smile in your face, then toy with you. And it will turn him off. Seduce him by looking your best, but make sure it's his fave dress on you, his fave perfume you're wearing, and his favorite meal you're carrying to him at work. Otherwise he'll feel you weren't paying attention. His heart is big, so a few passionate kisses, sensual glances and that doe eyed, "I'm sorry" look should get him to listen to you.
LEO WOMAN: She's probably getting over you within the first day of the break up. Only because she HATES to suffer. This is not a woman that listens to compliments as much as everyone thinks. She wants solutions. Like the Aries male, be brief, not long winded. Tell her what you did, apologize for it, give her some space and let her ponder it. Do not raise your voice or you'll hear the dial tone. Make your apology either by inviting her to dinner out at her fave restaurant, OR by telephone. DO NOT TEXT HER, IT'LL PISS HER OFF. She is also prone to love letters where you tell her why she's important and what it is you miss about her. Be original. She too, has a sense of humor, so in the course of your groveling (as she does like others to grovel) make a joke or two. It will shorten your grovel time by half. Give her a gift a week after you got back together. This way your apology continues and she'll believe you're serious.
VIRGO MALE: Hmmmm, what works today, won't work tomorrow. He's constantly changing as he likes different things at different times. Being honest is key with him. But don't be too vulnerable for his critical nature and critique of your apology may leave you a bit raw and you'll find yourself wondering why you ever tried if he was going to kick you when you're down. So have a thick skin if you attempt this. My advice for anyone trying to reconcile with a Virgo male is to extend a heartfelt apology through email (your calls, if he's angry, may go to voice mail and leaving a vm when you're nervous will give him pleasure as your voice quakes: BUT...if you DO call him, and he answers....oh then you know he wants you back lol...). Send him the email (not a text), let him mull it over. And then...WAIT...and WAIT...and WAIT some more. When he's ready to talk, he'll call you. Don't keep trying, it will also delay his response. He'll contact you when he's ready. If he wants you back, you won't wait long. If you find it's over a month of waiting, then let it go. He's not anxious to get back together and now he's toying with you. But don't be surprised if he resurfaces in 6 mths to discuss your email. Yeah, I'm not kidding!
VIRGO FEMALE: She's mostly made up of water and heart lol. Calling her, emailing her, texting all works if she still cares. She doesn't like to fight. She hates chaos and she wants to know you care. Tell her how much you do care and how much she's missed. She won't torture you for long. Normally, you won't have to call her. If you two broke up due to a fight, she will take some time to calm down, and probably call you first because she doesn't like limbo. If she isn't calling then it means she's very hurt. If two weeks has gone by you better act fast, because any more time than that and pride sets in and she works on healing. But if she loves you, she'll probably always love you. Don't make the mistake of stepping on her heart too many times because she can walk away when it becomes too much and she won't look back either. This woman is BIG on giving you time limits then only she knows the date. She won't tell them to you but keep in mind you're on her calendar. Also, if she's giving you an ultimatum, "Marry me or we're done!" she's deadly serious. Don't call her bluff.
LIBRA MALE: He ponders and weighs everything. He's one of the hardest to reconcile with because he doesn't commit quickly and if he's ended it, he's pretty sure he wants out. He's very fair and will listen to reason. You need not grovel. State your point clearly. Outline the pro's and con's, and be very warm. He has a tendency of being a bit analytical and cerebral, so cracking into his heart will take a bit of time. But once you do, he's soft, tender and appreciative. Be respectful and don't insult his intelligence. Make your apology and then let him ponder. He won't keep you waiting as long as the Virgo male, but he will make you wait only because he wants to be sure and doesn't want to waste his time or yours with a reconciliation that may not work.
LIBRA FEMALE: She's not interested in you groveling. She wants to hear solutions to problems and how you can work as a team to fix them. She doesn't point blame at others, instead she views everything from an equal and fair measure. She, too, wants to be heard. So she will outline the issues she see's in the relationship and she does want resolution. She is forgiving and she does forget. Once you apologize she is willing to wipe the slate clean. She is very sensitive to others feelings and has no need to embarrass or humiliate you. A small offering of your appreciation (flowers; teddy bears; a car lol) will move things forward as well. She loves sweetness and kindness.
