Myth: Tarot Cards must be a gift, you should not buy your own tarot cards.
Truth: You most certainly should purchase your own tarot cards. Your decks should be selected based on what you are drawn to, which deck calls out to you, what artwork inspires you, makes you feel good, makes you want to grab the deck off the shelf and open it up before you even get back to your car.........the deck should choose you too!
Myth: You should not read your own tarot cards.
Truth: Tarot was originally developed as a tool for spiritual growth, based on the Qabbalah and the Judeo-Christian Bible and NOT for divinatory usage. Divination using tarot came about because after a time tarot was hidden, esoteric, only religious scholars understood it, therefore, skilled tarot readers did not exist. You actually should read your own cards, and frequently, to develop self-understanding.
Myth: If it comes up in your cards, it will definitely happen.
Truth: If it comes up in your cards it is likely to happen, however, based upon your course of action moving forward, you can change it.
I like to use this example. A man calls me for a reading asking if he is going to get a new job. Up until the time he calls me for a reading, he has been putting his resume out there, networking, etc. I read his cards. I get a strong yes. The timing comes up as about six weeks out.
Reading over. The man decides that since it is in the cards his work is done, he stops aggressively seeking a new job and calls me in seven weeks to tell me he has not been contacted or got any leads on a new position. He changed his course of action and changed the outcome. For a reading to remain "intact", so to speak, you must continue with the same course of action. The reverse is also true, if you do not like the outcome of your reading it is possible to change it.
Here's another example, a woman calls and asks if an ex is going to contact her to reconcile. The cards show a yes, the contact occurs, however, the woman decides that she is going to make it difficult for the man to come back into her life and rejects his initial offers of reconciliation.
The woman calls for a one or two minute check-in for a few weeks on a regular basis and contacts show in the cards and continue to occur, however the woman is not yet ready to accept the man back and continues to say no to his attempts at getting back together. The cards do start to show weakening on the part of the man in attempting to continue contact and the woman is advised that he may give up if no progress is made, yet, the pattern continues.
The woman calls again and asks when contact will occur again (not if). The cards are thrown and the answer is ambivalent, (yes the cards can show ambivalence), the contact looks like it may occur in three to seven days, however, it seems that he is having a hard time deciding if he should risk rejection yet again.
The man does not make the contact, the woman calls for another reading and the cards show that due to her rejecting his initial attempts at reconciliation he has decided to let go. Were the cards wrong? No. The woman's free will changed the ultimate outcome of the situation. In order for her to now reach her goal, if she chooses to do so, she will need to change her behavior and at this point, she may need to initiate contact herself (if she wants to reconcile with this particular man).
Tarot Card readings are not set in stone, at each step along the way your own actions and reactions can change the outcome of any given situation. The best approach to Tarot is to keep you ultimate goals and desires in mind and act accordingly, consulting the cards as to your best course of action in order to achieve those goals and desires when the need arises.
Relationships From All Angles by Brigid Bishop