SCORPIO MALE & FEMALE: They are one in the same. They both like sensuality and sexuality. Passion is high on their list. Seduce them, make them feel desired, and cater to their appetite (i.e. sex, food, drink, luxury, whatever it is). They do make you grovel and they do so because they don't trust to readily. Once you've hurt them, they stay a bit wounded and they never forget. But their hearts are big and they can be won over. They don't like limbo either and they are very impatient when there is a problem. They like it cleaned up quickly because usually drama and chaos surround them, so the faster you move to fix it the better. They have many fires to put out, so move quickly. If you don't there is more than one suitor who is smitten with your mate and they move rather quickly. You will have to compete, and don't be surprised if they have a date 10 mins after you've split up. It doesn't mean you are replaced, it means they need to forget (for now). They want to hear you are wrong. They want to hear you are sorry. And they want to hear they own you. They can be very possessive!
SAGGIE MALE: He's a comedian and he loves anything that's fun. If you got this man to commit, you're lucky, as they aren't fond of being tied down. So if he still has feelings for you it will be very easy to get him back as he likes resolution. He's very laid back and won't make you grovel. Won't make you wait. He'll be warm, gracious and fun. Extend invitations to him of something fun and then pepper the day with small talks about the issue. Don't bombard him with anything too heavy, it'll give him a headache. He just wants a drama free life filled with adventure, socializing and peace.
SAGGIE FEMALE: She's a lot like the above referenced, however, she's more cerebral, though she can suffer from A.D.D. She likes apologies that are very, very sincere, warm, and charming. She's not one who's ego you must stroke. Not in the least but you do have to be genuine. She likes things relaxed. Inviting her for coffee or a lunch date is best. Don't have long winded analysis of the situation, just be authentic and genuine. She can sniff out a player and she can also sense someone who is felonious. If you lie to her once she'll never forget it, and you'll be under her watchful eye. Even though her attention span is equal to that of a gnat, she's an excellent researcher, so be on guard, for she probably will dig up any falsehood you may lay on her. She won't berate you, but she will laugh at you.
CAPRICORN MALE: He can be stubborn, and he can be quite cautious. He may wear a stoic face, and it may be icy waters trying to get to him. He will say little and listen much. I advise approaching him much like his earth element counterpart, Virgo. State your case, apologize, extend an invitation to discuss the matter and wait for his response. He is easier to penetrate than the Virgo male that is holding a grudge, and he won't make you wait as long either. In fact, he may meet with you rather quickly, hear you out face to face (he's big on body language), but he may not say much. Afterall, you invited him to this discussion, sooooo discuss. Be very sincere, and be short in your apology, but it MUST come from your heart. He has huge respect for those who take the responsibility when they are wrong. Stay away from emotional outbursts, they make him uncomfortable. Tears won't affect him either. He may feel compassion for your pain, but they won't illicit a response either way.
CAPRICORN FEMALES: They have little if any time to mince words, and they like this direct and to the point. They do like to watch you squirm and will stare at you blankly, giving no indication to how they are feelings, as they are observing you and they probably will question you much like a mother does a child. They can be very firm in what they say and usually the MEAN IT! They, too, listen and may become exasperated if you make excuses. They don't like it when someone is less than forthright, and they may accept a gift or two but it won't sway them. Groveling is what does it. Telling them how much you regret it and how sorry you are, more than one time in more than one encounter with them will make them soften...over time. They are NOT quick to forgive if you've lied, or wounded them. And if you cheated on them....just pack it up. They have zero tolerance for that!
Hope this gives a bit of insight into some of the zodiac signs. But as I said, for something much more in depth, you may want to consult an astrologer on keen with the full name, time of birth, place of birth, and date of birth to get something much more pin point for your love interest.
Blessings, MsLisaM